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Created February 2, 2024 15:32
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JointJS: OpenAI Timeline
--<div id="paper-container"></div>
<a target="_blank" href="">
<img id="logo" src="" width="200" height="50"></img>

JointJS: OpenAI Timeline

OpenAI timeline created using a serpentine layout that keeps elements within the width of the window, and a convex hull algorithm that helps add tight outlines around a group of related elements.


A Pen by JointJS on CodePen.


const { dia, shapes: defaultShapes, util, connectors } = joint;
const shapes = { ...defaultShapes };
// Paper
const paperContainer = document.getElementById("paper-container");
const graph = new dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: shapes });
const paper = new dia.Paper({
model: graph,
cellViewNamespace: shapes,
width: "100%",
gridSize: 20,
async: true,
sorting: dia.Paper.sorting.APPROX,
defaultConnector: { name: 'curve' },
defaultConnectionPoint: {
name: 'anchor'
background: {
color: '#fff'
// Color palette
const colors = ['#557ac5','#7593d0','#d9e1f2','#ecf0f9','#b73e66','#2CA58D', '#FEFEFE'];
// Underline hyperlinks on hover
.event-link:hover text {
text-decoration: underline;
const eventMarkup = util.svg`
<rect @selector="dateBackground"/>
<text @selector="date"/>
<path @selector="body"/>
<a class="event-link" @selector="link">
<text @selector="label"/>
class Event extends dia.Element {
defaults() {
return {
type: 'Event',
z: 1,
attrs: {
root: {
magnetSelector: 'body'
body: {
d: 'M 10 0 H calc(w-10) A 10 10 0 0 1 calc(w) 10 V calc(h-30) H 10 A 10 10 0 0 1 0 calc(h-40) V 10 A 10 10 0 0 1 10 0 Z',
strokeWidth: 2,
rx: 5,
ry: 5,
fill: colors[1],
stroke: colors[0],
label: {
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
fontSize: 15,
x: 'calc(w/2)',
y: 'calc(h/2 - 15)',
textAnchor: 'middle',
textVerticalAnchor: 'middle',
lineHeight: 24,
textWrap: {
width: -10,
height: null
fill: colors[6],
date: {
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
fontSize: 14,
x: 'calc(w - 30)',
y: 'calc(h - 15)',
textAnchor: 'middle',
textVerticalAnchor: 'middle',
fill: colors[5]
dateBackground: {
width: 60,
height: 40,
x: 'calc(w - 60)',
y: 'calc(h - 40)',
stroke: colors[2],
fill: colors[6],
strokeWidth: 1,
rx: 10,
ry: 10
link: {
xlinkShow: 'new',
cursor: 'pointer'
preinitialize() {
this.markup = eventMarkup;
shapes.Event = Event;
function createEvent(text, date, url) {
return new Event({
size: { width: 150, height: 110 },
year: date.getFullYear(),
attrs: {
label: {
date: {
// Format date as "Jan 1"
text: date.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }),
link: {
xlinkHref: url
function createLink(source, target) {
return new shapes.standard.Link({
source: { id: },
target: { id: },
z: 2,
attrs: {
line: {
stroke: colors[4],
strokeWidth: 3,
const events = [
// 2015
// Introducing OpenAI
// December 11, 2015 — Announcements
createEvent('Introducing OpenAI', new Date('12/11/2015'), ''),
// 2016
// OpenAI Gym Beta
// April 27, 2016 — Research
createEvent('OpenAI Gym Beta', new Date('04/27/2016'), ''),
// Universe
// December 5, 2016 — Research
createEvent('Universe', new Date('12/05/2016'), ''),
// 2017
// Proximal Policy Optimization
// July 20, 2017 — Research, Milestones
createEvent('Proximal Policy Optimization', new Date('07/20/2017'), ''),
// Dota 2
// August 11, 2017 — Research, OpenAI Five
createEvent('Dota 2', new Date('08/11/2017'), ''),
// 2018
// Preparing for Malicious Uses of AI
// February 20, 2018 — Research
createEvent('Preparing for Malicious Uses of AI', new Date('02/20/2018'), ''),
// OpenAI Charter
// April 9, 2018 — Announcements, Milestones
createEvent('OpenAI Charter', new Date('04/09/2018'), ''),
// Learning Dexterity
// July 30, 2018 — Research, Milestones
createEvent('Learning Dexterity', new Date('07/30/2018'), ''),
// 2019
// Better Language Models and Their Implications
// February 14, 2019 — Research, Milestones, GPT-2
createEvent('Better Language Models and Their Implications', new Date('02/14/2019'), ''),
// OpenAI LP
// March 11, 2019 — Announcements
createEvent('OpenAI LP', new Date('03/11/2019'), ''),
