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Last active May 7, 2020 06:39
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Code files mentioned in the paper «Analyzing visibility function with AOFlagger».
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is a strategy configuration file for the AOFlagger RFI
detector by André Offringa (
Created by AOFlagger 2.14.0 (2019-02-14)
<rfi-strategy format-version="3.93" reader-version-required="3.93">
<action type="Strategy">
<action type="SetFlaggingAction">
<action type="ForEachPolarisationBlock">
<action type="ForEachComplexComponentAction">
<action type="IterationBlock">
<action type="SumThresholdAction">
<action type="CombineFlagResults">
<action type="FrequencySelectionAction">
<action type="TimeSelectionAction">
<action type="SetImageAction">
<action type="ChangeResolutionAction">
<action type="HighPassFilterAction">
<action type="VisualizeAction">
<label>Iteration fit</label>
<action type="VisualizeAction">
<label>Iteration residual</label>
<action type="SumThresholdAction">
<action type="VisualizeAction">
<label>Iteration residual</label>
<action type="PlotAction">
<action type="SetFlaggingAction">
<action type="StatisticalFlagAction">
<action type="TimeSelectionAction">
"""Simulation for RFI and Flagged by AO-Flagger
import logging
import sys
import unittest
import astropy.units as u
import numpy
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation
from data_models.polarisation import PolarisationFrame
from rascil.processing_components.simulation.configurations import create_named_configuration
from rascil.processing_components.simulation.noise import addnoise_visibility
from rascil.processing_components.visibility.base import create_visibility, create_blockvisibility, copy_visibility
import os
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
run_ms_tests = False
import casacore
from rascil.processing_components.visibility.base import create_blockvisibility, create_blockvisibility_from_ms
from rascil.processing_components.visibility.base import export_blockvisibility_to_ms
run_ms_tests = True
except ImportError:
"""Functions used to simulate RFI. Developed as part of SP-122/SIM.
The scenario is:
* There is a TV station at a remote location (e.g. Perth), emitting a broadband signal (7MHz) of known power (50kW).
* The emission from the TV station arrives at LOW stations with phase delay and attenuation. Neither of these are
well known but they are probably static.
* The RFI enters LOW stations in a sidelobe of the main beam. Calulations by Fred Dulwich indicate that this
provides attenuation of about 55 - 60dB for a source close to the horizon.
* The RFI enters each LOW station with fixed delay and zero fringe rate (assuming no e.g. ionospheric ducting)
* In tracking a source on the sky, the signal from one station is delayed and fringe-rotated to stop the fringes for one direction on the sky.
* The fringe rotation stops the fringe from a source at the phase tracking centre but phase rotates the RFI, which
now becomes time-variable.
* The correlation data are time- and frequency-averaged over a timescale appropriate for the station field of view.
This averaging decorrelates the RFI signal.
* We want to study the effects of this RFI on statistics of the images: on source and at the pole.
import numpy
from astropy import constants
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from rascil.processing_components.util.array_functions import average_chunks2
from rascil.processing_components.util.coordinate_support import xyz_to_uvw, skycoord_to_lmn, simulate_point
# from processing_components.simulation.rfi import calculate_averaged_correlation, simulate_rfi_block
def simulate_Noise(frequency, times, power=50e3, bchan = None, echan = None, timevariable=False, frequency_variable=False):
""" Calculate Noise sqrt(power) as a function of time and frequency
:param frequency: (sample frequencies)
:param times: sample times (s)
:param power: DTV emitted power W
:param bchan: first channel number
:param echan: last channel number
:return: Complex array [ntimes, nchan]
nchan = len(frequency)
ntimes = len(times)
shape = [ntimes, nchan]
if bchan is None:
bchan = nchan // 4
if echan is None:
echan = nchan // 4 + 3
amp = power / (max(frequency) - min(frequency))
signal = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype='complex')
if timevariable:
if frequency_variable:
sshape = [ntimes, nchan // 2]
signal[:, bchan:echan] += numpy.random.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(amp/2.0), sshape) \
+ 1j * numpy.random.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(amp/2.0), sshape)
sshape = [ntimes]
signal[:, bchan:echan] += numpy.random.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(amp/2.0), sshape) \
+ 1j * numpy.random.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(amp/2.0), sshape)
if frequency_variable:
sshape = [nchan // 2]
signal[:, bchan:echan] += (numpy.random.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(amp/2.0), sshape)
+ 1j * numpy.random.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(amp/2.0), sshape))[numpy.newaxis, ...]
signal[:, bchan:echan] = amp
return signal
def create_propagators(config, interferer, frequency, attenuation=1e-9):
""" Create a set of propagators
:return: Complex array [nants, ntimes]
nchannels = len(frequency)
nants = len(['names'])
interferer_xyz = [interferer.geocentric[0].value, interferer.geocentric[1].value, interferer.geocentric[2].value]
propagators = numpy.zeros([nants, nchannels], dtype='complex')
for iant, ant_xyz in enumerate(
vec = ant_xyz - interferer_xyz
# This ignores the Earth!
r = numpy.sqrt(vec[0] ** 2 + vec[1] ** 2 + vec[2] ** 2)
k = 2.0 * numpy.pi * frequency / constants.c.value
propagators[iant, :] = numpy.exp(- 1.0j * k * r) / r
return propagators * attenuation
def calculate_rfi_at_station(propagators, emitter):
""" Calculate the rfi at each station
:param propagators: [nstations, nchannels]
:param emitter: [ntimes, nchannels]
:return: Complex array [nstations, ntimes, nchannels]
rfi_at_station = emitter[:, numpy.newaxis, ...] * propagators[numpy.newaxis, ...]
