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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Introduction to Graph Models

Chapter 1: Introduction to Graph Models

  • Graph, Vertices, Edges, Endpoints
  • Join, Neighbor
  • The Open Neighborhood of a vertex v in a graph G, denoted N(v), is the set of all neighbors of v.
  • The Closed Neighborhood of a vertex v in a graph G, denoted N[v], is the set of all neighbors of v and itself.
  • Proper Edge: joins two distinct vertices.
  • Self-loop: joins a single endpoint to itself.
  • Multi-edge: A collection of tow or more egdes having identical endpoints.
  • Edge Multiplicity: the number of egdes within the multi-edge.
  • Simple Graph: no self-loops, no multi-edges.
  • Loopless Graph: no self-loops.
  • Null Graph: no vertix, no edge.
  • Trivial Graph: 1 vertex, no egde.
  • Directed Egde, Arc ...
  • Underlying Graph: delete all edge directions.
  • Formal Specification of a Simple Graph: given by a Adjacency Table
  • Formal Specification of a General Graph: given by a Incidence Table
  • Formal Specification of a General Digraph: given by a Incidence Table, with head and tail designated.
  • Adjecent Vertices, Adjecent Edges, Incidence, Degree, Valence, D-valent Vertex
  • Degree Sequence: the sequence formed by arranging the vertex degrees in non-increasing order.
  • Graphic: permutation of a degree seqeunce of a simple graph, realized by such a simple graph.
  • Indegree, Outdegree


A non-trivial simple graph G must have at least one pair of vertices whose degrees are equal.

Proof: Pigeonhole Principle

1.1.2. Euler's Degree-Sum Therrem.

The sum of vertex degrees = number of egdes x 2


In a graph, there is an even number of vertices having odd degree.


Sum of Degree Sequence is even.


Forall sequence of natual numbers whose sum is even, there exists a graph of the same degree sequence.


let <d₀, d₁, ... dₙ> be a graphc sequence, d₀ = m, the vertex of the graph that realize it, that correspondes to d₀, is adjacent to the next m vertices.

1.1.7. Havel and Hakimi.

<d₀, d₁, ... dₙ> is graphic, d₀ = m ⇒ <d₁ - 1, ... ,dₘ₋₁ - 1, dₘ ... dₙ> is graphic

Proof: by induction on the vertex-set.


In a digraph, sum of indegrees = sum of outdegrees = number of edges

  • Regular Graphs: all vertices have common degree k, denoted k-regular.
  • Complete Graph: denoted Kₙ
  • Bipartite Graph: denoted Kₘₙ
  • Bouquet: denoted Bₙ
  • Dipole: denoted Dₙ
  • Path Graph: denoted Pₙ
  • Cycle Graph: denoted Cₙ
  • Hypercube: denoted Qₙ
  • Circular Ladder Graph: denoted CLₙ
  • Circulant Graph: denoted circ(n : S)
  • Intersection Graph: for a simple graph G with vertex-set VG={v1, v2, …, vn}, there exists a family of sets F={S1, S2, …, Sn} such that vertex vi is adjacent to vj if and only if i ≠ j and Si ∩ Sj ≠ ∅.
  • Interval Graph: an intersection graph corresponding to a family of intervals on the real line.
  • Line Graph: denoted L(G), swap the vertex-set and the edge-set of a graph G, while maintaines the adjacencies.
  • Walk: an alternating sequance of vertices and egdes, blah blah blah...
  • Directed Walk: follows head and tail.
  • Length of a walk: the number of edge-steps in the walk sequence.
  • Close Walk: is a nontrivial walk that begins and ends at the same vertex.
  • Open Walk: is a nontrivial walk that begins and ends at defferent vertex.
  • Concatenation: Duh.
  • Distance: denoted d(s, t), the length of the shortest s-t walk if one exists, ∞ otherwise.
  • Eccentricity: denoted ecc(v), the farthest distance of all walks from v.
  • Diameter: denoted diam(G), the maximum of all eccentricities in G.
  • Radius: denoted rad(G), the minimum of all eccentricities in G.
  • Central Vertex: forall vertex v in graph G, ecc(v) = rad(G)
  • Reachable from, Connected
  • Mutually Reachable
  • Strongly connected: every vertex is reachable from every other vertex.
  • Strongly Orientable, Strong orientation
  • Trail: a walk in which all edges are distinct.
  • Path: a open walk in which all vertices (and thus edges) are all distinct.
  • Reduction of Walk W by Subwalk W': W - W', given W a walk and W' a closed subwalk in W, thus obtained by deleting all vertices in W' expect for the vertices they intersects.
  • Reduced Walk: obtained by multiple walk reduction.
  • Cycle: a closed walk in which all vertices (and thus edges) are all distinct.
  • Acyclic Graph
  • Hamiltonian Cycle: A cycle that visits each vertex of a Hamiltonian Graph exactly once.
  • Decomposition: A collection of edge-disjoint cycles, C1, C2, …, Cm, is called a decomposition of a closed trail T if each cycle Ci is either a subwalk or a reduced walk of T and the edge-sets of the cycles partition the edge-set of trail T
  • Eulerian Trail: a path that passes all egdes exactly once.
  • Eulerian Tour: a closed Eulerian Trail.
  • Eulerian Graph
  • Girth: the length of the shortest cycle, defined to be ∞ if there's no cycle in a graph.
  • Tree: a connected graph with no cycle.


Every open x-y walk W is either an x-y path or contains a closed subwalk


Let W be an open x-y walk. Then either W is an x-y path or there is an x-y path that is reduced walk of W.


The distance from a vertex x to a a reachable vertex y is always realizable by an x-y walk.


A graph G is bipartite <=> it has no cycles of odd length


Every non-trivial, closed trail T contains a subwalk that is a cycle


A closed trail can be decomposed into edge-disjoint cycles

Proof by induction on the closed trail, along with Proposition 1.5.5

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