// OpenAI Five Defeats Dota 2 World Champions
// April 15, 2019 — Research, OpenAI Five
createEvent('OpenAI Five Defeats Dota 2 World Champions', new Date('04/15/2019'), ''),
// MuseNet
// April 25, 2019 — Research, Milestones
createEvent('MuseNet', new Date('04/25/2019'), ''),
// Microsoft Invests In and Partners with
// OpenAI to Support Us Building Beneficial AGI
// July 22, 2019 — Announcements
createEvent('Microsoft Invests In and Partners with OpenAI to Support Us Building Beneficial AGI', new Date('07/22/2019'), ''),
// GPT-2: 6-Month Follow-Up
// August 20, 2019 — Research, GPT-2
createEvent('GPT-2: 6-Month Follow-Up', new Date('08/20/2019'), ''),
// Emergent Tool Use from Multi-Agent Interaction
// September 17, 2019 — Research, Milestones
createEvent('Emergent Tool Use from Multi-Agent Interaction', new Date('09/17/2019'), ''),
// Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand
// October 15, 2019 — Research, Milestones
createEvent('Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand', new Date('10/15/2019'), ''),
// GPT-2: 1.5B Release
// November 5, 2019 — Research, GPT-2
createEvent('GPT-2: 1.5B Release', new Date('11/05/2019'), ''),
// 2020
// Jukebox
// April 30, 2020 — Research, Milestones
createEvent('Jukebox', new Date('04/30/2020'), ''),
// OpenAI API
// June 11, 2020 — API, Announcements
createEvent('OpenAI API', new Date('06/11/2020'), ''),
// 2021
// CLIP: Connecting Text and Images
// January 5, 2021 — Research, Milestones, M
createEvent('CLIP: Connecting Text and Images', new Date('01/05/2021'), ''),
// DALL·E: Creating Images from Text
// January 5, 2021 — Research, Milestones, Multimodal
createEvent('DALL·E: Creating Images from Text', new Date('01/05/2021'), ''),
// Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks
// March 4, 2021 — Research, Milestones, Multimodal
createEvent('Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks', new Date('03/04/2021'), ''),
// OpenAI Codex
// August 10, 2021 — API, Announcements
createEvent('OpenAI Codex', new Date('08/10/2021'), ''),
// 2022
// DALL·E 2
// April 6, 2022 — Research, Multimodal
createEvent('DALL·E 2', new Date('04/06/2022'), ''),
// ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue
// November 30, 2022 — Announcements, Research
createEvent('ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue', new Date('11/30/2022'), ''),
const eventLinks = Array.from({ length: events.length - 1 }).map((_, i) => createLink(events[i], events[i + 1]));
// Make some events bigger.
events[8].resize(150, 120);
events[12].resize(250, 120);
events[19].resize(200, 120);
events[24].resize(200, 120);
graph.addCells([, ...eventLinks]);
function serpentineLayout(graph, elements, options = {}) {
const {
gap = 20,
width = 1000,
rowHeight = 100,
x = 0,
y = 0,
alignRowLastElement = false
} = options;
const linkProps = [];
const elementProps = [];
let currentX = x;
let currentY = y + rowHeight / 2;
let leftToRight = true;
let index = 0;
// Find the links that connect the elements in the order they are in the array.
const links = [];
elements.forEach((el, i) => {
const nextEl = elements[i + 1];
if (!nextEl) return;
const link = graph.getConnectedLinks(el, { outbound: true }).find(l => ===;
if (link) links.push(link);
// Calculate the positions of the elements and the links.
while (index < elements.length) {
const item = elements[index];
const size = item.size();
if (leftToRight) {
if (currentX + size.width > x + width) {
// Not enough space on the right. Move to the next row.
// The current element will be processed in the next iteration.
currentX = x + width;
currentY += rowHeight;
leftToRight = false;
if (index > 0) {
linkProps[index - 1] = {
source: { anchor: { name: 'right' }},
target: { anchor: { name: 'right' }},
if (alignRowLastElement) {
// Adjust the position of the previous element to make sure
// it is aligned with the right edge of the result.
elementProps[elementProps.length - 1].position.x = Math.max(
x + width - elements[elementProps.length - 1].size().width,
} else {
if (currentX - size.width < x) {
// Not enough space on the left. Move to the next row.
