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Last active March 16, 2017 09:41
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Query for Flashlight and ElasticSearch [Swift]
class BodyQuery {
var index: String = "firebase"
var type: String = "product"
var size: String = "20"
var from: String = "0"
var request: [String: Any?] = [:]
var body: [String: Any?] = [:]
var body_query: [String: Any?] = [:]
var query: [String: Any?] = [:]
var bool: [String: Any?] = [:]
var filter: [Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Any?>>] = []
var must: [Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Any?>>] = []
var must_not: [Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Any?>>] = []
var should: [Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Any?>>] = []
var sort = [Dictionary<String, Any?>]()
func setIndex(index: String) {
request.updateValue(index, forKey: "index")
self.index = index
func setType(type: String) {
request.updateValue(type, forKey: "type")
self.type = type
func setFrom(from: String) {
request.updateValue(from, forKey: "from")
self.from = from
func setSize(size: String) {
request.updateValue(size, forKey: "size")
self.size = size
func mustMatch(key: String, value: String) {
var matching: [String: Any?] = [:]
var map: [String: Dictionary<String, Any?>] = [:]
matching.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
map.updateValue(matching, forKey: "match")
func mustTerm(key: String, value: String) {
var matching: [String: Any?] = [:]
var map: [String: Dictionary<String, Any?>] = [:]
matching.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
map.updateValue(matching, forKey: "term")
func mustNotTerm(key: String, value: String) {
var matching: [String: Any?] = [:]
var map: [String: Dictionary<String, Any?>] = [:]
matching.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
map.updateValue(matching, forKey: "term")
func filterByMatchPhasePrefix(key: String, value: String) {
var sorting: [String: Any?] = [:]
sorting.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
func sort(key: String, value: String) {
var matching: [String: Any?] = [:]
var map: [String: Dictionary<String, Any?>] = [:]
matching.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
map.updateValue(matching, forKey: "sort")
func returnSpecifiedFields(specifiedFields: Array<String>) {
body.updateValue(specifiedFields, forKey: "_source")
func matchAllWithTerms(key: String, termsList: Array<String>) {
var boost: Dictionary<String, Any?> = [:]
let boostValue: Double = 1.0
boost.updateValue(boostValue, forKey: "boost")
var match_all: Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Any?>> = [:]
match_all.updateValue(boost, forKey: "match_all")
var terms: Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Array<String>>> = [:]
var values = [String: Array<String>]()
values.updateValue(termsList, forKey: key)
terms.updateValue(values, forKey: "terms")
body_query.updateValue(boost, forKey: "match_all")
body.updateValue(terms, forKey: "filter")
func matchAll() {
var boost = [String: Double]()
let boostValue: Double = 1.0
boost.updateValue(boostValue, forKey: "boost")
body_query.updateValue(boost, forKey: "match_all")
func getQuery() -> [String : Any?] {
if (request["index"] == nil) {
request.updateValue("firebase", forKey: "index")
print("Type index is missing")
if (request["type"] == nil) {
request.updateValue("product", forKey: "type")
print("Type field is missing.")
if (!must.isEmpty) {
bool.updateValue(must, forKey: "must")
if (!filter.isEmpty) {
bool.updateValue(filter, forKey: "filter")
if (!must_not.isEmpty) {
bool.updateValue(must_not, forKey: "must_not")
if (!should.isEmpty) {
bool.updateValue(should, forKey: "should")
if (!bool.isEmpty) {
body_query.updateValue(bool, forKey: "bool")
if (!body_query.isEmpty) {
body.updateValue(body_query, forKey: "query")
if (!sort.isEmpty) {
body.updateValue(sort, forKey: "sort")
if (!body.isEmpty) {
query.updateValue(body, forKey: "body")
request.updateValue(query, forKey: "query")
return request
class Usage {
func createBodyQueryForMostPopularProducts() -> BodyQuery {
var fields: Array<String> = Array()
let query: BodyQuery = BodyQuery()
query.setIndex(index: "your_index")
query.setType(type: "your_type")
query.setSize(size: "size")
query.mustMatch(key: "key", value: "value")
query.sort(key: "key", value: "value")
query.returnSpecifiedFields(specifiedFields: fields)
return query
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