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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Talk: Ben's Planetarium

Ben's Planetarium

This is a Myplanet Digital specific presentation of this generic talk.

Presentation Video:

  • Why are we here? Myplanet DocPad relationship
    • Most recently InterConnect too
    • Not the whole picture, also Open-Source Evangelism as Myplanet has big dreams (Myplanet VS Google in regards to the Developer Presence)
  • What is Open-Source Evangelism?
    • A better way of thinking about it is "being open", what is being open?
    • Being closed, the current default, secludes transparency and accessibility to those limited within a company
    • Being open, the emerging default, provides transparency and accessibility to everyone, not just those within the same company
    • The benefits are dramatic sharing of knowledge (inwards and outwards), skills, and accessibility
  • But why do this? How did I get into this?
    • Wanted a blog, got a blog, learnt via open-source community, got good enough I could freelance doing open-source plugins — open-source (or rather free culture) taught me my profession, it is what pays my bills
    • Where am I now? Now I'm sponsored by myplanet to work on my open-source projects, and share as much of my knowledge as I can, abundantly. This means I get to travel a lot, every 3 months a different country. Last year: Australia, India, Indonesia, Canada, Germany. Sometimes Helen gets to come too.
    • But it's not about the money, or the travel, or whatever. Open-source, allows me to help more people, while at the same time, lifting myself higher. It's the ultimate win-win.
  • Where are we now?
    • Bevry runs DocPad, the 19th most popular node.js website, and a top 20 most popular CoffeeScript project with over 500 daily users.
    • Bevry also does a Startup Hostel, InterConnect, and Web Write on the side.
    • But I do this with other people, not just myself.
  • What could companies like Myplanet take away? What could you take away?
    • Going open-source provides more online presence, it builds your company AND personal brand. Do you know Paul Irish, or Google, or both? You're no longer tied to a company, you're tied to a community.
    • Open-source provides agility and security. You can easily leverage pieces, and swap them out. Never have to worry about a company you use being shut down.
    • Open-source helps more people. The best way to share an idea, is to share it, not to keep it secret. There is never too little sharing, or too much sharing. Yes, there may be consequences, but consequences can be rectified as you learn and grow. It's not about being perfect, it's about becoming better than you already are, together, with each other. A global company.
  • Questions.
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