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Forked from cafaxo/llama2.jl
Created July 26, 2023 02:00
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# this file contains a Julia port of
# all credit goes to Andrej Karpathy (author of llama2.c)
using LinearAlgebra
using StatsBase
using Printf
# Transformer and RunState structs, and related memory management
struct Config
dim::Int # transformer dimension
hidden_dim::Int # for ffn layers
n_layers::Int # number of layers
n_heads::Int # number of query heads
n_kv_heads::Int # number of key/value heads (can be < query heads because of multiquery)
vocab_size::Int # vocabulary size, usually 256 (byte-level)
seq_len::Int # max sequence length
read_config(f::IOStream) = Config(
read(f, Int32),
read(f, Int32),
read(f, Int32),
read(f, Int32),
read(f, Int32),
read(f, Int32),
read(f, Int32),
@kwdef struct TransformerWeights
# token embedding table
token_embedding_table::Matrix{Float32} # (vocab_size, dim)
# weights for rmsnorms
rms_att_weight::Matrix{Float32} # (layer, dim) rmsnorm weights
rms_ffn_weight::Matrix{Float32} # (layer, dim)
# weights for matmuls
wq::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, dim, dim)
wk::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, dim, dim)
wv::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, dim, dim)
wo::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, dim, dim)
# weights for ffn
w1::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, hidden_dim, dim)
w2::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, dim, hidden_dim)
w3::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, hidden_dim, dim)
# final rmsnorm
rms_final_weight::Vector{Float32} # (dim,)
# freq_cis for RoPE relatively positional embeddings
freq_cis_real::Matrix{Float32} # (seq_len, dim/2)
freq_cis_imag::Matrix{Float32} # (seq_len, dim/2)
TransformerWeights(p::Config) = TransformerWeights(;
token_embedding_table = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.vocab_size),
rms_att_weight = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.n_layers),
rms_ffn_weight = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wq = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wk = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wv = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wo = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
w1 = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.hidden_dim, p.n_layers),
w2 = zeros(Float32, p.hidden_dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
w3 = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.hidden_dim, p.n_layers),
rms_final_weight = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
freq_cis_real = zeros(Float32, (p.dim ÷ p.n_heads) ÷ 2, p.seq_len),
freq_cis_imag = zeros(Float32, (p.dim ÷ p.n_heads) ÷ 2, p.seq_len),
function checkpoint_init_weights!(w::TransformerWeights, f::IOStream)
read!(f, w.token_embedding_table)
read!(f, w.rms_att_weight)
read!(f, w.wq)
read!(f, w.wk)
read!(f, w.wv)
read!(f, w.wo)
read!(f, w.rms_ffn_weight)
read!(f, w.w1)
read!(f, w.w2)
read!(f, w.w3)
read!(f, w.rms_final_weight)
read!(f, w.freq_cis_real)
read!(f, w.freq_cis_imag)
return nothing
@kwdef struct RunState
# current wave of activations
x::Vector{Float32} # activation at current time stamp (dim,)
xb::Vector{Float32} # same, but inside a residual branch (dim,)
xb2::Vector{Float32} # an additional buffer just for convenience (dim,)
hb::Vector{Float32} # buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,)
hb2::Vector{Float32} # buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,)
q::Vector{Float32} # query (dim,)
k::Vector{Float32} # key (dim,)
v::Vector{Float32} # value (dim,)
att::Vector{Float32} # buffer for scores/attention values (seq_len,)
logits::Vector{Float32} # output logits
# kv cache
key_cache::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, seq_len, dim)
value_cache::Array{Float32,3} # (layer, seq_len, dim)
RunState(p::Config) = RunState(;
x = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
xb = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
xb2 = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
hb = zeros(Float32, p.hidden_dim),
hb2 = zeros(Float32, p.hidden_dim),
q = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
k = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
v = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
att = zeros(Float32, p.seq_len),
logits = zeros(Float32, p.vocab_size),
key_cache = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.seq_len, p.n_layers),
