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Created August 6, 2010 15:31
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Dan Wiersema Ajaxy Upgrade
* Dan Wiersema Ajaxy Upgrade
* @author Benjamin "balupton" Lupton {@link}
* @copyright (c) 2009-2010 Benjamin Arthur Lupton {@link}
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3 {@link}
* Append a Script to the DOM
* @version 1.1.0
* @date July 23, 2010
* @since 1.0.0, June 30, 2010
* @package jquery-sparkle {@link http://www.balupton/projects/jquery-sparkle}
* @author Benjamin "balupton" Lupton {@link}
* @copyright (c) 2009-2010 Benjamin Arthur Lupton {@link}
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3 {@link}
$.appendScript = $.appendScript || function(url, overwrite){
// Check
if ( !(document.body||false) ) {
// Chain
return $;
// Prepare
var id = 'script-'+url.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');;
var $old = $('#'+id);
if ( typeof overwrite === 'undefined' ) {
overwrite = false;
// Check
if ( $old.length === 1 ) {
if ( overwrite ) {
else {
// Chain
return $;
// Create
var bodyEl = document.getElementsByTagName($.browser.safari ? 'head' : 'body')[0];
var scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.type = 'text/javascript';
scriptEl.src = url; = id;
// Chain
return $;
// Our applications code
// Set our Ready Event
var ajaxyReady = function(){
// Fetch Elements
var $body = $(document.body),
$menu = $('#mainnav > ul'),
$content = $('#content');
// Assign Ajaxy Controller
$menu.find('a').addClass('ajaxy ajaxy-page').filter(':first').attr('href','/?home');
// Configure Ajaxy
'options': {
'root_url': '',
'base_url': '',
'redirect': true,
'relative_as_base': false,
'track_all_internal_links': false
'Controllers': {
'_generic': {
request: function(){
// Loading
// Done
return true;
response: function(){
// Prepare
var Ajaxy = $.Ajaxy; var data =; var state = this.state||'unknown';
// Title
var title = data.title||false; // if we have a title in the response JSON
if ( !title && this.state||false ) title = 'Dan Wiersema: '+this.state; // if not use the state as the title
if ( title ) document.title = title; // if we have a new title use it
// Loaded
// Return true
return true;
error: function(){
// Prepare
var Ajaxy = $.Ajaxy; var data =||; var state = this.state||'unknown';
// Error
var error = data.error||data.responseText||false;
var error_message = data.content||error;
// Log what is happening
window.console.error('$.Ajaxy.configure.Controllers._generic.error', [this, arguments], error_message);
// Loaded
// Display State
$('#current').text('Our current state is: ['+state+']');
// Done
return true;
'page': {
selector: '.ajaxy-page',
matches: /./, // match all
request: function(){
// Adjust Menu
// Hide Content
// Return true
return true;
response: function(){
// Prepare
var Ajaxy = $.Ajaxy; var data =; var state = this.state;
// Adjust Menu
// Fetch new content
$responseBody = $(data.body);
$responseContent = $(data.content).find('#content');
// Adjust body css classes
// Show Content
var Action = this;
$content.find('a[href^=/]:not([rel=shadowbox])').addClass('ajaxy ajaxy-page'); // ajaxify links
// Return true
return true;
// Set our Check Event
var ajaxyCheck = function(){
if ( typeof $.Ajaxy === 'undefined' ) {
else {
// Fire our Check Event
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