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Last active December 4, 2022 06:17
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ECE253 Project Assembler
import sys, re # written by Balaji Venkatesh
DEPTH = 256
DUAL_REG_INSTR = {'LOAD': 0b0000, 'STORE': 0b0010, 'ADD': 0b0100, 'SUB':0b0110, 'NAND': 0b1000,
'VLOAD': 0b1010, 'VADD': 0b1110, 'VSTORE': 0b1100}
BRANCH_INSTR = {'BZ':0b0101, 'BNZ':0b1001, 'BPZ':0b1101}
def assembler(inFilename, outFilename, memFilename): # main assembler
try: # read input file
with open(inFilename, 'r') as inF: assembly =
except OSError as err: error(err)
# upper, split row and col, remove commas/parantheses/comments
assembly = [line.partition(';')[0].strip().split() for line in re.sub(':|,|\(|\)',' ', assembly).upper().splitlines()]
preproc = [] # preprocessed stuff
labels = {} # label list
for lineNum, line in enumerate(assembly): # read labels
firstPass(line, labels, preproc, lineNum) # lineNum is used for error reporting
preproc = [([labels.get(arg, arg) for arg in line[0]],line[1]) for line in preproc]
binary = [0]*DEPTH # binary output
address = 0
for line, lineNum in preproc: # encode! (third pass)
if address > DEPTH: error('Not enough memory for this many instructions', lineNum)
elif line[0] in DUAL_REG_INSTR:
binary[address] = register(line[1]) << 6 | register(line[2]) << 4 | DUAL_REG_INSTR[line[0]]
elif line[0] in BRANCH_INSTR:
binary[address] = immediate(4,line[1]-address-1) << 4 | BRANCH_INSTR[line[0]]
elif line[0] == "ORI":
binary[address] = immediate(5,line[1]) << 3 | 0b111
elif line[0] == "SHIFT":
binary[address] = register(line[1]) << 6 | immediate(3,line[2]) << 3 | 0b011
elif line[0] == "SHIFTL":
binary[address] = register(line[1]) << 6 | immediate(2,line[2]) << 3 | 0b100011
elif line[0] == "SHIFTR":
binary[address] = register(line[1]) << 6 | immediate(2,line[2]) << 3 | 0b000011
elif line[0] == "STOP": binary[address] = 0b00000001
elif line[0] == "NOP": binary[address] = 0b10000001
elif line[0] == "DB": binary[address] = immediate(8, line[1])
elif line[0] == "ORG": address = immediate(8, line[1])-1
else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid instruction "{line[0]}"')
address += 1
except Exception as err: error(err, lineNum)
mem = '// memory data file (do not edit the following line - required for mem load use'\
+'\n// instance=/multicycle/DataMem/b2v_inst/altsyncram_component/mem_data'\
+'\n// format=mti addressradix=h dataradix=h version=1.0 wordsperline=1'
for i in range(256):
out += f'\n{i:02x} : {binary[i]:02x};'.upper()
mem += f'\n{i:02x}: {binary[i]:02x}'.lower()
out += '\n\nEND;\n'
mem += '\n'
with open(outFilename, 'w') as outF: outF.write(out)
with open(memFilename, 'w') as memF: memF.write(mem)
except OSError as err: error(err)
print(f'Success!\n\nCompiled {inFilename} to {outFilename} and {memFilename}\n')
def firstPass(line, labels, preproc, lineNum): # read labels, rem empty lines
if len(line) == 0: return
if line[0] in NAMESPACE: preproc.append((line,lineNum))
else: # we found a label!
if line[0] in labels: error(f'Label "{line[0]}" already exists', lineNum)
labels[line[0]] = len(preproc)
firstPass(line[1:], labels, preproc, lineNum) # continue on the remaining line
def register(k): # register parser
try: return {"K0":0b00,"K1":0b01,"K2":0b10,"K3":0b11,"V0":0b00,"V1":0b01,"V2":0b10,"V3":0b11}[k]
except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid register "{k}"') from None
def immediate(n, imm): # immediate parser: IMMn(j)
try: # deal with bases
imm = str(imm)
if imm.startswith('0B'): i = int(imm.removeprefix('0B'),2)
elif imm.startswith('0X'): i = int(imm.removeprefix('0X'),16)
elif imm.startswith('0'): i = int(imm,8)
else: i = int(imm)
except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid immediate "{imm}"') from None
if n == 3 and i > 0: i = i | 0b100 # IMM3: one's complement
elif n == 3 and i < 0: i = i & 0b011
elif i < 0: i += 2 ** n # two's complement
if(i.bit_length() > n or i < 0): raise ValueError(f'"{imm}" cannot be represented as IMM{n}')
return i
def error(err, lineNum = None): # error reporter
print(f'\n[Error, line {lineNum+1}] {err}\n' if lineNum else f'\n[Error] {err}\n')
if __name__ == '__main__': # commandline argument logic block
if (len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
print('\nusage: python in [out] [mem]\nArguments:\nin: input assembly file (required)'\
+'\nout: output file 1 (default:"data.mid")\nmem: output file 2 (default: out+".mem")\n')
out = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv)>=3 else 'data.mif'
assembler(sys.argv[1], out, sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv)>=4 else out+'.mem')
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