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Self-signed certificate setup for AssumeRoleWithCertificate

As MinIO needs the CN to have the policy name and original mkcert does not support this, download updated mkcert from

Server certs

  1. Generate certificate files
mkcert localhost
  1. Copy generated localhost-key.pem and localhost.pem to certs directory of minio server.
cp -avi localhost-key.pem ~/.minio/certs/private.key
cp -avi localhost.pem ~/.minio/certs/public.crt
  1. Restart or start minio server with environment variable MINIO_IDENTITY_TLS_ENABLE=on.

Client certs

  1. Generate client certificate. Here client1 is the CN
mkcert -client client1
  1. Rename generated certificate files.
mv -vi client1-key.pem client1.key
mv -vi client1.pem client1.crt
  1. Copy certificate files to certs/CAs directory of minio server.
cp -avi client1.key ~/.minio/certs/CAs/client1.key
cp -avi client1.crt ~/.minio/certs/CAs/client1.crt
  1. Restart minio server with environment variable MINIO_IDENTITY_TLS_ENABLE=on.

Create and assign MinIO Policy

  1. Create a new policy JSON into client1-policy.json
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": ""
  1. Add the policy to client1
mc admin policy add myminio client1 client1-policy.json --insecure

Fetch STS credentials using certificate

curl -X POST  --key client1.key --cert client1.crt "https://minio:9000?Action=AssumeRoleWithCertificate&Version=2011-06-15&DurationSeconds=3600" -k
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