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State hoisting

State hoisting useful. And I'll show you why and how. Multiple persons have told me that this topic is too basic to demand its own post, but I personally was struggling to find a good reference on it. So, without further ado...

Note: I use a word "context" a lot. Sometimes it means a Monad. Refer to my previous article about monads.

The original problem

Assume you have a data type for state:

import Control.Monad.State

data MyData = MyData { str :: String } deriving (Show)

and a context:

type Context a = State MyData a

myFunction :: Context Int
myFunction = do
    a <- fmap length $ gets str
    return $ a + 1

Someone gives you a nice funky computation you want to run in your context:

super :: Int -> State Int Int

You can add an Int to your context, turning it into:

data MyData = MyData { str :: String, val :: Int } deriving (Show)

What do you do?

Well, actually it's not totally obvious for everyone. I'll give you a solution right now and then we'll talk about possible improvements to it. Here's a function you need:

hoistVal :: State Int a -> State MyData a

(Make sure you understand the signature, and why it works that way).

hoistVal fn = do
    s <- get
    let a = val s
    let (r, a') = runState fn a
    put $ s { val = a' }
    return r

Now we can use it!

myFunction = do
    a <- gets str
    b <- hoistVal $ super 5  
    return $ a + b

What's going on?

Okay, I promised you an explanation, so here it is. We can't use the super function directly, because it expects a context that's precisely of type Int. A record won't do. A pair of Ints won't do. You have to tell it exactly on what part of your state it's supposed to operate on. And that's what hoist is doing; it takes a "state narrower" (acc, for which we substitute val), and an actual combinator (fn -> super 5). Note that we had to apply super with 5 to make it compatible - this should be obvious for you.

So, that was it?

Technically, yes, because that's the entire mechanism. I've noticed a few additional tricks you can use in your code, though.

Be more generic!

super shouldn't have the signature it has. Don't write your functions like that! It makes it much harder for people to use it afterwards. Consider an example, in which you might need IO to print from your state combinator for whatever bad reason, but the type incidentally matches the one needed by the function:

type ContextIntIO a = StateT Int IO a

Can you run super in this context? No, because there's a mismatch between StateT Int Id a (that's what State Int a boils down into if you use transformers) and StateT Int IO a. But since you don't care about that Id (you really only want any State that has Int inside), it should use MonadState.

It's a really useful little thing that resides in Control.Monad.State.Class:

class (Monad m) => MonadState s m | m -> s where
    -- | Return the state from the internals of the monad.
    get :: m s
    -- | Replace the state inside the monad.
    put :: s -> m ()

What it does is basically defining an interface that every stateful context can implement.

super :: MonadState Int m => Int -> m Int

Note: you need FlexibleContexts for that, despite the fact that if you don't enable it and omit the signature, GHC will infer it correctly.

This means this function will work for every context m that's Int. Now we could use it in both our hoisted state, raw State Int, or that StateT transformer.

If you look closer, you'll realize that hoist actually has the same problem!

hoistVal :: MonadState MyData m => State Int a -> m a

Cool, it can now hoist inside of both of regular and transformed variants.

But not too much.

Why not make the first State another type parameter? After all, we might expect that someone might give us an StateT Int IO ... action, and then...

Wrong. Haskell doesn't allow you to mix pure and impure code for a reason, and for the exact same reason that there's no possibility of IO a -> a ever working (leave unsafePerformIO out of that; For all I care, it might not exist), there's no way to get StateT s IO a -> State s a to ever compile.

That being said, you can hoist StateT IO sa x into StateT IO sb x (or whatever instead of IO); the only caveat is that you have to replace one line:

let (r, a') = runState fn a
-- to
(r, a') <- runStateT fn a

I'm tired of typing Val every time

So am I. I hope you've heard about Lens. Before I introduce it, let's see what would happen if we tried to parametrize over val:

b <- hoist val $ super 5 

hoist would need to look more or less like:

hoist acc fn = do
    s <- get
    let a = acc s
    (r, a') = runState fn a
    put $ s { acc = a' }
    return r

But sans the fact Haskell doesn't allow us to use acc with put (that's why there's no puts, which is kind of unfortunate), acc's signature itself makes it "read-only". What we need is a way to extract the part of the state and then put it back together.

So a getter and setter pair.

That's a Lens.

In our case, even Simple Lens will do:

hoist :: ( MonadState outerState m
         , Functor m ) => 
         Simple Lens outerState innerState -> 
         State innerState a ->
         m a
hoist acc fn = do
    sp <- fmap (^. acc) get 
    let (res, sp') = runState fn sp
    acc .= sp'
    return res

And now our desired syntax works perfectly. We can freely nest records, and the lenses will take care of wrapping and unwrapping.

Full examples

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
data MyData = MyData { str :: String, val :: Int } deriving Show
type Context a = State MyData a
hoistVal :: (MonadState MyData n) => State Int a -> n a
hoistVal fn = do
s <- get
let a = val s
let (r, a') = runState fn a
put $ s { val = a' }
return r
super :: Int -> State Int Int
super a = do
x <- get
return $ x * a
myFunction :: Context Int
myFunction = do
a <- fmap length $ gets str
b <- hoistVal $ super 5
return $ a + b
main = print $ runState myFunction (MyData "" 4)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
data MyData = MyData { _str :: String, _val :: Int } deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''MyData
hoist :: ( MonadState outerState m
, Functor m ) =>
Simple Lens outerState innerState ->
State innerState a ->
m a
hoist acc fn = do
sp <- fmap (^. acc) get
let (res, sp') = runState fn sp
acc .= sp'
return res
super :: Int -> State Int Int
super a = do
x <- get
return $ x * a
myFunction :: State MyData Int
myFunction = do
a <- fmap length $ use str
b <- hoist val $ super 5
return $ a + b
main = print $ runState myFunction (MyData "" 4)
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