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Created February 4, 2022 13:55
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run --allow-net
import { ensureDirSync } from "";
import { join } from "";
import pLimit from "";
function readJson(file: string) {
const jsonString = Deno.readTextFileSync(file);
const json = JSON.parse(jsonString);
return json;
function denoCache(file: string) {
return{ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "cache", file] }).status();
async function hasDefaultExport(url: string) {
const code = `import __default from "${url}";`;
const p ={
cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "eval", code],
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "piped",
await p.status();
const stderr = new TextDecoder().decode(await p.stderrOutput());
return stderr.indexOf("does not provide an export named 'default'") === -1;
// start actual code
const limit = pLimit(4);
const __dirname = new URL(".", import.meta.url).pathname;
const dirname = "deno_modules";
const target = join(__dirname, dirname);
const extension = ".ts";
const importMap = await readJson("./import_map.json");
// create all files and update cache
// TODO: handle remove, and compare hash before updating
const entries = Object.entries(importMap.imports).map(([key, value]) =>
limit(async () => {
const name = `${key}${extension}`;
const filepath = join(target, name);
console.log(`processing ${filepath}`);
const withDefault = await hasDefaultExport(value as string);
const source = !withDefault
? `export * from "${value}";
: `export * from "${value}";
import ${key} from "${value}";
export default ${key};
Deno.writeTextFileSync(filepath, source);
await denoCache(filepath);
await Promise.all(entries);
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