value_cache = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.seq_len, p.n_layers),
function rmsnorm!(o, x, weight)
# calculate sum of squares
ss = dot(x, x)
ss /= length(x)
ss += 1f-5
ss = 1f0 / sqrt(ss)
# normalize and scale
o .= weight .* (ss .* x)
return nothing
function softmax!(x)
# find max value (for numerical stability)
max_val = maximum(x)
# exp
x .= exp.(x .- max_val)
# normalize
x ./= sum(x)
return nothing
@views function transformer!(token::Int, pos::Int, p::Config, s::RunState, w::TransformerWeights)
# a few convenience variables
x = s.x
dim = p.dim
hidden_dim = p.hidden_dim
head_size = dim ÷ p.n_heads
# copy the token embedding into x
copyto!(x, w.token_embedding_table[:, token])
# pluck out the "pos" row of freq_cis_real and freq_cis_imag
freq_cis_real_row = w.freq_cis_real[:, pos]
freq_cis_imag_row = w.freq_cis_imag[:, pos]
# forward all the layers
for l in 1:p.n_layers
# attention rmsnorm
rmsnorm!(s.xb, x, w.rms_att_weight[:, l])
# qkv matmuls for this position
mul!(s.q, w.wq[:, :, l]', s.xb)
mul!(s.k, w.wk[:, :, l]', s.xb)
mul!(s.v, w.wv[:, :, l]', s.xb)
# apply RoPE rotation to the q and k vectors for each head
for h in 1:p.n_heads
# get the q and k vectors for this head
q = s.q[((h-1) * head_size + 1):(h * head_size)]
k = s.k[((h-1) * head_size + 1):(h * head_size)]
# rotate q and k by the freq_cis_real and freq_cis_imag
for i in 1:(head_size ÷ 2)
q0 = q[2*i-1]
q1 = q[2*i]
k0 = k[2*i-1]
k1 = k[2*i]
fcr = freq_cis_real_row[i]
fci = freq_cis_imag_row[i]
q[2*i-1] = q0 * fcr - q1 * fci
q[2*i] = q0 * fci + q1 * fcr
k[2*i-1] = k0 * fcr - k1 * fci
k[2*i] = k0 * fci + k1 * fcr
# save key,value at this time step (pos) to our kv cache
copyto!(s.key_cache[:, pos, l], s.k)
copyto!(s.value_cache[:, pos, l], s.v)
# multihead attention. iterate over all heads
for h in 1:p.n_heads
# get the query vector for this head
q = s.q[((h-1) * head_size + 1):(h * head_size)]
# iterate over all timesteps, including the current one
for t in 1:pos
# get the key vector for this head and at this timestep
k = s.key_cache[((h-1) * head_size + 1):(h * head_size), t, l]
# calculate the attention score as the dot product of q and k
score = dot(q, k) / sqrt(Float32(head_size))
# save the score to the attention buffer
s.att[t] = score
# softmax the scores to get attention weights, from 0..pos inclusively
# weighted sum of the values, store back into xb
s.xb[((h-1) * head_size + 1):(h * head_size)],
s.value_cache[((h-1) * head_size + 1):(h * head_size), 1:pos, l],
# final matmul to get the output of the attention
mul!(s.xb2, w.wo[:, :, l]', s.xb)
# residual connection back into x
x .+= s.xb2
# ffn rmsnorm
rmsnorm!(s.xb, x, w.rms_ffn_weight[:, l])
# Now for FFN in PyTorch we have: self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))
# first calculate self.w1(x) and self.w3(x)
mul!(s.hb, w.w1[:, :, l]', s.xb)
mul!(s.hb2, w.w3[:, :, l]', s.xb)
# F.silu silu(x)=x*σ(x),where σ(x) is the logistic sigmoid
for i in 1:hidden_dim
s.hb[i] = s.hb[i] * (1f0 / (1f0 + exp(-s.hb[i])))
s.hb .*= s.hb2
# final matmul to get the output of the ffn
mul!(s.xb, w.w2[:, :, l]', s.hb)
# residual connection
x .+= s.xb
# final rmsnorm
rmsnorm!(x, x, w.rms_final_weight)
# classifier into logits
mul!(s.logits, w.token_embedding_table', x)
return nothing
function main(
temperature::Float32 = 0.9f0,
config = nothing
weights = nothing
# read in the model.bin file
open(checkpoint_filename) do file
config = read_config(file)
weights = TransformerWeights(config)
checkpoint_init_weights!(weights, file)
# read in the tokenizer.bin file
vocab = Vector{Vector{UInt8}}(undef, config.vocab_size)
open(tokenizer_filename) do file
for i in 1:config.vocab_size
len = read(file, Int32)
vocab[i] = read(file, len)
# create and init the application RunState
state = RunState(config)
# the current position we are in
time_start = time_ns()
token = 1 # 1 = BOS token in Llama-2 sentencepiece
for pos in 1:config.seq_len
# forward the transformer to get logits for the next token
transformer!(token, pos, config, state, weights)
# sample the next token
if temperature == 0f0
# greedy argmax sampling
next = argmax(state.logits)
# apply the temperature to the logits
state.logits ./= temperature
# apply softmax to the logits to get the probabilities for next token
# we now want to sample from this distribution to get the next token
next = wsample(1:config.vocab_size, state.logits)
# advance forward
token = next
# report our achieved tok/s
time_end = time_ns()
@printf "achieved tok/s: %f\n" config.seq_len / (time_end - time_start)*1e9
return nothing
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