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Created January 25, 2024 17:02
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// Bindings that apply to all contexts
"bindings": {
"cmd-f": "workspace::NewSearch",
"cmd-t": "terminal_panel::ToggleFocus"
"context": "Editor && VimControl && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
"-": "project_panel::ToggleFocus",
// put key-bindings here if you want them to work in normal & visual mode
"space w": "workspace::Save",
"space q": "pane::CloseActiveItem",
"space \\": "pane::SplitRight",
"space -": "pane::SplitDown",
"space o": "outline::Toggle",
"space k": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Up"],
"space j": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Down"],
"space h": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Left"],
"space l": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Right"],
"up": "vim::ScrollUp",
"down": "vim::ScrollDown",
// Let's try to use cmd+p for this
// "space p": "file_finder::Toggle",
// Let's try to use the : for this in the editor since
// it's more consistent with vim
// "space space p": "command_palette::Toggle",
"left": "pane::GoBack",
"right": "pane::GoForward",
// Note that this is simpler than the typical vim
// commenting plugin (g c c)
"g c": [
"advance_downwards": false
"g r": "editor::FindAllReferences",
// "cgn" appears to not work in Zed
// "c g n": "search::ReplaceNext",
// Unless Zed ends up supporting a "modal-first" mode,
// probably better off just using the muscle memory
// of cmd+b that can be used in any mode.
// "space b": "project_panel::ToggleFocus",
// Let's just use : to get the command palette. We want this
// to get the file relative path for tests and hopefully at
// some point there is a plugin that can handle testing anyway.
// "space c": "editor::CopyRelativePath",
// Yay, this appears to work here when it does not in vscode
"shift-u": "editor::Redo"
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == normal && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
// put key-bindings here if you want them to work only in normal mode
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == visual && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
// visual, visual line & visual block modes
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == insert && !menu",
"bindings": {
// put key-bindings here if you want them to work in insert mode
"context": "ProjectPanel && not_editing",
"bindings": {
"escape": "project_panel::ToggleFocus",
"enter": "project_panel::Open",
"d": "project_panel::NewDirectory",
"%": "project_panel::NewFile",
"shift-r": "project_panel::Rename",
// These operate differently (which is fine) than in vim in that "marking"
// the "target" always comes last. So you would do "m m" to mark the file
// you want to move, then "m t" again to mark the target directory.
// Copying is the same, with "m c" to mark the file to copy, then "m t"
// to mark the target directory.
"m m": "project_panel::Cut",
"m c": "project_panel::Copy",
"m t": "project_panel::Paste",
// Open in finder
"o": "project_panel::RevealInFinder",
// Directory expansion
"l": "project_panel::ExpandSelectedEntry",
"h": "project_panel::CollapseSelectedEntry",
// Move up and down
"j": "menu::SelectNext",
"k": "menu::SelectPrev",
// After deletion of the last file in a directory we should stay inside
// the current directory, but instead it jumps to the root of the project.
"shift-d": "project_panel::Delete",
// In vim "q f" displays information on a file so tucking these under "q".
// Perhaps a different command makes more sense though.
"q p": "project_panel::CopyPath",
"q r": "project_panel::CopyRelativePath",
// Works when the current selection in the project panel is a directory.
// I think this should also work when the current selection is a file
// on whichever directory that file is in.
"/": "project_panel::NewSearchInDirectory"
// Typically this is used to go up a directory. There is no command to
// go up a directory in Zed though.
// "-": "project_panel::GoUpOneDirectory",
// This is not a thing in Zed at the moment. If it was it would display
// the file preview in the current pane, but would keep the focus on the
// project panel. Moving off that previewed file would close the preview.
// "p": "project_panel::Preview"
"context": "Terminal",
"bindings": {}
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