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Created January 27, 2017 06:11
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Result is (A \ B, B \ A) => should be faster the solution based on collection combinators and for comprehension
private def setsDifferences[A](a: SortedSet[A], b: SortedSet[A]): (Iterable[A], Iterable[A]) = {
require(a.ordering == b.ordering, "Sets must use same ordering")
val ordering = a.ordering
def interLoop(accA: List[A], a: SortedSet[A], b: SortedSet[A], accB: List[A]): (List[A], List[A]) = {
(a.headOption, b.headOption) match {
case (Some(elemA), Some(elemB)) =>, elemB) match {
case result if result == 0 => interLoop(accA, a.tail, b.tail, accB)
case result if result > 0 => interLoop(accA, a, b.tail, elemB::accB)
case result if result < 0 => interLoop(elemA::accA, a.tail, b, accB)
case (Some(_), None) => (accA ++ a, accB)
case (None, Some(_)) => (accA, accB ++ b)
case (None, None) => (accA, accB)
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