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Created March 19, 2013 08:39
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Save baopham/5194548 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
zshenv for Prezto
# Defines environment variables.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# GistID: 5194548
# Browser
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then
export BROWSER='open'
# Editors
export EDITOR='vim'
export VISUAL='vim'
export PAGER='less'
# Language
if [[ -z "$LANG" ]]; then
export LANG='en_US.UTF-8'
# Paths
typeset -gU cdpath fpath mailpath path
# Set the the list of directories that cd searches.
# cdpath=(
# $cdpath
# )
# Set the list of directories that Zsh searches for programs.
[[ -d "$HOME/.rvm" ]] && PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin:$HOME/.rvm/scripts && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
# Less
# Set the default Less options.
# Mouse-wheel scrolling has been disabled by -X (disable screen clearing).
# Remove -X and -F (exit if the content fits on one screen) to enable it.
export LESS='-F -g -i -M -R -S -w -X -z-4'
# Set the Less input preprocessor.
if (( $+commands[] )); then
export LESSOPEN='| /usr/bin/env %s 2>&-'
# Temporary Files
if [[ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ]]; then
export TMPDIR="/tmp/$USER"
mkdir -p -m 700 "$TMPDIR"
if [[ ! -d "$TMPPREFIX" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$TMPPREFIX"
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