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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Talk Proposal: Static Site Generators are disrupting the web, what to expect

This is a proposal for a talk that I'd love to give. If you'd love to have me present this at your conference, please get in touch. If you'd like to attend this talk, please +1 it in the comments.

Static Site Generators are disrupting the web, what to expect

This is generic talk based of my DocPad specific blog post Why is DocPad soo interesting? and talk DocPad's Eco-System

It will talk about how DocPad and co are creating a world of decoupled content management which has big disruptive power.

  • Why are we here?
    • Our toolbelt is always changing
      • 5 years ago a landscape of PHP with Zend, Ruby with Rails, and WordPress and Drupal
      • Today a completely different landscape; Node.js, Yeoman, Grunt, NPM, Bower, Jekyll, Meteor
    • We need to keep up with the latest shifts in web development, to ensure that what we invest the next 5 years in, isn't on the way out, but on the way in (iPhone, Chromebook, disruption)
    • We understand there is there is a new league of Content Management Systems emerging, that are taking signficant market share from traditional CMS systems
    • We also understand that Flat File CMSs and SSGs can be used for more than just websites, but web apps, complications, and build tools as well
  • What are Flat File CMSs and Static Site Generators
    • Flat File CMSs are CMSs that use the file system as their database, most often exclusively
      • Advantages
        • Simplicitly; no database installs
        • Accessibility; everyone understands files
        • Agility; easy to move files from one system to another
    • Static Site Generators take static and dynamic content, and generate a static website that can be deployed anywhere
      • Advantages
        • Speed; generated once, rather than every request
        • Security; no dynamic backend, less vulnerabilities
        • Simplicity; deploy to S3, GitHub Pages, Apache, anywhere
  • Why do they matter? How are they changing the game?
    • For one unique key reason, they're making Decoupled Content Mangement accessible to the masses for the first time ever
  • What is Decoupled Content Management?
    • Imagine instead of setting up a wordpress install, where your user experience is the same for all your team — your developers, your content writers, your marketers, everyone — locking everyone in, to one interface, one setup, one backend
    • Instead, imagine a world where you connect all the different best services together, tumblr for blogging, docpad for rendering, flickr for photos, mongodb for custom data
    • This is big.
  • Where are we now? Where are we going?
    • Decoupled content management has been around for a long time, but we've made huge progress recently
    • NoFlo one attempt
    • DocPad another attempt
    • Node Tasks another attempt
    • Semantic HTML another attempt
  • What are the takeaways?
    • Huge disruptive power available to you, no more lock-in
    • Monolithic services will fall away, instead innovation will be with content repositories and connectors
    • Always use the best solution for the job without compromise
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