// The current element will be processed in the next iteration.
currentX = x;
currentY += rowHeight;
leftToRight = true;
if (index > 0) {
linkProps[index - 1] = {
source: { anchor: { name: 'left' }},
target: { anchor: { name: 'left' }},
if (alignRowLastElement) {
// Adjust the position of the previous element to make sure
// it is aligned with the left side of the result.
elementProps[elementProps.length - 1].position.x = x;
elementProps[index] = {
position: { y: currentY - size.height / 2 },
if (leftToRight) {
elementProps[index].position.x = currentX;
currentX += size.width + gap;
} else {
elementProps[index].position.x = Math.max(currentX - size.width, x);
currentX -= size.width + gap;
// Adjust the link between the current element and the next one.
if (index < links.length) {
if (leftToRight) {
linkProps[index] = {
source: { anchor: { name: 'right' }},
target: { anchor: { name: 'left' }},
} else {
linkProps[index] = {
source: { anchor: { name: 'left' }},
target: { anchor: { name: 'right' }},
// Set the positions of the elements and the links.
elementProps.forEach((props, i) => {
linkProps.forEach((props, i) => {
if (links[i]) {
return currentY;
function createBoundaries(elements) {
const boundaries = [];
let eventsInYear = [];
let currentYear = null;
// Create boundaries for each year.
elements.forEach(el => {
const year = el.get('year');
if (year !== currentYear) {
currentYear = year;
if (eventsInYear.length > 0) {
eventsInYear = [];
function getElementCornerPoints(element, padding = 0) {
const bbox = element.getBBox().inflate(padding);
return [
function createBoundaryPathData(points, radius = 0) {
// The first and the last point are the same.
// Make sure the origin is not at the corner of the boundary
// because the rounded connector will not look good.
const origin = new g.Line(points[0], points[points.length - 1]).midpoint();
return connectors.rounded(origin, origin, points, { radius });
function createBoundary(elements, padding = 20) {
// Find the corner points of all elements.
const points = [];
elements.forEach(el => {
points.push(...getElementCornerPoints(el, padding));
// Add the points of the tab.
let labelPosition;
const [firstElement] = elements;
const [el0topLeft,el0topRight] = points;
const tabHeight = 30;
const tabWidth = 120;
if (firstElement.get('leftToRight')) {
el0topLeft.clone().offset(0, -tabHeight),
el0topLeft.clone().offset(tabWidth, -tabHeight)
labelPosition = el0topLeft.clone().offset(tabWidth / 2, (padding - tabHeight) / 2);
} else {
el0topRight.clone().offset(0, -tabHeight),
el0topRight.clone().offset(-tabWidth, -tabHeight)
labelPosition = el0topRight.clone().offset(-tabWidth / 2, (padding - tabHeight) / 2);
// Find the convex hull of the points.
const convexHullPolyline = new g.Polyline(points).convexHull();
const convexHullPoints = convexHullPolyline.points;
// Make sure the first and the last point are the same.
// Find the boundary points that are does not contain diagonal segments.
const boundaryPoints = [];
convexHullPoints.forEach((p, i) => {
if (i === 0) {
} else {
const prev = boundaryPoints[boundaryPoints.length - 1];
if (prev.x !== p.x && prev.y !== p.y) {
// Make sure that there are no diagonal lines in the boundary.
if (prev.x < p.x && prev.y < p.y || prev.x > p.x && prev.y > p.y) {
boundaryPoints.push({ x: prev.x, y: p.y });
} else {
boundaryPoints.push({ x: p.x, y: prev.y });
if (i !== convexHullPoints.length - 1) {
// Create and return SVG boundary elements.
const vBoundary = V('path').attr({
'fill': colors[3],
'stroke': colors[2],
'stroke-width': 2,
'd': createBoundaryPathData(boundaryPoints, padding)
const vLabel = V('text').attr({
'font-family': 'sans-serif',
'font-size': 20,
'font-weight': 'bold',
'fill': colors[5],
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'x': labelPosition.x,
'y': labelPosition.y,
return [vBoundary.node, vLabel.node];
function layout() {
const x0 = 150;
const y0 = 20;
const yMax = serpentineLayout(graph, events, {
gap: 60,
rowHeight: 200,
x: x0,
y: y0,
width: window.innerWidth - 2 * x0,
alignRowLastElement: true
// render the boundaries under the elements
// resize the paper to fit the content
// enable the horizontal scrollbar if the content is wider than the paper
// Add 130 to make space for JointJS log
paper.setDimensions('100%', yMax + 2 * y0 + 130);
// layout the graph initially and on window resize
window.addEventListener('resize', util.debounce(layout, 100));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
overflow: scroll;
#logo {
position: absolute;
bottom: 20px;
right: 20px;
background-color: #ffffff;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
padding: 5px;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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