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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Constructing a binary search tree from a BST preorder traversel in linear time.
Paulus Schoutsen, Feb 16 2014
import sys
MAX_INT = sys.maxint
MIN_INT = -sys.maxint - 1
class Node(object):
""" Node in a tree. """
def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
def bst_from_preorder(preorder):
""" Creates a binary search tree from a preorder traversal. """
# If an empty list is given, return None
if len(preorder) == 0:
return None
# Integers are immutable objects in Python. To share an int between calls
# a list is being used containing 1 element (the current index).
index_container = [0]
return _bst_from_preorder(preorder, index_container,
def _bst_from_preorder(preorder, index_container, min_val, max_val):
Helper method to construct a binary search tree from a preorder traversal.
# Create the node and increase the current index.
node = Node(preorder[index_container[0]])
index_container[0] += 1
# For both checks, check first if we are not already at the end of preorder
# If the next value is between min_val and node value then it is the
# start of the subtree of the left child.
if index_container[0] < len(preorder) and \
min_val < preorder[index_container[0]] < node.value:
node.left = _bst_from_preorder(preorder, index_container,
min_val, node.value)
# If the next value is between node value and max_val then it is the
# start of the subtree of the right child.
if index_container[0] < len(preorder) and \
node.value < preorder[index_container[0]] < max_val:
node.right = _bst_from_preorder(preorder, index_container,
node.value, max_val)
return node
def iter_inorder(node):
""" Returns a generator that iterates inorder over given tree node. """
if node.left:
for value in iter_inorder(node.left):
yield value
yield node.value
if node.right:
for value in iter_inorder(node.right):
yield value
if __name__ == "__main__":
preorder = [10, 5, 1, 7, 40, 50]
root = bst_from_preorder(preorder)
# Iterating a BST inorder should generate a sorted list.
for el in iter_inorder(root):
print el,
print ":-)"
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