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Created April 27, 2024 06:58
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title: Wizard • pointy-hatted • pipe smoker
author: Gandalf the Grey
alsoknown: Olórin, Gandalf
nationality: Maia, bearer of Narya
age: Born before Arda was created
currentdate: fourth age
address: Valinor, Arda
mobile: flying moths
skype: gandalf
website: "[]("
resume: "[]("
numpages: 2
colour: 606060
highlight: 8a1313
separator: staff.png
titlefont: Hobbiton Brushhand
mainfont: Minion 3
sansfont: Gill Sans Nova
monofont: Iosevka SS09 Light
itemsep: 12pt
editor: source
::: statement
*Sent by the Valar to combat the threat of Sauron upon Middle-Earth. Out of activity since the Third Age. A true wizard when it comes to fireworks, dragons and Balrogs, I also enjoy a good smoke. When things get too hot even for me, I know to delegate.*
## Work experience
Fourth Age
~ [Retired wizard]{.highlight} [Manwë's team, Valinor]{.institution}
~ Smoking and reminiscing about the great battles of the past
~ Hanging out with Bilbo and Frodo, Lady Galadriel, Elrond, and many elves
Third Age
~ [grey, then white wizard]{.highlight} [policy adviser & guide, middle earth]{.institution}
~ Sent by the Valar to help Men and Elves in the fight against Sauron
~ Advised the rulers of Middle-Earth, often against their bad judgment
~ Collaborated with Elrond, Lady Galadriel, and Aragorn
~ Argued with a Balrog that they *shall not pass*
~ Sent back with a white cape to finish the job
~ Sent a Hobbit to steal a stone from a dragon and stir up 5 armies
~ Sent a Hobbit to melt a ring in a volcano
~ Awarded the title of Fellows of the Ring to 9 elves, hobbits, men and dwarves
~ Flew at the back of eagles
1st & 2nd Age
~ [maia, istari]{.highlight} [manwë's assistant, valinor]{.institution}
~ Participated in the shaping of Middle-Earth
~ Helped building lamps, growing trees, teaching elves
~ Fighter against Morgoth and a giant spider
Before Ëa
~ [spiritual, music enthusiast]{.highlight} [ilúvatar & co., out of this world]{.institution}
~ Participated in the music that shaped the universe (Ainur orchestra • duration: aeons)
~ Co-created all the riches in the world
~ Countered dissonant views with more harmonious music
~ Admired what might come to be
## Core competencies
~ [expert in spells, fire and staff handling]{.highlight}
~ Organised fireworks for Bilbo's anniversary in the Shire
~ Fought a Balrog in the Moria
~ Broke Saruman's staff from a distance
~ Saved the day riding a white horse downhill
~ [broad experience with all languages of middle-earth]{.highlight}
~ Wise advice to all rulers --- men and women, dwarves, elves, hobbits, bear
~ Liaised with the ents to defeat Saruman's evil plans
~ Deciphered a pass phrase to enter Moria (with help from Frodo)
~ Interpreted invisible writings on a ring
## Acquired skills
~ [champion of good vs evil]{.highlight}
~ Sword-fighting with Glamdring
~ Staff-wielding --- breaking stone bridges before my feet, deterring a rogue wizard, bringing light to dark places
~ Occasional stabbing of orcs and goblins, burning of werewolves
~ [powerful orator]{.highlight}
~ Grew taller, darker, scarier when talking down a Hobbit inside his hole
~ Sneaked a weapon in Théoden's reception room pass the guards
~ Convinced Théoden to wake up from his torpor
~ Shut up a magical ball of fire / giant burning eye talking to people from a distance inside a dark ball
~ Snapped boss from ivory tower
~ Conversed with moths to call for eagles
~ Convinced Beorn to bear the company of dwarves for one night
~ [trusted and wise team builder]{.highlight}
~ Talked everyone, including hobbits, into highly-dangerous adventures
~ Summoned dwarves, men, hobbits and elves to meetings
~ Led teams through forests, grasslands, avalanche-ridden mountain tops
~ Organised the replacement of a bitter steward by the rightful king
~ Sent a hobbit up a tower to lit a long-distance call for help
~ Had a "nose" to choose the right path through the tunnels of Moria
~ Advised Frodo not to judge Smeagol hastily, indirectly saving the world later on
## Conferences
~ With Elrond, Galadriel, Frodo and Bilbo • *Grey Havens* [parting thoughts ]{.institution}
~ With Aragorn & armies • *Black Gate* [teethy negotiation]{.institution}
~ Encounter with a balrog • *Moria* [deep argument]{.institution}
~ Assembly of a Fellowship (dwarves, elves, humans) • *Rivendell* [convenor]{.institution}
~ Venom-and-stick moves • *Rohan* [persuader]{.institution}
~ Counsel-seeking from Saruman • *Orthanc tower* [wizardry]{.institution}
~ Visit of Bilbo with Balin • *Shire* [talk & smoke]{.institution}
## Hobbies
~ I am passionately curious about the Middle-Earth cultures and life-forms, and keen to connect with all. I enjoy travelling, conversing in foreign languages, catching up with old friends unannounced, plotting surprise parties and adventures.
~ I am an avid pipe smoker, a hobby I took up years ago with my hobbit friends in the Shire. Thanks to my wizardry, I am able to shape the smoke into any form conceivable, sailing boats for example. My favourite leaf is the Southern Star, grown around Bree.
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