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Last active March 19, 2024 16:49
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Open new window on drop UserActivity
import SwiftUI
// prerequisites in Info.plist: NSUserActivityTypes contains type, UIApplicationSceneManifest/UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes = YES
// accepts NSUserActivity.targetContentIdentifier = type
// see also:
struct UserActivityWindowGroup<Content: View, Payload: Codable>: Scene {
var type: String
@ViewBuilder var content: (Payload) -> Content
init(type: String, payloadType: Payload.Type, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Payload) -> Content) {
self.type = type
self.content = content
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
WrapperView(type: type, content: content)
.handlesExternalEvents(matching: [type])
struct WrapperView: View {
var type: String
@ViewBuilder var content: (Payload) -> Content
@State private var payload: Result<Payload, Error>?
@Environment(\.dismissWindow) private var dismissWindow
var body: some View {
switch payload {
case nil:
ProgressView().onContinueUserActivity(type) {
do {
self.payload = .success(try $0.typedPayload(Payload.self))
} catch {
self.payload = .failure(error)
case .success(let payload):
case .failure(let error):
Button("Dismiss") {
// MARK: - helper extensions
protocol CustomUserActivityType: Codable {
static var type: String { get }
extension NSUserActivity {
convenience init(_ activity: CustomUserActivityType) throws {
self.init(activityType: type(of: activity).type)
targetContentIdentifier = type(of: activity).type
try setTypedPayload(activity)
extension NSItemProvider {
convenience init(_ activty: CustomUserActivityType) throws {
self.init(object: try NSUserActivity(activty))
extension View {
func onDragActivity(_ activity: CustomUserActivityType) -> some View {
onDrag {
do {
return try NSItemProvider(activity)
} catch {
NSLog("%@", "error on NSItemProvider(\(activity)), error = \(String(describing: error))")
return NSItemProvider()
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