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Created November 28, 2020 17:24
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fn print_i2c_it_flags(b: &stm32f0xx_hal::stm32f0::R<u32, stm32f0xx_hal::stm32f0::Reg<u32, pac::i2c1::_ISR>>) {
if b.txe().is_empty() {
rprintln!("TXE Transmit Data Register Empty");
if b.txis().is_empty() {
rprintln!("TXIS Transmit Interrupt Status");
if b.rxne().is_not_empty() {
rprintln!("RXNE Receive Data Register Not Empty");
if b.addr().is_match_() {
rprintln!("ADDR Address Match");
if b.nackf().is_nack() {
rprintln!("NACKF Not Acknowledge Flag");
if b.stopf().is_stop() {
rprintln!("STOPF Stop Event Flag")
if {
rprintln!("TC Transfer Complete");
if b.tcr().is_complete() {
rprintln!("TCR Transfer Complete Reload")
if b.berr().is_error() {
rprintln!("BERR Bus Error");
if b.arlo().is_lost() {
rprintln!("ARLO Arbitration Lost");
if b.ovr().is_overrun() {
rprintln!("OVR Overrun Error");
if b.pecerr().is_match_() {
rprintln!("PECERR is match");
} else {
rprintln!("PECERR is no match");
if b.timeout().is_timeout() {
rprintln!("TIMEOUT Timeout Flag")
if b.alert().is_alert() {
rprintln!("ALERT SMBus Alert Flag");
if b.busy().is_busy() {
rprintln!("BUSY Busy Flag");
if b.dir().is_read() {
rprintln!("DIR is read");
} else {
rprintln!("DIR is write");
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