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Last active January 19, 2024 14:06
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JointJS: Light and Dark Mode For Diagrams
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JointJS: Light and Dark Mode For Diagrams

How to completely style a diagram in CSS? How to toggle the diagram's light and dark mode? How to design elements and links with bevelled edges? How to keep the link anchor on the element boundary? How to write your own orthogonal router? Check out CodePen.

A Pen by JointJS on CodePen.


const { dia, shapes, highlighters, linkTools } = joint;
// Styles
const unit = 4;
const bevel = 2 * unit;
const spacing = 2 * unit;
const flowSpacing = unit / 2;
const rootEl = document.querySelector(":root");"--flow-spacing", `${flowSpacing}px`);
const fontAttributes = {
fontFamily: "PPFraktionSans, sans-serif",
fontStyle: "normal",
fontSize: 14,
lineHeight: 18
// Paper & Graph
const paperContainer = document.getElementById("canvas");
const graph = new dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: shapes });
const paper = new dia.Paper({
model: graph,
cellViewNamespace: shapes,
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
async: true,
sorting: dia.Paper.sorting.APPROX,
background: { color: "transparent" },
snapLabels: true,
clickThreshold: 10,
interactive: {
linkMove: false
gridSize: 5,
defaultConnectionPoint: {
name: "boundary",
args: {
offset: spacing,
extrapolate: true
defaultRouter: { name: "rightAngle", args: { margin: unit * 7 } },
defaultConnector: {
name: "straight",
args: { cornerType: "line", cornerPreserveAspectRatio: true }
} // bevelled path
// Flowchart content
function createStart(x, y, text) {
return new shapes.standard.Rectangle({
position: { x: x + 10, y: y + 5 },
size: { width: 80, height: 50 },
z: 1,
attrs: {
body: {
class: "jj-start-body",
rx: 25,
ry: 25
label: {
class: "jj-start-text",
fontSize: fontAttributes.fontSize * 1.4,
fontWeight: "bold",
function createStep(x, y, text) {
return new shapes.standard.Path({
position: { x, y },
size: { width: 100, height: 60 },
z: 1,
attrs: {
body: {
class: "jj-step-body",
d: `M 0 ${bevel} ${bevel} 0 calc(w-${bevel}) 0 calc(w) ${bevel} calc(w) calc(h-${bevel}) calc(w-${bevel}) calc(h) ${bevel} calc(h) 0 calc(h-${bevel}) Z`
label: {
class: "jj-step-text",
textWrap: {
width: -spacing,
height: -spacing
function createDecision(x, y, text) {
return new shapes.standard.Path({
position: { x: x - 30, y: y - 10 },
size: { width: 160, height: 80 },
z: 1,
attrs: {
body: {
class: "jj-decision-body",
"M 0 calc(0.5 * h) calc(0.5 * w) 0 calc(w) calc(0.5 * h) calc(0.5 * w) calc(h) Z"
label: {
class: "jj-decision-text",
function createFlow(
sourceAnchor = "right",
targetAnchor = "left"
) {
return new shapes.standard.Link({
source: { id:, anchor: { name: sourceAnchor } },
target: { id:, anchor: { name: targetAnchor } },
z: 2,
attrs: {
line: {
class: "jj-flow-line",
targetMarker: {
class: "jj-flow-arrowhead",
d: `M 0 0 L ${2 * unit} ${unit} L ${2 * unit} -${unit} Z`
// The `outline` path is added to the `standard.Link` below in `markup``
// We want to keep the `wrapper` path to do its original job,
// which is the hit testing
outline: {
class: "jj-flow-outline",
connection: true
markup: [
tagName: "path",
selector: "wrapper",
attributes: {
fill: "none",
cursor: "pointer",
stroke: "transparent",
"stroke-linecap": "round"
tagName: "path",
selector: "outline",
attributes: {
fill: "none",
"pointer-events": "none"
tagName: "path",
selector: "line",
attributes: {
fill: "none",
"pointer-events": "none"
defaultLabel: {
attrs: {
labelBody: {
class: "jj-flow-label-body",
ref: "labelText",
d: `
M calc(x-${spacing}) calc(y-${spacing})
m 0 ${bevel} l ${bevel} -${bevel}
h calc(w+${2 * (spacing - bevel)}) l ${bevel} ${bevel}
v calc(h+${2 * (spacing - bevel)}) l -${bevel} ${bevel}
H calc(x-${spacing - bevel}) l -${bevel} -${bevel} Z
labelText: {
class: "jj-flow-label-text",
textAnchor: "middle",
textVerticalAnchor: "middle",
