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Last active October 7, 2019 12:46
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import patsy
import tensorflow as tf
class SleepReg(tf.Module):
def __init__(self, sleepdata_path):
"""Initializing tensorflow variables and other necessary matrices"""
# These two TensorFlow variables show up in the trainable_variables
self.beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2, 1], dtype=tf.float64))
self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([36, 1], dtype=tf.float64))
self.set_optimizer() = self.get_sleepstudy_data(sleepdata_path)
self.N_subjects = 18
self.y =, 1))
self.X = self.get_X_matrix()
self.Z = self.get_Z_matrix()
# Initializing Sigma_b and sigmasq_epsilon to lme4's output for demo
self.Sigma_b = np.array([[24.7404 ** 2, .066 * 5.9221 * 24.7404],
[.066 * 24.7404 * 5.9221, 5.9221 ** 2]])
self.sigmasq_epsilon = 25.5918 ** 2
self.V = self.get_V_matrix()
self.H = self.get_H_matrix()
self.df = self.get_approximate_df()
def zero_coefficients(self):
self.beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2, 1], dtype=tf.float64))
self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([36, 1], dtype=tf.float64))
def reset_variances(self, Sigma_b, sigmasq_epsilon):
self.Sigma_b = Sigma_b
self.sigmasq_epsilon = sigmasq_epsilon
# Update matrices that depend on these variances
self.V = self.get_V_matrix()
self.H = self.get_H_matrix()
self.df = self.get_approximate_df()
def get_sleepstudy_data(self, sleepdata_path):
sleep_df = pd.read_csv(sleepdata_path)
sleep_df['SubjectId'] = pd.Categorical(sleep_df['Subject']).codes
sleep_df['SubjectId'] = sleep_df.SubjectId.apply(lambda x: str(x))
return sleep_df
def get_X_matrix(self):
return patsy.dmatrix('1 + Days',
def get_Z_matrix(self):
"""Gets textbook (block diagonal) random effects Z matrix."""
Z_int = patsy.dmatrix('0 + SubjectId',
Z_slope = patsy.dmatrix('0 + SubjectId:Days',
Z_version1 = np.concatenate((Z_int, Z_slope), axis=1)
# Prepare a column permutation matrix
P = np.zeros((2 * self.N_subjects, 2 * self.N_subjects))
j = 0
for i in range(self.N_subjects):
P[i, 2 * j] = 1.0
P[self.N_subjects + i, 2 * j + 1] = 1.0
j += 1
Z = np.matmul(Z_version1, P) # Textbook Z matrix
return Z
def get_V_matrix(self):
"""Get inverse random effects vector variance matrix"""
Sigma_b_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.Sigma_b)
V = np.kron(np.identity(self.N_subjects), Sigma_b_inv)
return V
def get_H_matrix(self):
"""Define the Hat matrix H such that y_hat = Hy."""
Xt = np.transpose(self.X)
Zt = np.transpose(self.Z)
XtX_s = np.matmul(Xt, self.X) / self.sigmasq_epsilon
XtZ_s = np.matmul(Xt, self.Z) / self.sigmasq_epsilon
ZtX_s = np.matmul(Zt, self.X) / self.sigmasq_epsilon
ZtZ_s_plus_V = np.matmul(Zt, self.Z) / self.sigmasq_epsilon + self.V
X_and_Z = np.hstack((self.X, self.Z))
Xt_over_Zt_s = np.vstack((Xt, Zt)) / self.sigmasq_epsilon
D = np.vstack((np.hstack((XtX_s, XtZ_s)),
np.hstack((ZtX_s, ZtZ_s_plus_V))))
D_inv = np.linalg.inv(D)
H = np.matmul(np.matmul(X_and_Z, D_inv), Xt_over_Zt_s)
return H
def get_approximate_df(self):
return np.trace(self.H)
def get_fitted_values(self):
return np.matmul(self.H, self.y)
def get_random_effects(self):
b_hat = np.squeeze(self.b.numpy())
rand_effs = np.reshape(b_hat, (self.N_subjects, 2))
return pd.DataFrame(rand_effs, columns = ['mu', 'b'])
def get_rnd_effs_variance(self):
"""Returns variance matrix of computed random effects"""
rand_effs = self.get_random_effects()
return np.cov(rand_effs, rowvar=False)
def estimate_sigmasq_epsilon(self):
y_hat = self.get_fitted_values()
df = self.get_approximate_df()
resid = self.y - y_hat
est = np.matmul(resid.T, resid) / (resid.shape[0] - df)
return est.ravel()
def _get_expectation(self, X, Z, beta, b):
return tf.matmul(X, beta) + tf.matmul(Z, b)
def _get_sse(self, y, y_hat):
return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y - y_hat))
def _get_neg_log_prior(self, b, V):
"""Get the wieght pentalty from the full Guassian distribution"""
bTV = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(b), V)
bTVb = tf.matmul(bTV, b)
return tf.squeeze(bTVb)
def set_optimizer(self, adam=False):
"""Choose optimizer for the model training task."""
self.optimizer = (tf.optimizers.Adam() if adam else
tf.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=.025, momentum=.98))
def train(self, epochs=1500, display_beta=True):
"""Trains model using a TensorFlow training loop"""
X = tf.constant(self.X)
Z = tf.constant(self.Z)
y = tf.constant(self.y)
V = tf.constant(self.V)
sigmasq_int = tf.constant(self.Sigma_b[0, 0])
sigmasq_slope = tf.constant(self.Sigma_b[0, 0])
for epoch in range(epochs):
with tf.GradientTape() as gradient_tape:
y_pred = self._get_expectation(X, Z, self.beta, self.b)
loss = (self._get_sse(y, y_pred) / self.sigmasq_epsilon
+ self._get_neg_log_prior(self.b, V))
gradient = gradient_tape.gradient(loss, (
(self.trainable_variables[0], self.trainable_variables[1])
if display_beta:
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