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Created April 11, 2019 13:47
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Meteor-building and Sentry-uploading Dockerfile
# --- Stage 1: build Meteor app and install its NPM dependencies ---
# Make sure both this and the FROM line further down match the
# version of Node expected by your version of Meteor -- see
FROM node:8.15.1 as builder
# METEOR_VERSION should match the version in your .meteor/release
# APP_SRC_FOLDER is path the your app code relative to this Dockerfile
# BUILD_SRC_FOLDER = /opt/src is where app code is copied into the container
# BUILD_OUTPUT_FOLDER = /opt/app is where app code is built within the container
RUN mkdir -p /opt/app /opt/src
RUN echo "\n[*] Installing Meteor ${METEOR_VERSION} to ${HOME}"\
&& curl -s${METEOR_VERSION} | sed s/--progress-bar/-sL/g | sh
WORKDIR /opt/src
# Copy in NPM dependencies and install them
COPY $APP_SRC_FOLDER/package*.json /opt/src/
RUN echo '\n[*] Installing app NPM dependencies' \
&& meteor npm install --only=production
# Copy app source into container and build
RUN echo '\n[*] Building Meteor bundle' \
&& meteor build --server-only --allow-superuser --directory /opt/app
# Note: the line above will show a warning about the --allow-superuser flag.
# You can safely ignore it, as it doesn't apply here. The server *is* being built, silently.
# If the process gets killed after awhile, it's probably because the Docker VM ran out of memory.
# Inject git commit into server boot
RUN (echo "process.env.COMMIT_ID = '$(git rev-parse HEAD)';"; cat /opt/app/bundle/main.js) > new-main.js && mv new-main.js /opt/app/bundle/main.js
# Environment variables needed for Sentry:
ENV SENTRY_ORG=strum-machine \
RUN echo '\n[*] Uploading sourcemaps to Sentry' \
&& curl -sL | bash \
&& sentry-cli releases new $(git rev-parse HEAD) \
# && sentry-cli releases set-commits --auto $(git rev-parse HEAD) \
&& sentry-cli releases files $(git rev-parse HEAD) upload-sourcemaps --rewrite /opt/app/bundle/programs/web.browser \
|| true
# --- Stage 2: install server dependencies and run Node server ---
FROM node:8.15.1-alpine as runner
ENV NODE_ENV=production
# Install OS build dependencies, which we remove later after we’ve compiled native Node extensions
RUN apk --no-cache --virtual .node-gyp-compilation-dependencies add \
g++ \
make \
python \
# And runtime dependencies, which we keep
&& apk --no-cache add \
bash \
# Copy in app bundle built in the first stage
COPY --from=builder /opt/app/bundle /opt/app/
# Install NPM dependencies for the Meteor server, then remove OS build dependencies
RUN echo '\n[*] Installing Meteor server NPM dependencies' \
&& cd /opt/app/programs/server/ \
&& npm install --production && npm run install --production \
&& apk del .node-gyp-compilation-dependencies
# Move into bundle folder
WORKDIR /opt/app/
CMD ["node", "main.js"]
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