fontStyle: "italic"
markup: [
tagName: "path",
selector: "labelBody"
tagName: "text",
selector: "labelText"
const start = createStart(50, 40, "Start");
const addToCart = createStep(200, 40, "Add to Cart");
const checkoutItems = createStep(350, 40, "Checkout Items");
const addShippingInfo = createStep(500, 40, "Add Shipping Info");
const addPaymentInfo = createStep(500, 140, "Add Payment Info");
const validPayment = createDecision(500, 250, "Valid Payment?");
const presentErrorMessage = createStep(750, 250, "Present Error Message");
const sendOrderToWarehouse = createStep(200, 250, "Send Order to Warehouse");
const packOrder = createStep(200, 350, "Pack Order");
const qualityCheck = createDecision(200, 460, "Quality Check?");
const shipItemsToCustomer = createStep(500, 460, "Ship Items to Customer");
createFlow(start, addToCart, "right", "left"),
createFlow(addToCart, checkoutItems, "right", "left"),
createFlow(checkoutItems, addShippingInfo, "right", "left"),
createFlow(addShippingInfo, addPaymentInfo, "bottom", "top"),
createFlow(addPaymentInfo, validPayment, "bottom", "top"),
createFlow(validPayment, presentErrorMessage, "right", "left").labels([
{ attrs: { labelText: { text: "No" } } }
createFlow(presentErrorMessage, addPaymentInfo, "top", "right").vertices([
{ x: 800, y: 170 }
createFlow(validPayment, sendOrderToWarehouse, "left", "right").labels([
{ attrs: { labelText: { text: "Yes" } } }
createFlow(sendOrderToWarehouse, packOrder, "bottom", "top"),
createFlow(packOrder, qualityCheck, "bottom", "top"),
createFlow(qualityCheck, shipItemsToCustomer, "right", "left").labels([
{ attrs: { labelText: { text: "Ok" } } }
createFlow(qualityCheck, sendOrderToWarehouse, "left", "left")
.labels([{ attrs: { labelText: { text: "Not Ok" } } }])
{ x: 100, y: 490 },
{ x: 100, y: 280 }
// Automatically scale the content to fit the paper.
const graphBBox = graph.getBBox();
function transformToFitContent() {
padding: 30,
contentArea: graphBBox,
verticalAlign: "middle",
horizontalAlign: "middle"
window.addEventListener("resize", () => transformToFitContent());
// Theme switcher.
() => {
// Add a frame around the element when the mouse enters the element.
const { mask: MaskHighlighter, stroke: StrokeHighlighter } = highlighters;
paper.on("cell:mouseenter", (cellView, evt) => {
let selector, padding;
if (cellView.model.isLink()) {
if (StrokeHighlighter.get(cellView, "selection")) return;
// In case of a link, the frame is added around the label.
selector = { label: 0, selector: "labelBody" };
padding = unit / 2;
} else {
selector = "body";
padding = unit;
const frame = MaskHighlighter.add(cellView, selector, "frame", {
layer: dia.Paper.Layers.FRONT,
attrs: {
"stroke-width": 1.5,
"stroke-linejoin": "round"
paper.on("cell:mouseleave", (cellView) => {
MaskHighlighter.removeAll(paper, "frame");
paper.on("link:pointerclick", (cellView) => {
const snapAnchor = function (coords, endView) {
const bbox = endView.model.getBBox();
// Find the closest point on the bbox border.
const point = bbox.pointNearestToPoint(coords);
const center =;
// Snap the point to the center of the bbox if it's close enough.
const snapRadius = 10;
if (Math.abs(point.x - center.x) < snapRadius) {
point.x = center.x;
if (Math.abs(point.y - center.y) < snapRadius) {
point.y = center.y;
return point;
const toolsView = new dia.ToolsView({
tools: [
new linkTools.TargetAnchor({
snap: snapAnchor,
resetAnchor: cellView.model.prop(["target", "anchor"])
new linkTools.SourceAnchor({
snap: snapAnchor,
resetAnchor: cellView.model.prop(["source", "anchor"])
// Add copy of the link <path> element behind the link.
// The selection link frame should be behind all elements and links.
const strokeHighlighter = StrokeHighlighter.add(
layer: dia.Paper.Layers.BACK
paper.on("blank:pointerdown", () => {
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:root {
/* JointJS Palette */
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--jj-color2: #131e29;
--jj-color3: #dde6ed;
--jj-color4: #f6f740;
