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Forked from TorbenKoehn/Path.php
Created May 13, 2016 19:21
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Path manipulation class for PHP frameworks (not fully tested)
namespace Dwarf;
class Path extends Object implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable {
protected $path;
public function __construct( $path ) {
$this->path = $path;
public function exists() {
return $this->isDir()
? true
: stream_resolve_include_path( $this->path );
public function isWritable() {
return is_writable( $this->path );
public function isReadable() {
return is_readable( $this->path );
public function isExecutable() {
return is_executable( $this->path );
public function isFile() {
return is_file( $this->path );
public function isDirectory() {
return is_dir( $this->path );
public function isLink() {
return is_link( $this->path );
public function getExtension() {
return pathinfo( $this->path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
public function getFilename() {
return pathinfo( $this->path, PATHINFO_FILENAME );
public function getDirectory( $asObject = true ) {
return $asObject
? new static( pathinfo( $this->path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME ) )
: pathinfo( $this->path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME );
public function getBasename() {
return pathinfo( $this->path, PATHINFO_BASENAME );
public function getAccessGroup() {
return filegroup( $this->path );
public function getAccessOwner() {
return fileowner( $this->path );
public function getSize() {
return filesize( $this->path );
public function getModificationTime() {
return new DateTime( filemtime( $this->path ) );
public function getCreationTime() {
return new DateTime( filectime( $this->path ) );
public function getAccessTime() {
return new DateTime( fileatime( $this->path ) );
public function getRealPath( $asObject = true ) {
return $asObject
? new static( realpath( $this->path ) )
: realpath( $this->path );
public function __toString() {
return $this->path;
public function getFiles( $asObject = true ) {
if( !$this->isDirectory() )
throw new Exception( "$this->path is not a directory and thus "
. "doesn't have files. Please check with Path->isDir() first" );
$dir = opendir( $this->path );
while( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) {
if( $file !== '.' && $file !== '..' )
yield Path::combine( $this->path, $file, $asObject );
closedir( $dir );
public function getIterator() {
return $this->getFiles();
public function count() {
return iterator_count( $this->getIterator() );
public static function combine( $folder, $path, $asObject = true ) {
//both can be Path instances, so lets make them a string first
$folder = (string)$folder;
$path = (string)$path;
//do the slashes sit right?
if( $folder[ strlen( $folder ) - 1 ] !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )
if( $path[ 0 ] === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )
$path = substr( $path, 1 );
return $asObject ? new static( $folder.$path ) : $folder.$path;
include '../library/Dwarf/Object.php';
include '../library/Dwarf/Path.php';
$path = '../library/Dwarf';
$dir = new Dwarf\Path( $path );
echo "Is dir:";
var_dump( $dir->isDirectory() );
echo "Is file:";
var_dump( $dir->isFile() );
echo "Files:";
var_dump( $dir->getFiles() );
echo "Generator iteration:<br>";
foreach( $dir->getFiles() as $file )
echo "File: $file<br>";
echo '<br><br>';
echo "Aggregated Iterator iteration:<br>";
foreach( $dir as $file ) {
if( $file->isDirectory() )
echo "Directory: $file (".count( $file ).")<br>";
echo "File: $file<br>";
echo "<br><br>File count:";
var_dump( count( $dir ) );
Is dir:
boolean true
Is file:
boolean false
Generator iteration:
File: ../library/Dwarf/App.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Config
File: ../library/Dwarf/Config.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Configurable.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Environment.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/EnvironmentException.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Environments
File: ../library/Dwarf/Exception.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Loader.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Object.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Path.php
Aggregated Iterator iteration:
File: ../library/Dwarf/App.php
Directory: ../library/Dwarf/Config (1)
File: ../library/Dwarf/Config.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Configurable.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Environment.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/EnvironmentException.php
Directory: ../library/Dwarf/Environments (1)
File: ../library/Dwarf/Exception.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Loader.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Object.php
File: ../library/Dwarf/Path.php
File count:
int 11
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