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bananu7/land.lua Secret

Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Dream API - lander
function love.load(arg)
if arg[#arg] == "-debug" then require("mobdebug").start() end"nearest", "nearest", 0)
font ="consolas.ttf", 16)
shipSprite ="images/ship.png")
shipUpSprite ="images/ship_eng_up.png")
position = { x = 400, y = 500 }
rotation = 0
velocity = { x = 0, y = 0 }
engineOn = false
fuel = 500
-- constants
fuelPerSecond = 50
gravity = -9.81
engineThrust = 20 -- per second
terrain = generateTerrain()
math.random = love.math.random
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == 'escape' then
function love.update(dt)
engineOn = love.keyboard.isDown(' ')
local actEngineTrust = Point(-math.cos(rotation) * engineTrust,
-math.sin(rotation) * engineTrust)
local temp = (gravity + actEngineTrust) * dt
position = posistion + dt*(velocity + temp/2)
velocity = velocity + temp
if love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
rotation = rotation + 0.5 * dt
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
rotation = rotation - 0.5 * dt
position.x = position.x + velocity.x * dt
position.y = position.y + velocity.y * dt
if engineOn then
velocity.x = velocity.x - math.cos(rotation + math.pi/2) * engineThrust * dt
velocity.y = velocity.y + math.sin(rotation + math.pi/2) * engineThrust * dt
fuel = fuel - fuelPerSecond * dt
velocity.y = velocity.y + gravity*dt
-- end condition
for i=1,#terrain do
if terrain[i][1] > position.x then
local x1 = terrain[i-1][1]
local x2 = terrain[i][1]
local y1 = terrain[i-1][2]
local y2 = terrain[i][2]
local e = (position.x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
local ty = (y2 - y1) * e + y1
if (position.y-15) <= ty then
engineOn = false
love.update = function () end
function generateTerrain()
segments = { }
table.insert(segments, { 0, 100 })
local x = 0
while true do
local plane = math.random(0,1)
local lastX = segments[#segments][1]
local lastY = segments[#segments][2]
if plane == 1 then
table.insert(segments, { lastX + 50, lastY })
x = x + 50
local yDiff = math.random(-30, 30)
table.insert(segments, { lastX + 10, lastY + yDiff })
x = x + 10
if x > 800 then break end
return segments
function drawTerrain(terrain), 180, 180, 255)
for i=1, #terrain-1 do[i][1], 600-terrain[i][2], terrain[i+1][1], 600-terrain[i+1][2])
function love.draw()
local sprite
if engineOn then
sprite = shipUpSprite
sprite = shipSprite
end, 255, 255, 255), position.x, 600-position.y, rotation, 1, 1, 16, 10)
drawTerrain(terrain), 250, 30, 255);"Fuel: " .. tostring(fuel), 10, 10)"Velocity: " .. tostring(velocity.y), 10, 30)"Rotation: " .. tostring(rotation), 10, 50)
-- Only one import required to reduce hassle
import Hate
-- either Lens or full FRP route. Choose wisely
import Control.Lens
-- constants are actually constant
fuelPerSecond = 50
gravity = -9.81
engineThrust = 20 -- per second (I don't think extended unit conversions should be a part of the library)
-- compared to Lua, we actually lay out our data definitions
data LunarLander = LunarLander {
position :: Point,
velocity :: Point,
rotation :: Rotation, -- up for discussion whether it should be Double, Float or configurable
engineOn :: Bool,
fuel :: Number
type Terrain = [Point]
data GameState = GameState {
lander :: LunarLander,
terrain :: Terrain
-- I don't think a signature here wouldn't just be confusing
-- sampleLoad :: DrawFn GameState
sampleLoad = GameState <$> pure createLander <*> generateTerrain
createLander :: LunarLander
createLander = LunarLander {
position = Point 400 500,
velocity = Point 0 0,
rotation = 0
-- this probably shouldn't be IO, but Hate monad, to make easier use of configurable random numbers
-- left at IO to simplify for now
generateTerrain :: IO Terrain
-- different implementation suggestions welcome (refer to lua version for details)
generateTerrain = do
-- something along the lines of
-- start with (Point 0 100)
-- keep adding new points via `addSegment` until you reach x == 800
-- reverse and return the thing
addSegment :: MonadRandom m => [Point] -> m [Point]
addSegment xs = do
let lastPoint = head xs
ascend <- randomBool -- I don't care whether this exists. It's a dream API, after all.
-- this if could be converted to return new point via monadic bind
-- in that case, the 2nd one should `return` the pure value
-- dunno if worth it
if ascend
then do
yDiff <- random (-30, 30)
let newPoint = lastPoint + (Point 10 yDiff)
return $ newPoint : xs
let newPoint = lastPoint + (Point 50 0)
return $ newPoint : xs
-- dunno how that would differ from drawFn to be honest, but love provides it,
-- and it's probably a good idea to split updates from drawing
sampleUpdate :: UpdateFn GameState
-- no more stringly typed enumerations
isKeyDown Keys.Space >>= set lander.engineOn -- of course bind makes sense here
-- should that use dt, or do we assume constant logic update step?
-- I favor the latter typically, if only because it's cleaner to write
-- (and probably makes it harder to get timings wrong)
when (isKeyDown Keys.RightArrow) rotation += 0.5
when (isKeyDown Keys.RightArrow) rotation -= 0.5
-- could that be simpler? of course, with bind again.
-- is it worth it? up for consideration
v <- use lander.velocity
-- yeah, I know this integration is wrong.
lander.position += v
when (use lander.engineOn) $ do
rotation <- use lander.rotation
-- this could be achieved with some matrix operations
-- should Hate provide them in an easy-to-use way? maybe later
zoom (lander.velocity) $ do -- couldn't resist
x += cos(rotation + pi/2) * engineThrust
y += sin(rotation + pi/2) * engineThrust
lander.fuel -= fuelPerSecond
checkForTouchdown = do
-- find the line segment we could be colliding with (so that xMin < x < xMax)
-- interpolate terrain height at a given level
-- check if we hit it already
-- end the game (somehow) if yes, depending on the velocity
-- should Hate provide some ready-to-use primitives for game restart menu? perhaps...
-- perhaps that one could use MonadReader instead of MonadState?
-- Sounds hardcore, but I think I like it
sampleDraw :: DrawFn GameState
sampleDraw = do
drawTerrain = do
t <- use terrain
-- map a line drawing function
drawLander = do
burning <- use lander.engineOn
let sprite = if burning then shipBurningSprite else shipSprite
draw sprite <$> use lander.position <*> use lander.rotation
config :: Config
config =
{ windowTitle = "Sample 3"
, windowSize = (480, 200)
main :: IO ()
main = runApp config sampleLoad sampleDraw
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