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Created September 16, 2014 03:16
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Pandoc filter that cleans up internal references to figures and tables.
Pandoc filter that cleans up internal references to figures and tables.
It's an attempt to deal with:
Compile with:
ghc --make pandoc-internalref.hs
and use in pandoc with
--filter [PATH]/pandoc-internalref
module Main where
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Data.List
main = toJSONFilter makeref
makeref :: Inline -> [Inline]
makeref (Link txt ('#':ident, x))
| Just subident <- stripPrefix "fig:" ident = reflink
| Just subident <- stripPrefix "tab:" ident = reflink
where reflink = [Link [RawInline (Format "latex") ("\\ref*{" ++ ident ++ "}")] ("#" ++ ident, x)]
makeref x = [x]
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