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Last active May 1, 2022 08:48
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jwt header update in electroneum (Custom Header For Macro - Body)
import json
import sys
from import PrintWriter
from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IHttpRequestResponse
from burp import IHttpService
from burp import ISessionHandlingAction
import re
#Regex for extracting value of the token from the HTML Body
#Modify this
regex = r"[\w\-?]+\.[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+"
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ISessionHandlingAction):
def getActionName(self):
# return extension name
return 'Custom Header For Macro - Body'
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# set extension name
callbacks.setExtensionName('Custom Header For Macro - Body')
# register for scanner callbacks
# make errors more readable ad required for debugger burp-exceptions
sys.stdout = callbacks.getStdout()
# use PrintWriter for all output
self.stdout = PrintWriter(callbacks.getStdout(), True)
self.stderr = PrintWriter(callbacks.getStdout(), True)
# write a message to output stream
self.stdout.println('Custom Header For Macro - Body')
# keep reference to the callbacks
self.callbacks = callbacks
# obtain extension to the helper object
self.helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()
def performAction(self, baseRequestResponse, macroItems):
# analyse request to be modified
request_details = self.helpers.analyzeRequest(baseRequestResponse)
# get the first response from a macro item
macro_response = self.helpers.analyzeResponse(macroItems[0].getResponse())
self.stdout.println('Loading custom header for Macro complete: By justm0rph3u5')
# extract the token from the macro response
macro_message = macroItems[0].getResponse()
# print(self.helpers.bytesToString(macro_message))
#this part of the code deals with fetching value of HTML Response Body
macro_offset = macro_response.getBodyOffset()
macro_body_value = macro_message[macro_offset:-1]
macro_body_str = self.helpers.bytesToString(macro_body_value)
#Regex checks the value of the Token to be fetched from the html body. Here is was csrf token in the response body. Modify regex and slice it accordingly
matched = re.finditer(regex, macro_body_str, re.MULTILINE)
output = re.finditer(regex, macro_body_str, re.MULTILINE)
for match_obj in output:
# print each re.Match object
# print(match_obj)
# extract each matching number
result =
for matchNum, match_1 in enumerate(matched, start=1):
#change this value of index according to the regex.
#Modify this[7:-1]
# get headers from base request
headers = request_details.getHeaders()
# ref to existing header
head_delete = ''
# Change this value according to the custom header present in the request. So if X-SESSION_ID: xxxxxxxx is the header then change the string to 'X_SESSION_ID'
for header in headers:
if 'Authorization' in header:
head_delete = header
# add new header, some wierd java error may come. please diy
# While adding the new header, kindly change the value to 'X_SESSION_ID', from above example.
headers.add('Authorization: Bearer ' + result) # new_header
# Added New header printing
# get body and add headers
message = baseRequestResponse.getRequest()
body_offset = request_details.getBodyOffset()
message_body = message[body_offset:-1]
# create new message with headers and body
new_message_request = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, message_body)
# Blog to implement this
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