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Last active April 11, 2022 12:00
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Arabic to Roman Numeral converter in elixir
defmodule RomanNumeralFirstPass do
def convert(value) do
sum =
|> convert_numerals()
|> Enum.sum()
{:ok, sum}
defp convert_numerals(list_of_numerals, numerical_values \\ [])
defp convert_numerals([first | []], numerical_values) do
converted_numeral = convert_numeral(first)
convert_numerals([], [converted_numeral | numerical_values])
defp convert_numerals([first, second | tail], numerical_values) do
converted_first = convert_numeral(first)
converted_second = convert_numeral(second)
if converted_first < converted_second do
convert_numerals(tail, [converted_second - converted_first | numerical_values])
convert_numerals([second | tail], [converted_first | numerical_values])
defp convert_numerals([], numerical_values), do: numerical_values
defp convert_numeral(character) do
case character do
"i" -> 1
"v" -> 5
"x" -> 10
"l" -> 50
"c" -> 100
defmodule RomanNumeral do
def convert(roman_numeral) when is_binary(roman_numeral) do
roman_numeral = String.downcase(roman_numeral)
if roman_numeral =~ ~r/[^ivxlc]/i do
raise "Invalid roman numeral #{roman_numeral}"
arabic_value = roman_numeral |> String.graphemes() |> sum(0)
{:ok, arabic_value}
defp sum([], acc), do: acc
defp sum([x], acc), do: sum([], to_arabic(x) + acc)
defp sum([x, y | tail], acc) do
case {to_arabic(x), to_arabic(y)} do
{a, b} when a < b -> sum(tail, acc + b - a)
{a, _b} -> sum([y | tail], acc + a)
defp to_arabic("i"), do: 1
defp to_arabic("v"), do: 5
defp to_arabic("x"), do: 10
defp to_arabic("l"), do: 50
defp to_arabic("c"), do: 100
defmodule RomanNumeralRefactor do
def convert(value) do
sum =
|> sum_numerals(0)
{:ok, sum}
defp sum_numerals(["i", "v" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 4)
defp sum_numerals(["i", "x" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 9)
defp sum_numerals(["x", "l" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 40)
defp sum_numerals(["x", "c" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 90)
defp sum_numerals(["i" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 1)
defp sum_numerals(["v" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 5)
defp sum_numerals(["x" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 10)
defp sum_numerals(["l" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 50)
defp sum_numerals(["c" | tail], sum), do: sum_numerals(tail, sum + 100)
defp sum_numerals([], sum), do: sum
defmodule RomanNumeral do
def convert(roman_numeral) when is_binary(roman_numeral) do
roman_numeral = roman_numeral |> String.downcase()
if roman_numeral =~ ~r/[^ivxlc]/i do
raise "Invalid roman numeral #{roman_numeral}"
arabic_value = roman_numeral |> sum(0)
{:ok, arabic_value}
defp sum("iv" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 4)
defp sum("ix" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 9)
defp sum("xl" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 40)
defp sum("xc" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 90)
defp sum("i" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 1)
defp sum("v" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 5)
defp sum("x" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 10)
defp sum("l" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 50)
defp sum("c" <> rest, acc), do: sum(rest, acc + 100)
defp sum("", acc), do: acc
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bapti commented Apr 9, 2022

This was a code test for a contract position I was applying for in 2022.

My first solution took a little while to get there, I started off TDD-ing and doing a very simplistic approach to the problem. I also hadn't seen the patterns of a roman numeral that if there's a pair of numbers together, like ix or iv the case is that the left is lower than the right. I'd have rather gone the route of special cases like I did with solution 2 and 3 but was directed to write the logic.

I added solution 1a as a refactored version of 1 that maintains the logic of the numerals, but makes better use of pattern matching, I still think version 3 is the neatest solution, I think the 4 special cases (would be 6 if we included M and D) is the easiest to follow in terms of decoding a roman numeral.

Notes to future me

  1. When presented with something like roman numerals, go and read the wikipedia article, for this problem is clearly explains the special cases for 4, 9, 40, 90 etc.
  2. Before going into a face to face code test, make sure to practise a few of these types of problems first. Exercism has some good puzzles, so does something like advent of code. Practising for a few hours, and verbalising coding is good when you've not done it for a while.
  3. Don't be afraid to stick to your guns when designing a solution.

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