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Last active December 6, 2017 22:21
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Vanilla JS Simple Cheatsheet
/* Grab Children/Parent Node(s) */
var parent = document.getElementById('container');
var children = parent.childNodes;
var parentNode = children.parentNode;
/* Create New DOM Elements /*
var newH1 = document.createElement('h1');
var newPara = document.createElement('p');
var h1Text = document.createTextNode('This is text for h1');
var paraText = document.createTextNode('Text for paragraph');
parentNode.insertBefore(h1Text, paraText) // Insert h1 text before para text
/* Add Element to the DOM /*
var container1 = document.getElementById('ct1');
var container2 = document.getElementById('ct2');
container2.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', '<div><span>This is the inserted content</span></div>');
// beforebegin: The HTML would be placed immediately before the element, as a sibling.
// afterbegin: The HTML would be placed inside the element, before its first child.
// beforeend: The HTML would be placed inside the element, after its last child.
// afterend: The HTML would be placed immediately after the element, as a sibling.
/* Contains/Add & remove multiple class */
container1.classList.add('class1', 'class2'); // Use the same for remove
container1.classList.contains('class1'); // Will return true if its has class class1 or false
/* Add/Remove Array */
var emptyArr = [];
var arr = [emtyArr, true, 2, "Random String"];
arr.push('new string'); // Add to end of Array or you can use this arr[arr.length] = 'new string';
arr.pop(); // Remove last item and return the removed item
arr.shift(); // Remove first item
arr.unshift(1); // Add 1 to beginning of array and return new length
arr.splice(2, 1); // First arg is where to start and second is how many things to splice.
/* Events */
var newEle = document.getElementById('id');
newEle.onclick = function() {
newEle.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
}, false);
newEle.removeEventListener('focus', function(e) {
}, false);
window.onload = function() {
/* Timers */
function simpleMessage() {
alert("This is just a simple alert");
// set time out
window.setTimeout(simpleMessage, 5000);
// if you wanted to clear the timer.
var timer = window.setTimeout(simpleMessage, 5000);
// set interval. will repeat every 5000ms
window.setInterval(simpleMessage, 5000);
// if you wanted to clear the intervals.
var intervalHandler = window.setInterval(simpleMessage, 5000);
/* Debounce js */
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this;
var args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
/* DOM onload ready */
// The browser fully loaded HTML, and the DOM tree is built, but external resources like pictures <img> and
// stylesheets may be not yet loaded.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
console.log('DOM is ready');
}, false);
// The load event on window object trigger when the whole page is loaded,including styles, images and other resources.
window.onload = function() {
alert('Page loaded');
// image is loaded at this time
alert(`Image size: ${img.offsetWidth}x${img.offsetHeight}`);
//If a visitor initiated leaving the page or tries to close the window,
//the beforeunload handler can ask for additional confirmation.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "There are unsaved changes. Leave now?";
/* Load event */
let script = document.createElement('script');
// can load any script, from any domain
script.src = ""
script.onload = function() {
// the script creates a helper function "_"
alert(_); // the function is available
/* get the value of the data-modal attribute from the button */
<a href="" data-modal="#modal" class="modal__trigger">Modal 1</a>
var self = this;
// get the value of the data-modal attribute from the button
var modalId = self.dataset.modal;
var len = modalId.length;
// remove the '#' from the string
var modalIdTrimmed = modalId.substring(1, len);
// select the modal we want to activate
var modal = document.getElementById(modalIdTrimmed);
/* Working with scroll */
document.addEventListener('wheel', scrollPage);
// Get the Nodename
// Get the next/previous sibling
var next =;
var prev =;
// If can't find nodeName, using this
var next =;
var prev =;
// Check of scroll to up or down
e.deltaY < 0 // Scroll up
e.deltaY > 0 // scroll down
// Check the position of a window
// Check the Height of the body window
/* Working with scroll */
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function onFirstTouch() {
// we could use a class
// or set some global variable
window.USER_IS_TOUCHING = true;
// or set your app's state however you normally would
myFrameworkOfChoice.dispatchEvent('USER_IS_TOUCHING', true);
// we only need to know once that a human touched the screen, so we can stop listening now
window.removeEventListener('touchstart', onFirstTouch, false);
}, false);
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