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Last active December 20, 2015 22:39
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This example uses functions in base R, namely matrix math and the optim function, to replicate the output of the lmer function from the lme4 package. It's a toy example so efficient computation is not an issue - that's what made it fun. The estimates match up with lmer, and it's satisfying to see the algorithm work at this lower level.
rm(list = ls())
# Setup: 3 subjects, 5 total measurements, one covariate
df <- data.frame(x1 = c(1,5,2,3,4), subject = c(1,2,3,1,2))
df$subject <- factor(df$subject)
n <- 5
beta <- matrix(c(1.3, 2), ncol=1) # coeffient for x1, a value of 2
u <- matrix(c(-.5, .6, 1.5), ncol=1) # the three random effects for subjects
# Create design matrices Z and X
Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(subject), data = df)
X <- model.matrix(~ 1 + x1, data = df)
# Complete the Data Generating Process
epsilon <- c(.9, .1, -.2, .3, -.4)
df$y <- X %*% beta + Z %*% u + epsilon
y <- matrix(df$y, ncol = 1) #response vector
### Goal: match estimates from the following lmer output!
my.lmer <- lmer( y ~ x1 + (1 | subject), data = df, REML = FALSE)
# Below is solution to the linear system with known variance parms
solution <- function(sigma_u, sigma_e){
V = sigma_u^2 * Z %*% t(Z) + sigma_e^2 * diag(1,n,n)
solve(t(X) %*% solve(V) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% solve(V) %*% y
beta.hat <- solution(1,1)
log.likelihood <- function(beta.hat, sigma_u, sigma_e){
V = sigma_u^2 * Z %*% t(Z) + sigma_e^2 * diag(1,n,n)
resid = y - X %*% beta.hat
-(n/2)*log(2*pi) + -.5*log(det(V)) + -.5*t(resid) %*% solve(V) %*% resid
#### test runs ####
#assumes beta.hat is in the global environment
neg.partial.log.likelihood <- function(sd.parms){
-log.likelihood(beta.hat, sd.parms[1], sd.parms[2])
#default optim performs minimization
sd.parms.hat <- optim(c(1,1), neg.partial.log.likelihood )$par
### The real thing ####
# iterate until...8?
#initial values...change them. How much do they matter?
sd.parms.hat <- c(.5,.2)
beta.hat <- c(2, 1.5)
for( iter in 1:8 ){
beta.hat <- solution(sd.parms.hat[1], sd.parms.hat[2])
sd.parms.hat <- optim(sd.parms.hat, neg.partial.log.likelihood )$par
cat("\n*** Iteration ", iter," ***")
cat("sigma_u estimate: ", sd.parms.hat[1], ", sigma_e estimate: ", sd.parms.hat[2], "\n")
cat("log likelihood: ", log.likelihood(beta.hat, sd.parms.hat[1], sd.parms.hat[2]), "\n")
# maximizing the posterior mode of u | Y, X, beta, sigma_u, sigma_u is
# analytically tractible under normality assumptions.
# The closed form solution comes from vector/Matrix calculus.
resid = y - X %*% beta.hat
R = t(Z) %*% Z + (sd.parms.hat[2]^2/sd.parms.hat[1]^2)*diag(1,3,3)
t(resid) %*% Z %*% solve(R)
#### Towards a "hat" matrix P such that Py = y.hat, and a concept of effective df
V = sd.parms.hat[1]^2 * Z %*% t(Z) + sd.parms.hat[2]^2 * diag(1,n,n)
V.inv = solve(V)
Q.x = solve(t(X) %*% V.inv %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% V.inv
Q.z = solve(R) %*% t(Z) %*% (diag(1,n,n) - X %*% Q.x)
# check
Q.x %*% y # fixed effects estimate
Q.z %*% y # random effects estimates
P.x = X %*% Q.x
P.z = Z %*% Q.z
P = P.x + P.z
rownames(P) <- NULL
# P is the "hat matrix," but let's make sure
P %*% y
resid = y - P%*%y
# How many effective degrees of freedom does our model have?
trace <- function(X) sum( diag(1,nrow(X),nrow(X)) * X)
# Model degrees of freedom
#degrees of freedom from the fixed effects
#degrees of freedom from the random effects
#estimated error degrees of freedom
5 - trace(P)
## Finally, let's compute the GLS variance covariance matrix of the fixed effects
solve(t(X) %*% V.inv %*% X)
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