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Created July 3, 2019 14:48
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public static String script = "" +
"local key = KEYS[1]" +
"local field = ARGV[1]" +
"local value = ARGV[2]" +
"local op = ARGV[3]" +
"local current ='hget', key, field)" +
"if (current == null) then " +
"'hset', key, field, value)" +
"elseif op == '>' then" +
" if tonumber(value) > tonumber(current) then" +
"'hset', key, field, value)" +
" end " +
"elseif op == '<' then" +
" if tonumber(value) < tonumber(current) then" +
"'hset', key, field, value)" +
" end " +
"end ";
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