rfi_at_station[numpy.abs(rfi_at_station) < 1e-15] = 0.
return rfi_at_station
def calculate_station_correlation_rfi(rfi_at_station):
""" Form the correlation from the rfi at the station
:param rfi_at_station:
:return: Correlation(nant, nants, ntimes, nchan] in Jy
ntimes, nants, nchan = rfi_at_station.shape
correlation = numpy.zeros([ntimes, nants, nants, nchan], dtype='complex')
for itime in range(ntimes):
for chan in range(nchan):
correlation[itime, ..., chan] = numpy.outer(rfi_at_station[itime, :, chan],
numpy.conjugate(rfi_at_station[itime, :, chan]))
correlation1 = correlation[..., numpy.newaxis] * 1e26
return correlation1
def calculate_averaged_correlation(correlation, channel_width, time_width):
""" Average the correlation in time and frequency
:param correlation: Correlation(nant, nants, ntimes, nchan]
:param channel_width: Number of channels to average
:param time_width: Number of integrations to average
wts = numpy.ones(correlation.shape, dtype='float')
return average_chunks2(correlation, wts, (channel_width, time_width))[0]
def simulate_rfi_block(bvis, emitter_location, emitter_power=5e3, attenuation=1.0):
""" Simulate RFI block
:param config: ARL telescope Configuration
:param times: observation times (hour angles)
:param frequency: frequencies
:param phasecentre:
:param emitter_location: EarthLocation of emitter
:param emitter_power: Power of emitter
:param attenuation: Attenuation to be applied to signal
# Calculate the power spectral density of the DTV station: Watts/Hz
emitter = simulate_Noise(bvis.frequency, bvis.time, power=emitter_power, timevariable=False)
# Calculate the propagators for signals from Perth to the stations in low
# These are fixed in time but vary with frequency. The ad hoc attenuation
# is set to produce signal roughly equal to noise at LOW
propagators = create_propagators(bvis.configuration, emitter_location, frequency=bvis.frequency,
# Now calculate the RFI at the stations, based on the emitter and the propagators
rfi_at_station = calculate_rfi_at_station(propagators, emitter)
# Calculate the rfi correlation using the fringe rotation and the rfi at the station
# [ntimes, nants, nants, nchan, npol]['vis'][...] = calculate_station_correlation_rfi(rfi_at_station)
ntimes, nant, _, nchan, npol = bvis.vis.shape
# Observatory Hour angle & Declination
pole = SkyCoord(ra=+0.0 * u.deg, dec=-26.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
# Calculate phasor needed to shift from the phasecentre to the pole
l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(pole, bvis.phasecentre)
k = numpy.array(bvis.frequency) /'m s^-1').value
uvw = bvis.uvw[..., numpy.newaxis] * k
phasor = numpy.ones([ntimes, nant, nant, nchan, npol], dtype='complex')
for chan in range(nchan):
phasor[:, :, :, chan, :] = simulate_point(uvw[..., chan], l, m)[..., numpy.newaxis]
# Now fill this into the BlockVisibility['vis'] =['vis'] * phasor
return bvis
if __name__ == '__main__':
if run_ms_tests == False:
# dir = BASE_DIR+"/results"
# if not os.path.isdir(dir):
# os.mkdir(dir)
msoutfile = "./"
# self.frequency = numpy.linspace(0.8e8, 1.2e8, 5)
# self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([1e7, 1e7, 1e7, 1e7, 1e7])
# self.flux = numpy.array([[100.0], [100.0], [100.0], [100.0], [100.0]])
# self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+15.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
# self.config = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
# self.times = numpy.linspace(-300.0, 300.0, 300) * numpy.pi / 43200.0
# nants =[0]
nchannels = 100
sample_freq = 3e4
channel_bandwith = numpy.full(nchannels, sample_freq)
frequency = 170.5e6 + numpy.arange(nchannels) * sample_freq
emitter_power = 90
attenuation = 2e-5
ntimes = 100
integration_time = 0.5
times = numpy.arange(ntimes) * integration_time
# Perth from Google for the moment
# perth = EarthLocation(lon="115.8605", lat="-31.9505", height=0.0)
observatory = EarthLocation(lon="116.76445", lat="-26.825", height=300.0)
phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=0 * u.deg, dec=-26.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
rmax = 1000.0
# low = create_named_configuration('LOWR3', rmax=rmax)
low = create_named_configuration('ASKAP', rmax=rmax)
# antskip = 33
# =[::antskip]
nants = len(low.names)
vis = create_blockvisibility(low, times, frequency, phasecentre=phasecentre,
weight=1.0, polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'),
# vis = simulate_rfi_block(vis, emitter_location=observatory, emitter_power=5e3, attenuation=2e-5)
vis = simulate_rfi_block(vis, emitter_location=observatory, emitter_power=emitter_power, attenuation=attenuation)
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] != 'rfionly':
vis = addnoise_visibility(vis)
export_blockvisibility_to_ms(msoutfile, [vis], source_name='TEST')
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