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Created May 21, 2018 15:12
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PowerShell script to automate Sysinternals ProcMon filters. ProcMon very powerful and handy in monitoring processes. ProcMon has command line option to load save configuration, but there is no explicit parameter to set parameters. The original author script to pass filter options as parameter in commandline was buggy. Fixed and publishing.
Start-ProcMon uses Powershell to call Process Monitor, a tool from the Sysinternals Suite.
This script adds the functionality of dynamically specifying filters, which allows automation
with a minimal performance impact.
Written by Nick Atkins @Nik_41tkins
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
A process monitor filter specified by a comma seperated string, seperate multiple filters with ;
The number of seconds to monitor the system. Defaults to 60 seconds.
If this switch is specified, no events will be dropped unless specified in a filter.
.PARAMATER ProcMonFolder
Specifies folder that contains procmon.exe. Local directory is assumed if not supplied.
Start-ProcMon -Filter "ProcessName,is,cmd.exe,Exclude;ProcessName,is,explorer.exe,Exclude" `
-Duration 120
function convert-FilterToObj
$FilterObj = @() #Init blank array
#Filters must be seperated by ;
$Filter = $filter.split(';')
$Filter | % {
#Use builtin split method to convert comma seperated string into array
$_ = $_.split(',')
#Checking our array for exactly four objects
if(($_ | measure).count -ne 4)
{return "Error: Filter is not in correct format."}
#Convert filter into an object, remove spaces from Column/Relation
$CurrentFilter = New-Object system.Object
$CurrentFilter | Add-Member noteproperty -Name "Column" -Value $_[0].replace(' ','')
$CurrentFilter | Add-Member noteproperty -Name "Relation" -Value $_[1].replace(' ','')
$CurrentFilter | Add-Member noteproperty -Name "Value" -Value $_[2]
$CurrentFilter | Add-Member noteproperty -Name "Action" -Value $_[3]
#Add current filter to output object
$FilterObj += $CurrentFilter
return $FilterObj
function convert-LargeValues
if($Value.Length -gt 2)
$FirstByte = [string]::Join("",$Value[1..2])
$SecondByte = $Value[0]
$FirstByte = $Value
$SecondByte = 0
return "0x$FirstByte","0x$SecondByte"
function get-ProcmonRunningStatus
#Check if process monitor is currently running
sleep -Seconds 1
if((Get-Process procmon -ea silentlycontinue) -eq $null)
{return "False"}
{return "True"}
function write-ProcmonFilterValue
#Start of filter is 1 declare type as an array of bytes
[Byte[]]$FilterRegkey = "0x1"
#Followed by number of filters
$NumFilters = [convert]::tostring((($FilterObj | measure).count),"16")
#Multiple registry keys can overflow when using largeValues
#A function was created to split these large values into two bytes
$FilterRegKey += (convert-LargeValues -value $NumFilters)
#Two padding bytes
$FilterRegkey += "0x0","0x0"
#Header is written, build filters from friendly strings
$FilterObj | % {
#Check for syntax errors
if($FilterRegkey -match "Error")
#First write column code, and 9c divider
"ProcessName" {$FilterRegKey += "0x75","0x9c"}
"PID" {$FilterRegKey += "0x76","0x9c"}
"Result" {$FilterRegKey += "0x78","0x9c"}
"Detail" {$FilterRegkey += "0x79","0x9c"}
"Duration" {$FilterRegKey += "0x8d","0x9c"}
"ImagePath" {$FilterRegKey += "0x84","0x9c"}
"RelativeTime" {$FilterRegKey += "0x8c","0x9c"}
"CommandLine" {$FilterRegKey += "0x82","0x9c"}
"User" {$FilterRegKey += "0x83","0x9c"}
"Operation" {$FilterRegKey += "0x77","0x9c"}
"ImagePath" {$FilterRegKey += "0x84","0x9c"}
"Session" {$FilterRegKey += "0x85","0x9c"}
"Path" {$FilterRegKey += "0x87","0x9c"}
"TID" {$FilterRegKey += "0x88","0x9c"}
"Duration" {$FilterRegKey += "0x8D","0x9c"}
"TimeOfDay" {$FilterRegKey += "0x8E","0x9c"}
"Version" {$FilterRegKey += "0x91","0x9c"}
"EventClass" {$FilterRegKey += "0x92","0x9c"}
"AuthenticationID" {$FilterRegKey += "0x93","0x9c"}
"Virtualized" {$FilterRegKey += "0x94","0x9c"}
"Integrity" {$FilterRegKey += "0x95","0x9c"}
"Category" {$FilterRegKey += "0x96","0x9c"}
"Parent PID" {$FilterRegKey += "0x97","0x9c"}
"Architecture" {$FilterRegKey += "0x98","0x9c"}
"Sequence" {$FilterRegKey += "0x7A","0x9c"}
"Company" {$FilterRegKey += "0x80","0x9c"}
"Description" {$FilterRegkey += "0x81","0x9c"}
default {
[string]$FilterRegKey = "Error: Check Column values."
