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Created February 24, 2012 09:29
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new prototype of tableGrob with cells editing and adjustable cell sizes
## layout the core cells with top and left headers
align_table <- function(core, top, left, just=c("center", "center")){
gl <- grid.layout(nrow=2,ncol=2,
widths=unit.c(sum(left$widths), sum(core$widths)),
heights=unit.c(sum(top$heights), sum(core$heights)),
g1 <- gtable_gTree(core, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=2))
g2 <- gtable_gTree(top, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))
g3 <- gtable_gTree(left, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))
gTree(children=gList(g1,g2,g3), vp=viewport(layout=gl))
rowMax_units <- function(m){, apply(m, 1, function(l)
max(, lapply(l, grobHeight)))))
colMax_units <- function(m){, apply(m, 2, function(l)
max(, lapply(l, grobWidth)))))
## build a rectGrob with parameters
cellRect <- function(fill)
rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill=fill, col=fill))
## fail-safe plotmath parsing
tryparse <- function(lab)
tryCatch(parse(text=lab), error = function(e) lab)
## stack two isomorphic gtables along z
combine <- function(g1, g2){
g1$grobs <- c(g1$grobs, g2$grobs)
g2$layout <- transform(g2$layout, z= g1$layout$z - 1, name="rect")
g1$layout <- rbind(g1$layout, g2$layout)
tableGrob <- function(d, rows=rownames(d), cols=colnames(d),
parse=TRUE, widths=NULL, heights=NULL,
fill=c("grey98","grey90"), padding = unit(c(2,2),"mm"),
just=c("centre", "centre")){
m <- as.matrix(d)
content <- c(m)
n <- length(content)
nc <- NCOL(d)
nr <- NROW(d)
## basic aesthetic params
cfill <- rep(fill, length=n)
tfill <- rep("white", length=nc)
lfill <- rep("white", length=nr)
## try parsing the labels (plotmath)
content <- lapply(content, tryparse)
## cols <- lapply(cols, tryparse)
## rows <- lapply(rows, tryparse)
## make the text grobs
cgrobst <- mapply(textGrob, label=content,
MoreArgs=list(gp=gpar(col="black")), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
tgrobst <- mapply(textGrob, label=cols,
MoreArgs=list(gp=gpar(col="grey20", fontface="bold")), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
lgrobst <- mapply(textGrob, label=rows,
MoreArgs=list(gp=gpar(col="grey20", fontface="italic")), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## make the rect grobs
cgrobsr <- mapply(cellRect, cfill, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
tgrobsr <- mapply(cellRect, tfill, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
lgrobsr <- mapply(cellRect, lfill, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## wrap grobs into matrices
mcgrobst <- matrix(cgrobst, ncol=nc)
mcgrobsr <- matrix(cgrobsr, ncol=nc)
mtgrobst <- matrix(tgrobst, ncol=nc)
mtgrobsr <- matrix(tgrobsr, ncol=nc)
mlgrobst <- matrix(lgrobst, nrow=nr)
mlgrobsr <- matrix(lgrobsr, nrow=nr)
## figure out layout dimensions
cwidths <- colMax_units(mcgrobst) + padding[1]
cheights <- rowMax_units(mcgrobst) + padding[2]
twidths <- colMax_units(mtgrobst) + padding[1]
theights <- rowMax_units(mtgrobst) + padding[2]
lwidths <- colMax_units(mlgrobst) + padding[1]
lheights <- rowMax_units(mlgrobst) + padding[2]
## widths and heights, if not supplied, accommodate all labels
widths <- unit.pmax(twidths, cwidths) else
widths <- rep(widths, length.out=nc)
heights <- unit.pmax(lheights, cheights) else
heights <- rep(heights, length.out=nr)
## create gtables
coretext <- gtable_matrix("core", mcgrobst, widths, heights)
corerect <- gtable_matrix("core", mcgrobsr, widths, heights)
toptext <- gtable_matrix("top", mtgrobst, widths, theights)
toprect <- gtable_matrix("top", mtgrobsr, widths, theights)
lefttext <- gtable_matrix("left", mlgrobst, lwidths, heights)
leftrect <- gtable_matrix("left", mlgrobsr, lwidths, heights)
## combine gtables along z
g1 <- combine(coretext, corerect)
g2 <- combine(toptext, toprect)
g3 <- combine(lefttext, leftrect)
## align the tables
align_table(g1,g2,g3, just=just)
## tests
d <- head(iris)
d[2,2] <- "this is\nhigh"
d[3,4] <- "integral(alpha)"
g <- tableGrob(d)
## layout on the page, with fixed row heights.
## Note how 'npc' are more useful than 'null' units here.
g2 <- tableGrob(d, widths=unit(1,"null"), heights=unit(1/nrow(d),"npc"),
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