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Created December 16, 2014 03:02
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Movement converter - convert high level movement commands into absolute motor positions.
package simple_move_cvtr;
use stream_cache;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use Data::Dumper;
sub new{
my $settings = shift;
my @copy_settings = qw( movementSource currentMotorPositions axisTopSpeeds timePerFrame ); #getNextMovement
my $self={};
for my $name(@copy_settings){
$self->{$name} = $settings->{$name};
my $cache = stream_cache::new(sub{return $self->{movementSource}->{getNextMovement}->()});
$self->{getMovementById} = sub{stream_cache::get_chunk($self->{cache},shift())};
return $self;
sub get_next_frame{
my $self = shift;
my $next_frame = getBestNextFrame (
#warn Dumper $next_frame;
$self->{lastMoveIdCompleted} = $next_frame->{lastMoveIdCompleted};
$self->{currentMotorPositions} = $next_frame->{currentMotorPositions};
$self->{fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted} = $next_frame->{fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted};
$self->{lastMovementEndingPosition} = $next_frame->{lastMovementEndingPosition};
return $self->{currentMotorPositions};
sub round {
$_[0] > 0 ? int($_[0] + .5) : -int(-$_[0] + .5)
sub sum {
my $t=0;
for my $x(@_){
$t += $x;
return $t;
sub diff{
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
return map {$a->[$_] - $b->[$_]} (0..2);
sub add{
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
return map {$a->[$_] + $b->[$_]} (0..2);
sub smul{
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
return map {$a->[$_] * $b} (0..2);
sub dot{
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
my @c = map {$a->[$_]*$b->[$_]} (0 ..$#{$a});
return sum @c;
sub mag{
my @parts = @_;
@parts = map {$_*$_} @parts;
my $sum = sqrt(sum @parts);
return $sum;
sub normalize{
my @v=shift;
return smul(\@v,1/mag(@v));
sub interpolate{
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
my $t=shift;
return add($a,[smul([diff($b,$a)],$t)]);
sub between{#Is A between B and C?
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
my $c=shift;
return 0 if $a < $b;
return 0 if $a > $c;
return 1;
sub isPointInRange{
my $point = shift;
my $range = shift;
my @notInRange = map {!between($point->[$_],@{$range->[$_]})} (0..2);
return 0 if grep {$_} @notInRange;
return 1;
sub isPointWithinToleranceOfRange{# May occasionally give false positives. Includes corner points, where they should be rounded.
my $point = shift;
my $range = shift;
my $axisTolerances = shift;
my $expandedRange = [map {[$range->[$_][0] - $axisTolerances->[$_],$range->[$_][0] + $axisTolerances->[$_]]} (0..2)];
return isPointInRange($point, $expandedRange);
sub okayToAskForMoreFrames{
my $self=shift;
return (($self->{movementSource}->{canProvideMoreMovements}->()) or (!doINeedAnotherMovementToContinue($self)));
sub doINeedAnotherMovementToContinue{
my $self = shift;
if($self->{fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted} == 0){
return 1;
#current move not completed
return 0;
sub getBestNextFrame {
my $lastMoveIdCompleted= shift;
my $lastMovementEndingPosition = shift;
my $currentMotorPositions = shift;
my $getMovementById = shift;
#my $lastMovementDelta = shift;
#my $getReachableRanges = shift;
my $fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted = shift;
#my $nFramesToLookAhead = shift;
#my $axisTolerances = shift;
my $axisTopSpeeds = shift;#true speeds, steps per second
my $timePerFrame = shift;
my $nextMoveId = $lastMoveIdCompleted+1;
#my $lastPoint = $getMovementById->($lastMoveIdCompleted);#Where you started, minus the fraction already completed.
my $nextPoint = $getMovementById->($lastMoveIdCompleted+1);#Where you want to go, ideally.
#warn Dumper $lastPoint;
#warn Dumper $nextPoint;
#warn $fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted;
my $minimumTimeToComplete = (1 - $fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted)*$nextPoint->{minimumTimeToComplete};
my $startingTheoreticalPosition=[interpolate($lastMovementEndingPosition,$nextPoint->{position},$fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted)];
print "theoretical too far from actual previous position\n" if mag(diff($startingTheoreticalPosition,$currentMotorPositions))>2;
my $maxTOnLineForFeedrate;
my @axisDeltaAbs = map {abs} diff($startingTheoreticalPosition,$nextPoint->{position});
my @maxTsForAxisSpeeds = map { ($axisDeltaAbs[$_]==0)?100000000000: $axisTopSpeeds->[$_]*$timePerFrame/$axisDeltaAbs[$_]} (0..2);
my $maxT = min(1,$maxTOnLineForFeedrate,@maxTsForAxisSpeeds);
my $motorPositions = [map {round $_} (positionOnLine($startingTheoreticalPosition,$nextPoint->{position},$maxT))];
$fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted = $fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted + $maxT*(1-$fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted);
if ($maxT > 0.999999){
$fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted =0;
$lastMovementEndingPosition = $nextPoint->{position};
return {
lastMoveIdCompleted=> $lastMoveIdCompleted,
currentMotorPositions=> $motorPositions,
lastMovementEndingPosition => $lastMovementEndingPosition
sub terminateCurrentMove{
my $self=shift;
$self->{fractionOfNextMoveAlreadyCompleted} =1;
sub setCurrentPosition{
my $self=shift;
my $pos=shift;
sub isPointWithinTolerance {
my $point = shift;
my $axisTolerances = shift;
my @parts = map {$point->[$_]/$axisTolerances->[$_]} (0..2);
my $sum = mag @parts;
$sum *= $sum;
return 1 if $sum <= 1;
return 0;
sub randomPointInsideSphere{
my @v = map {rand()*2-1} (0..2);
return @v if mag(@v) <= 1;
sub positionOnLine{
my $x1=shift;#p1
my $x2=shift;#p2
my $t=shift;
return map {$x1->[$_]+($x2->[$_] - $x1->[$_])*$t} (0..2);
sub closestTToLine{
my $x0=shift;
my $x1=shift;#p1
my $x2=shift;#p2
my $top = dot([diff($x1,$x0)],[diff($x2,$x1)]);
my $bot = mag(diff($x2,$x1));
$bot *= $bot;
my $mint = -$top/$bot;
return 0 if $mint <=0;
return 1 if $mint >=1;
return $mint;
sub closestPointToLine{
my $x0=shift;
my $x1=shift;#p1
my $x2=shift;#p2
return positionOnLine($x1,$x2,closestTToLine($x0,$x1,$x2));
sub divTolerance{
my $point = shift;
my $axisTolerances = shift;
return map {$point->[$_]/$axisTolerances->[$_]} (0..2)
sub mulTolerance{
my $point = shift;
my $axisTolerances = shift;
return map {$point->[$_]*$axisTolerances->[$_]} (0..2)
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