#Add two zero bytes padding before comparison
$FilterRegkey += "0x0","0x0"
#Now add Relation byte
"is" {$FilterRegKey += "0x0"}
"isNot" {$FilterRegkey += "0x1"}
"lessThan" {$filterregkey += "0x2"}
"moreThan" {$FilterRegkey += "0x3"}
"endsWith" {$FilterRegkey += "0x5"}
"BeginsWith" {$FilterRegkey += "0x4"}
"Contains" {$FilterRegKEy += "0x6"}
"excludes" {$FilterRegkey += "0x7"}
default {
[string]$FilterRegKey = "Error: Check Relation values."
#Add three zero bytes before Action (Include/Exclude)
$FilterRegKey += "0x0","0x0","0x0"
#Now Include/Exclude
if ($_.Action -match "incl"){$FilterRegkey += "0x1"}
elseif($_.Action -match "excl"){$FilterRegKey += "0x0"}
else{[string]$FilterRegkey = "Error: Check Action Values.";return}
#Add length of <Value> string.
#Length is hex value of (characters * 2(account for nulls) + 2)(account for spacer bytes)
$NumPathChars = [Convert]::tostring(((($_.value.toCharArray() | measure).count * 2) + 2),"16")
$FilterRegKey += (convert-LargeValues -value $NumPathChars)
#Two zero bytes padding
$FilterRegkey += "0x0","0x0"
#Convert string "Value" to binary Ascii array (ie. A = 0x41)
$_.Value.toCharArray() | % {
$FilterRegkey += (convert-largeValues -value ([Convert]::ToString(([char]$_ -as [int]),"16")))
# Current Filter calculated, pad with 10 zero bytes
# Changes made by Balaprasath Rajan - Microsoft.
# The third and fourth byte replaced with $.Value/256 and $_.value/256 for PIDs
$FilterRegkey += "0x0","0x0"
if($_.Column -like "PID" )
$processID = [int]$_.Value
if ($processID -ge 256)
[Byte]$quotient = "0x"+[Convert]::ToString([math]::floor($processID/256), 16)
[Byte]$remainder = "0x"+[Convert]::ToString([math]::floor($processID%256), 16)
$FilterRegkey += $remainder,$quotient
elseif($processID -lt 256)
[Byte]$quotient = "0x0"
[Byte]$remainder = "0x"+[Convert]::ToString([math]::floor($processID%256), 16)
$FilterRegkey += $remainder,$quotient
[Byte]$quotient = "0x0"
[Byte]$remainder = "0x0"
$FilterRegkey += $remainder,$quotient
$FilterRegkey += "0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0"
#Check for syntax errors
if($FilterRegkey -match "Error")
{return ($FilterRegkey | sort | get-unique)}
Write-Output $FilterRegKey
#Set filter
New-ItemProperty "HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\Process Monitor" "FilterRules" -Value $FilterRegKey `
-PropertyType Binary -Force -ErrorVariable SetRegKeyErr | Out-Null
if(($setRegKeyErr | measure).count -ne 0)
{Return "Error: Writing registry failed."}
else{return 0}
#Function used for cleaning up temp files
function cleanup
#CSV file only exists on the last step
$ExistCSV = "False"
if((test-path $tempCSV) -eq $true)
$ExistCSV = "True"
del $tempCSV -Force
del $tempPml -Force
if((Test-Path $TempPML) -eq $true)
{return "Failed to delete temp files." }
elseif($ExistCSV -eq "True" -and ((Test-Path $ExistCSV) -eq $true))
{return "Failed to delete temp files."}
{return 0}
#First check if process monitor is currently running.
