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Forked from bigsergey/
Last active May 30, 2019 01:35
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Front-end Code Review Checklist

Review checklist


  • 1. Does the code work?
  • 2. Description of the project status is included.
  • 3. Code is easily understand.
  • 4. Code is written following the coding standarts/guidelines (React in our case).
  • 5. Code is in sync with existing code patterns/technologies.
  • 6. DRY. Is the same code duplicated more than twice?
  • 7. Can the code be easily tested (don't forget about React components)?
  • 8. Are functions/classes/components reasonably small (not too big)?
  • 9. Event listeners removed at teardown.
  • 10. Naming conventions followed for variables, file names, translations.
  • 11. Removed unused packages from NPM.
  • 12. Separation of Concerns followed.


  • 1. No hardcoded values, use constants values.
  • 2. Avoid multiple if/else blocks.
  • 3. No commented out code.
  • 4. No unnecessary comments: comments that describe the how.
  • 5. Add necessary comments where needed. Necessary comments are comments that describe the why.


  • 1. Use ES6 features.
  • 2. Use fat arrow instead of var that = this. Be consistent in your usage of arrow function.
  • 3. Use spread/rest operator.
  • 4. Use default values.
  • 5. Use const over let (avoid var).
  • 6. Use import and export.
  • 7. Use template literals.
  • 8. Use destructuring assignment for arrays and objects.
  • 9. Use Promises or Async/Await. Rejection is handled.

React code review

  • 1. Are components have defined propTypes?
  • 2. Keep components small.
  • 3. Functional components for components that don't use state.
  • 4. No api calls in containers, delegate to Sagas
  • 5. No state updates in loop.
  • 6. No useless constructor.
  • 7. Minimize logic in the render method.
  • 8. Don’t use mixins, prefer HOC and composition.

Third-Party Libraries

  • 1. Use lodash/ramda functions instead of implementing itself.
  • 2. Is Immutable.js was used correctly?
  • 3. Is any nice/useful library was used which we didn't know before?


  • 1. Code has no any linter errors or warnings.
  • 2. No console.logs.


  • 1. Consistent naming conventions are used (BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS, e.t.c.).
  • 2. CSS selectors are only as specific as they need to be; grouped logically.
  • 3. Is any 'CSS in JS' library was used?
  • 4. Use Hex color codes #000 unless using rgba().
  • 5. Avoid absolute positioning.
  • 6. Use flexbox.
  • 7. Avoid !important.
  • 8. Do not animate width, height, top, left and others. Use transform instead.
  • 9. Use same units for all project.
  • 10. Avoid inline styles.


  • 1. Tests are readable, maintainable, trustworthy.
  • 2. Test names (describe, it) are concise, explicit, descriptive.
  • 3. Avoid logic in your tests.
  • 4. Don't test multiple concerns in the same test.
  • 5. Cover the general case and the edge cases.
  • 6. Test the behavior, not the internal implementation.
  • 7. Use a mock to simulate/stub complex class structure, methods or async functions.


  • 1. Commits are small and divided into logical parts.
  • 2. Commits messages are small and understandable.
  • 3. Use branches for new features.
  • 4. Make sure no dist files, editor/IDE files, etc are checked in. There should be a .gitignore for that.


  • 1. Security.
  • 2. Usability.

Useful links

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