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José L. Ortiz bandaangosta

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bandaangosta /
Last active October 18, 2019 13:07
Kibana search results (exported to CSV) to JIRA table format
# !/bin/bash
# Steps:
# - Run query in Kibana
# - Export results to CSV file: Share -> CSV Reports -> Generate CSV
# (you may be required to "Save search" first. Use a temporary name and keep overwriting it to reduce entries)
# - Download generated CSV once generated (it takes a short while)
# - Run script on local file as shown below
# - Profit
bandaangosta /
Last active October 29, 2024 09:16
Reading PZEM-004t power sensor (new version v3.0) through Modbus-RTU protocol over TTL UART
# Reading PZEM-004t power sensor (new version v3.0) through Modbus-RTU protocol over TTL UART
# Run as:
# python3
# To install dependencies:
# pip install modbus-tk
# pip install pyserial
import serial
import modbus_tk.defines as cst
bandaangosta /
Last active March 1, 2019 13:35
Print Docker containers log size
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Print Docker containers log size
# Needs to 'pip install docker' first
# $ sudo ./
# 658675d834 reverse-proxy_1: 10.31 KB
# 85f65ece1d webroot_1: 13.1 KB
# 34c6cc54ab redis_1: 18.81 KB
# 05a3c8b895 mysql_8.0_1: 48.69 KB
bandaangosta /
Created October 20, 2018 13:20
Bash script for low battery alarm and notification
# From:
# Credits to user BlackVeils
# Steps:
# 1. Save this script to
# 2. Edit the 'alarm' variable to point to your sound file of choice
# 3. Give execution permission: chmod +x
# 4. Run the script to test it. If happy, add to your startup applications.
bandaangosta /
Created July 15, 2017 14:25 — forked from tbuckl/
pandas utils for smartsheets
from smartsheet import *
import pandas as pd
from credentials import smartsheet_token
smartsheet = smartsheet.Smartsheet(smartsheet_token)
def get_sheet_as_df(sheet_id):
ss1 = smartsheet.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id, page_size=0)
row_count = ss1.total_row_count
ss1 = smartsheet.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id, page_size=row_count)