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d4v3y0rk /
Created March 14, 2020 13:04
Encryption with DM_CRYPT in WSL2

Encrypted Volumes in WSL2


This is a quick guide on how to setup dm_crypt under WSL2 for working with encrypted volumes. I use an encrypted volume to store things like password recovery codes and 2nd factor backup codes etc. I recently switched over to using WSL2 and wanted to figure out how to enable this functionality there. This is the distilled howto for getting it to work.


First thing you have to do is create a custom WSL2 kernel. Inside your already installed and running WSL2 (ubuntu) installation:

  • Install some required packages.
bdesham /
Last active December 4, 2022 17:45
Takes a sitemap file and submits each URL to the Wayback Machine
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Takes a sitemap file [1] and submits each URL to the Wayback Machine [2].
# Usage: python3 sitemap.xml
# The script will contact the Wayback Machine for each URL in turn and request
# that it be saved [3]. The script prints (to standard output) the HTTP status
# code received from the Wayback Machine for each URL. The output looks like
# this: