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Created May 25, 2015 02:39
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Kudosy gherkin description
Feature: Rankings
Ranking allow comunity to know who and how much working for comunity.
Given: User is logged in
Scenario: Rankings for week is default
When: User click rankings button
Then: There should be table in front
And: Time range should be one week
Scenario: Ranking for whole time
Given: User is on ranking page
And: There is task compleated 2 weeks ago
When: User select whole time range
Then: This task should be taken to ranking
Feature: Task
Fulfill task is the basic way to get kudos.
Given: User is signed in
Scenario: Creation of taks
Given: User click new task button
And: Fill task title with "foo"
And: Fill task description with "bar"
And: Select 1 kudos
When: User submit the form
Then: New task should be submitted to task list
Scenario: Send signal that task is done
Given: There is task "foo" with describtion "bar"
When: User signal task "foo" is compleated
Then: Owner of task should got notification
Scenario: Marking task as completed
Given: User is now watching "foo" task
When: User clock done button
Then: Task should be in done state
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