if((get-ProcmonRunningStatus) -eq "True")
{return "Error: Process Monitor already running."}
#Check if running as admin
if( -not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(`
[Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
{return "Error: Script must run with Admin rights."}
##Setup running enviroment based on specified paramaters
#Default duration to 60 seconds if not set.
if($Duration -eq 0)
{$Duration = 60}
#If ProcMonFolder ends with a "\", remove
if(($ProcMonFolder[$ProcMonFolder.Length - 1]) -eq '\')
{$ProcMonFolder.Remove((($ProcMonFolder.Length) - 1),1)}
#Include profiling events only if paramater switch set
if($KeepAll.tostring() -ne "True" -and ($Filter.length) -ne 0)
#$Filter += ";EventClass,is,profiling,exclude"
#Set "Drop Filtered Events"
New-ItemProperty "HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\Process Monitor" "DestructiveFilter" `
-Value ("0x1","0x0","0x0","0x0") -PropertyType Binary -Force | out-null
#Convert user input into proper object
if(($Filter.length) -ne 0)
Write-Verbose "Converting user supplied filter into object format."
$FilterObj = convert-FiltertoObj
if($FilterObj -match "Error:")
{return $FilterObj}
Write-Verbose "No filter specified, writing one that will never trigger."
$Filter = "pid,is,AAAAAAA,exclude"
$FilterObj = convert-FiltertoObj
if($FilterObj -match "Error:")
{return $FilterObj}
#Attempt to write filter
Write-Verbose "Attemping to write filter registry value."
$FilterWriteResult = write-ProcmonFilterValue
if($FilterWriteResult -match "Error:")
{return $FilterWriteResult}
#If no directory specified try current folder
if(($ProcMonFolder.Length) -eq 0)
{$ProcMonFolder = "."}
Set-Location $ProcMonFolder
#Cheap way to get a pseudorandom tempfile name with benifit of timestamp
$TempPML = ".\Temp_$FileDate.pml"
$TempCSV = ".\Temp_$FileDate.csv"
#Test for executable
Write-Verbose "Testing for Procmon.exe."
if((Test-Path "$ProcMonfolder\procmon.exe") -eq $false)
{return "Error: Procmon.exe not found.`n"}
#Run procmon backed to file, supress prompts
Write-Verbose "Attempting to start Process Monitor."
start-process -filepath ".\Procmon" -argument "/backingfile $TempPML /quiet /accepteula" `
-WindowStyle Hidden
#Sleep for a number of seconds procmon should run
Write-Verbose "Process Monitor running for $Duration seconds."
Sleep -seconds $Duration
#Gracefully terminate procmon, wait for completion
Start-Process -FilePath ".\procmon" -argument "/terminate /accepteula" -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden
#Verify procmon is stopped
if((get-ProcmonRunningStatus) -eq "True")
$retErr = "Error: Process Monitor already running. Graceful Terminate failed.`n"
if((cleanup) -ne 0)
{$retErr += "Error: Cleanup of temp files failed."}
return $retErr
#Convert PML to CSV
Write-Verbose "Converting native PML to CSV. "
Start-Process -FilePath ".\procmon" -argument "/openlog $TempPml /saveAs $TempCSV /accepteula" `
-Wait -WindowStyle Hidden
#Verify procmon stopped
if((get-ProcmonRunningStatus) -eq "True")
{return "Error: Process Monitor still running. Graceful PML -> CSV conversion failed."}
#Attempt to import the newly converted CSV
$OutputObj = import-csv $TempCSV -ErrorVariable ImportCSVErr
if(($ImportCSVErr | measure).count -ne 0)
{return "Error: Loading converted CSV file failed.`n"}
<#if((cleanup) -ne 0)
{Write-Warning "Final cleanup of temp files failed."}
#Go back from whence we came and return fruits of our labor
return $OutputObj
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