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Created July 23, 2020 21:25
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module Vea(
Var(..), Row, Figure,
pp, buildFigure, normalize, restrict,
multiply, sumOut, keepBest
) where
import Utils
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Var = Var {
-- Possible values allowed by the variable.
domain :: [Int],
name :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord Var where
compare v1 v2 = compare (name v1) (name v2)
data Row = Row {
value :: Double,
mappings :: Map.Map Var Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Monoid Row where
mempty = Row{value=1, mappings=Map.empty}
-- Merge the maps, and multiply the values.
(Row val1 map1) `mappend` (Row val2 map2) =
Row (val1 * val2) (Map.union map1 map2)
data Figure = Figure {
variables :: [Var],
rows :: [Row]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
crossVars :: [Var] -> [[Int]]
crossVars vars = crossProduct (map domain vars)
rowValueToRow :: [Var] -> ([Int], Double) -> Row
rowValueToRow vars (row, value) = Row {
mappings=Map.fromList $ zip vars row, value=value
valuesToRow :: [Var] -> [Double] -> [[Int]] -> [Row]
valuesToRow vars values rows = map (rowValueToRow vars) (zip rows values)
pprintRow :: [Var] -> Row -> String
pprintRow vars (Row value mappings) = unwords $ rowString ++ [show value]
where rowString = mapMaybe (\v -> show <$> Map.lookup v mappings) vars
pprintFigure :: Figure -> String
pprintFigure (Figure vars rows) = intercalate "\n" finalString
varsString = unwords $ map name vars
rowsString = map (pprintRow vars) rows
finalString = varsString:rowsString
buildFigure :: [Var] -> [Double] -> Maybe Figure
buildFigure vars values
| length values == length rows && uniqueNames && uniqueDomains =
Just (Figure vars $ valuesToRow vars values rows)
| otherwise = Nothing
rows = crossVars vars
uniqueNames = Set.size (Set.fromList $ (map name vars)) == length vars
uniqueDomains = all ((\d -> Set.size (Set.fromList d) == length d) . domain) vars
-- Operations on Figures:
-- Normalize a figure.
-- Restrict a figure to a value.
-- Keep best rows in a figure.
-- Sum out a figure.
-- Multiply two figures.
normalize :: Figure -> Figure
-- Divide by 0?
normalize (Figure vars rows) = Figure vars newRows
valSum = sum $ map value rows
newRows = map (\r -> r{value=value r / valSum}) rows
varValInRow :: Var -> Int -> Row -> Bool
-- Var must be a member of mappings in Row.
varValInRow var varVal (Row _ mappings) =
case Map.lookup var mappings of
Just v -> v == varVal
Nothing -> False
varFromName :: String -> [Var] -> Maybe Var
varFromName varName vars =
case filter (\v -> name v == varName) vars of
[] -> Nothing
[var] -> Just var
-- More than one var with the same name == broken invariant.
-- which is impossible, if figure was built using `buildFigure`
_ -> Nothing
verifyDomain :: Var -> Int -> Bool
-- Returns True if Int belongs to domain of the variable.
verifyDomain var varVal = varVal `elem` domain var
dropFromRows :: Var -> [Row] -> [Row]
-- Drops the var from a list of rows.
dropFromRows var = map (\r -> r{mappings=Map.delete var (mappings r)})
dropFromFigure :: Var -> Figure -> Figure
dropFromFigure var (Figure vars rows) =
Figure (filter (/= var) vars) (dropFromRows var rows)
restrict :: String -> Int -> Figure -> Maybe Figure
restrict varName varVal (Figure vars rows) =
case varFromName varName vars of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just var) ->
case verifyDomain var varVal of
-- Drop var from figure because it has been restricted
-- to exactly one value.
True -> Just (dropFromFigure var $ Figure vars newRows)
where newRows = filter (varValInRow var varVal) rows
False -> Nothing
keepBest :: String -> Figure -> Maybe Figure
-- Keeps the best rows in the figure.
-- Kind of like sumOut, but instead of adding values,
-- picks the one with the highest value.
-- Maybe abstract out the common parts of these two.
keepBest varName figure@(Figure vars _) =
case varFromName varName vars of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just var) -> Just $ Figure newVars finalRows
(Figure newVars newRows) = dropFromFigure var figure
groupedRows = groupByProperty mappings newRows
finalRows = map
(\(m, gRows) -> Row{value=maximum (map value gRows), mappings=m})
sumOut :: String -> Figure -> Maybe Figure
sumOut varName figure@(Figure vars _) =
case varFromName varName vars of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just var) -> Just $ Figure newVars finalRows
(Figure newVars newRows) = dropFromFigure var figure
groupedRows = groupByProperty mappings newRows
finalRows = map
(\(m, gRows) -> Row{value=sum (map value gRows), mappings=m})
sketchyEquals :: [Var] -> Row -> Row -> Bool
sketchyEquals vars (Row val1 map1) (Row val2 map2) =
subMap1 == subMap2
subFilter = Map.filterWithKey (\var _ -> var `elem` vars)
subMap1 = subFilter map1
subMap2 = subFilter map2
validMultiply :: Figure -> Figure -> Bool
validMultiply (Figure vars1 _) (Figure vars2 _) = uniqueDomains
nameGroups = map snd $ groupByProperty name (vars1 ++ vars2)
domainsList = map (map domain) nameGroups
uniqueDomains = all ((==1) . Set.size . Set.fromList) domainsList
multiply :: Figure -> Figure -> Maybe Figure
-- If two variables have the same name, but different domains, we
-- will break the unique names invariant. For that reason, we only return
-- a Maybe Figure.
multiply figure1@(Figure vars1 rows1) figure2@(Figure vars2 rows2) =
case validMultiply figure1 figure2 of
True -> Just $ Figure newVars newRows
commonVars = Set.toList $ Set.intersection (Set.fromList vars1) (Set.fromList vars2)
equalRows =
filter (\[r1, r2] -> sketchyEquals commonVars r1 r2) $
crossProduct [rows1, rows2]
newRows = map (\[r1, r2] -> r1 <> r2) equalRows
newVars = reverse $
foldl (\acc var -> if var `elem` acc then acc else var:acc)
[] (vars1 ++ vars2)
False -> Nothing
pp :: Figure -> IO ()
pp = putStrLn . pprintFigure
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