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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL -- Vertex2/Float
import Glisha
import Control.Lens
import Control.Applicative((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW (Key(..))
data Player = Player { _playerSpeed :: Float, _playerPos :: Float, _playerLives :: Int, _playerInst :: Instance }
data Block = Block { _blockInst :: Instance } -- TODO: colours?
data Ball = Ball { _ballPos :: GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat, _ballVelocity :: GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat, _ballInst :: Instance }
data Arkanoid = Arkanoid { _player :: Player, _blocks :: [Maybe Block], _ball :: Ball }
makeFields ''Player
makeFields ''Block
makeFields ''Ball
makeLenses ''Arkanoid
instance Glisha.Drawable Player where
draw p = draw $ _playerInst p
instance Glisha.Drawable Ball where
draw b = draw $ _ballInst b
-- some constants
mapSize :: Integral i => (i,i)
mapSize = (10,10)
blockSize = (50,20)
-- helpers
createBox xsize ysize = [0.0, 0.0, xsize, 0.0, xsize, ysize, 0.0, ysize]
createBoxMesh xsize ysize = fromVertArray $ createBox xsize ysize
origin = GL.Vertex2 0.0 0.0
vertex (x, y) = GL.Vertex2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)
x :: Functor f => (GL.GLfloat -> f GL.GLfloat) -> GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat -> f (GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat)
x f (GL.Vertex2 vx vy) = fmap (\x' -> GL.Vertex2 x' vy) (f vx)
y :: Functor f => (GL.GLfloat -> f GL.GLfloat) -> GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat -> f (GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat)
y f (GL.Vertex2 vx vy) = fmap (\y' -> GL.Vertex2 vx y') (f vy)
a +~= b = do
b' <- b
a += b'
-- logic
checkWallCollisions :: Ball -> Ball
checkWallCollisions ball
| bx `outside` (0,800) = ball & velocity.x %~ negate
| by `outside` (0,600) = ball & velocity.y %~ negate
| otherwise = ball
where outside a (min,max) = (a < min) || (a > max)
bx = ball^.pos.x
by = ball^.pos.y
checkBlockCollisions :: [Maybe Block] -> Ball -> Ball
checkBlockCollisions blocks ball =
-- algorithm:
-- If it collides with a block, basing on the speed vector
-- find possible entry walls. Decide between two of them
-- by comparing the (corner-point) vector with the speed
-- vector. Bounce appropriately.
case blockUnderBall of
Just (Block _) -> checkBlock
Nothing -> ball -- return unmodified ball
where checkBlock
| sx <= 0 && sy <= 0 = checkBottomRight
| sx <= 0 && sy > 0 = checkTopRight
| sx > 0 && sy <= 0 = checkBottomLeft
| sx > 0 && sy > 0 = checkTopLeft
blockCoord = worldSpaceToBlockSpace (px, py)
blockLeft = fst blockCoord
blockRight = blockLeft + fst blockSize
blockTop = snd blockCoord
blockBottom = blockTop + snd blockSize
-- this gets the tangent of the line crossing
-- chosen corner and ball position
getD va vb = (fst vb - fst va) / (snd vb - snd va)
-- this compares the tangent of speed with the tangent
-- calculated above and decides on bounce direction
decide wa wb = if (getD (wa, wb) (px, py)) > (sx / sy) then bounceY else bounceX
checkBottomRight = decide blockRight blockBottom
checkBottomLeft = decide blockLeft blockBottom
checkTopRight = decide blockRight blockTop
checkTopLeft = decide blockLeft blockTop
bounceX = ball & velocity.x %~ negate
bounceY = ball & velocity.y %~ negate
px = realToFrac $ ball ^. pos.x
py = realToFrac $ ball ^. pos.y
sx = realToFrac $ ball ^. velocity.x
sy = realToFrac $ ball ^. velocity.y
blockSizeXf = realToFrac . fst $ blockSize
blockSizeYf = realToFrac . fst $ blockSize
worldSpaceToBlockSpace (wx, wy) = ( fromIntegral . floor $ (wx / blockSizeXf), fromIntegral . floor $ (wy / blockSizeYf) )
blockSpaceToBlockIndex (bx,by) = bx + by * (snd $ mapSize)
blockUnderPos p = blocks !! index
where bsCoord = worldSpaceToBlockSpace $ p
index | outside = 10000
| otherwise = blockSpaceToBlockIndex bsCoord
outside = any id [
fst bsCoord < 0,
fst bsCoord >= fst mapSize,
snd bsCoord < 0,
snd bsCoord >= snd mapSize
blockUnderBall = blockUnderPos (px, py)
sampleLoad :: LoadFn Arkanoid
sampleLoad = do
pipeline <- createPipeline "shader.vert" "shader.frag"
boxMesh <- createBoxMesh (fst blockSize) (snd blockSize)
playerMesh <- createBoxMesh 100 20
ballMesh <- createBoxMesh 10 10
let playerInstance = Instance playerMesh pipeline (vertex (400, 500))
playerObject = Player 0 0 3 playerInstance
mapInsts = blockInstance <$> [1..(snd mapSize)] <*> [1..(fst mapSize)]
where blockInstance y x = Instance boxMesh pipeline (pos x y)
pos x y = vertex (x * fst blockSize, y * snd blockSize)
blocksObject = map (Just . Block) mapInsts
ballInstance = Instance ballMesh pipeline (vertex (450, 490))
ballObject = Ball (vertex (450, 490)) (vertex (1.6, -4.0)) ballInstance
arkanoid = Arkanoid playerObject blocksObject ballObject
return arkanoid
sampleDraw :: DrawFn Arkanoid
sampleDraw = do
rblocks <- use blocks
let blockInsts = map (view inst) (catMaybes rblocks)
mapM_ glishaDraw blockInsts
use player >>= glishaDraw
use ball >>= glishaDraw
let when' b a = do
b' <- b
when b' a
let whenK k a = when' (glishaGetKey k) a
-- let x = element 0
whenK GLFW.Key'Right $ player.inst.position.(element 0) += 0.01
whenK GLFW.Key'Left $ player.inst.position.(element 0) -= 0.01
whenK GLFW.Key'Up $ player.inst.position.(element 1) += 0.01
whenK GLFW.Key'Down $ player.inst.position.(element 1) -= 0.01
whenK GLFW.Key'Right $ player.speed += 1.0
whenK GLFW.Key'Left $ player.speed -= 1.0
-- ball
rball <- use ball
ball.pos.x += rball^.velocity.x
ball.pos.y += rball^.velocity.y
ball.inst.position .= rball^.pos
ball %= checkWallCollisions
ball %= checkBlockCollisions rblocks
-- player
let pp c = player.inst.position.c
s <- use (player . speed)
pp x += realToFrac s
rpx <- use $ pp x
when (rpx < 0) $ do
pp x .= 0
player.speed .= 0
when (rpx > 700) $ do
pp x .= 700
player.speed .= 0
player.speed *= 0.95
main = runApp sampleLoad sampleDraw
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