--jj-color5: #0075f2;
--jj-color6: #1a2938;
--jj-color7: #cad8e3;
/* Dark Theme */
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--step-fill-color: var(--jj-color2);
--step-text-color: var(--jj-color3);
--decision-stroke-color: var(--jj-color3);
--decision-fill-color: var(--jj-color2);
--decision-text-color: var(--jj-color3);
--start-stroke-color: var(--jj-color1);
--start-fill-color: var(--jj-color2);
--start-text-color: var(--jj-color1);
--flow-stroke-color: var(--jj-color1);
--flow-label-stroke-color: var(--jj-color2);
--flow-label-fill-color: var(--jj-color1);
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--background-color: var(--jj-color2);
--switch-color: var(--jj-color3);
--switch-background-color: var(--jj-color1);
--logo-color: var(--jj-color3);
/* Light Theme */
.light-theme {
--step-stroke-color: var(--jj-color1);
--step-fill-color: var(--jj-color3);
--step-text-color: var(--jj-color2);
--decision-stroke-color: var(--jj-color2);
--decision-fill-color: var(--jj-color3);
--decision-text-color: var(--jj-color2);
--start-stroke-color: var(--jj-color1);
--start-fill-color: var(--jj-color3);
--start-text-color: var(--jj-color1);
--flow-stroke-color: var(--jj-color1);
--flow-label-stroke-color: var(--jj-color3);
--flow-label-fill-color: var(--jj-color1);
--flow-label-text-color: var(--jj-color3);
--flow-selection-color: var(--jj-color7);
--frame-color: var(--jj-color5);
--background-color: var(--jj-color3);
--switch-color: var(--jj-color3);
--switch-background-color: var(--jj-color2);
--logo-color: var(--jj-color2);
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font-weight: 300;
src: url("")
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font-family: "PPFraktionSans";
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 600;
src: url("")
/* Flowchart */
.jj-start-body {
fill: var(--start-fill-color);
stroke: var(--start-stroke-color);
.jj-start-text {
fill: var(--start-text-color);
.jj-step-body {
fill: var(--step-fill-color);
stroke: var(--step-stroke-color);
.jj-step-text {
fill: var(--step-text-color);
.jj-decision-body {
fill: var(--decision-fill-color);
stroke: var(--decision-stroke-color);
stroke-width: 3;
.jj-decision-text {
fill: var(--decision-text-color);
.jj-flow-line {
stroke: var(--flow-stroke-color);
stroke-width: 1;
.jj-flow-outline {
stroke: var(--background-color);
stroke-width: calc(calc(var(--flow-spacing) * 2) + 1px);
.jj-flow-label-body {
stroke: var(--flow-label-stroke-color);
fill: var(--flow-label-fill-color);
stroke-width: calc(var(--flow-spacing));
.jj-flow-label-text {
fill: var(--flow-label-text-color);
.jj-flow-arrowhead {
stroke: var(--flow-stroke-color);
fill: var(--flow-stroke-color);
.jj-frame {
fill: var(--frame-color);
.jj-flow-tools circle {
stroke: var(--frame-color);
fill: var(--background-color);
stroke-width: 2;
.jj-flow-tools rect {
stroke: var(--frame-color);
.jj-flow-selection {
stroke: var(--flow-selection-color);
stroke-width: 20px;
stroke-linejoin: round;
stroke-linecap: round;
vector-effect: none;
/* Canvas */
body {
background: var(--background-color);
#canvas {
position: absolute;
inset: 0 0 0 0;
#logo {
position: absolute;
bottom: 24px;
right: 24px;
fill: var(--logo-color);
/* Theme toggle */
.theme-switch {
width: 70px;
height: 30px;
background: var(--switch-background-color);
border-radius: 50px;
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
right: 16px;
top: 16px;
.switch {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
background: var(--switch-color);
border-radius: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 3px;
left: 4px;
transition: 0.5s all ease;
.light-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
left: 6px;
.dark-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
right: 6px;
.light-theme .theme-switch .switch {
transform: translateX(37px);
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balmas commented Jan 19, 2024

creating a fully functioning index.html

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