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Created September 11, 2012 04:21
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DocPad: Custom Routing
# =================================
# DocPad Events
# Here we can define handlers for events that DocPad fires
# You can find a full listing of events on the DocPad Wiki
# Server Extend
# Used to add our own custom routes to the server before the docpad routes are added
serverExtend: (opts) ->
# Extract the server from the options
{server} = opts
docpad = @docpad
# Include our custom routes
# Our custom routes for our DocPad Server
# Loaded via our require in the serverExtend event in our configuration file
module.exports = ({server,docpad}) ->
# As we are now running in an event,
# ensure we are using the latest copy of the docpad configuraiton
# and fetch our urls from it
config = docpad.getConfig()
oldUrls = or []
newUrl =
# Redirect any requests accessing one of our sites oldUrls to the new site url
server.use (req,res,next) ->
if in oldUrls
res.redirect(newUrl+req.url, 301)
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Gems commented Oct 12, 2013

At the first file you have "routes" module initialization through "require" function that you've passed two arguments in the following order — docpad, server

But at the second file you've defined module that expects parameters in reverse order — server, docpad.

May be I missed something but it is looks like a bug.

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@Gems - thats the advantage of coffee-script object creation / de-structuring. The order doesn't matter. Its just shorthand for creating an object and extracting the values from that object.

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