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Last active December 21, 2015 20:39
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Save baldwicc/6362607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PRD: Topframe Hacks for Bb Learn. Customises page titles, sets a frameset-wrapped url of current content page location in the address bar, and customises banner to open in same window.
/* jshint strict: false */
/* global Event, $$ */
* qut-pagetitles
* @author Christopher Baldwin []
* @license Simplified BSD License
* @source []
- set conf.opts with the features to use
- customise options under opts.params
Event.observe(document, 'dom:loaded', function () {
var conf = {
opts: {
use_history_api: true,
modify_banner: true,
custom_frameset_title: true,
params: {
title: {
prefix: 'QUT Bb DEV2',
seperator: ' | '
history: {
frameset: '/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?'
banner: {
elem: $$('#topTabs .brandingImgWrap a')[0],
target: '',
onclick: function () {
var parentdoc = window.parent.document;
* @type {array} an array of frame or iframe elements
var theframes = (function () {
var iframes = parentdoc.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var frames = parentdoc.getElementsByTagName('frame');
return iframes.length ? iframes : frames;
var getTabTabGroupId = function () {
try {
var activeTabLink = $$('#appTabList > tbody > tr > > a')
var tabGroupId = activeTabLink.match(/(tab_tab_group_id=)(_[0-9]+_[0-9]+)/)[2] || '';
return tabGroupId;
} catch (e) {
return '';
var init = function () {
var contentframe = window.parent.frames.content;
var frameset = parent.window;
if (contentframe){
// detect load events on content frame element
Event.observe(contentframe.frameElement, 'load', function () {
// add page title
if (conf.opts.custom_frameset_title) {
frameset.document.title = [
// modify banner
if (conf.opts.modify_banner) {
.observe('click', conf.params.banner.onclick);
// replace history
if (conf.opts.use_history_api && window.history && window.history.replaceState) {
var contentURL = contentframe.location;
var tabGroupId = getTabTabGroupId();
var newpath = conf.params.history.frameset;
if (tabGroupId) {
newpath += 'tab_tab_group_id=' + tabGroupId + '&';
newpath += 'url=' + encodeURIComponent(contentURL.pathname + + contentURL.hash);
frameset.history.replaceState({}, contentframe.document.title, newpath);
<script type="text/javascript" id="qut-topframe-mods">
* JS Hack: qut-pagetitles
* @author Christopher Baldwin []
* @source []
Event.observe(document, "dom:loaded", function() {
var t = {
opts: {
use_history_api: !0,
modify_banner: !0,
custom_frameset_title: !0
params: {
title: {
prefix: "QUT Bb DEV2",
seperator: " | "
history: {
frameset: "/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?"
banner: {
elem: $$("#topTabs .brandingImgWrap a")[0],
target: "",
onclick: function() {
}, e = window.parent.document, a = (function() {
var t = e.getElementsByTagName("iframe"), a = e.getElementsByTagName("frame");
return t.length ? t : a;
}(), function() {
try {
var t = $$("#appTabList > tbody > tr > > a").first().href, e = t.match(/(tab_tab_group_id=)(_[0-9]+_[0-9]+)/)[2] || "";
return e;
} catch (a) {
return "";
}), r = function() {
var e = window.parent.frames.content, r = parent.window;
e && Event.observe(e.frameElement, "load", function() {
if (t.opts.custom_frameset_title && (r.document.title = [ t.params.title.prefix, e.courseTitle, e.document.title ].join(t.params.title.seperator)),
t.opts.modify_banner && t.params.banner.elem.writeAttribute({
}).observe("click", t.params.banner.onclick), t.opts.use_history_api && window.history && window.history.replaceState) {
var n = e.location, o = a(), i = t.params.history.frameset;
o && (i += "tab_tab_group_id=" + o + "&"), i += "url=" + encodeURIComponent(n.pathname + + n.hash),
r.history.replaceState({}, e.document.title, i);
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