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Created January 8, 2021 12:55
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print("> Welcome to your Christmas gift list") # Print welcome in the console
gifts = {} # Define an empty list to hold the gifts
running = True # Define a variable to control the loop
while running: # Loop while running is set to a True value
action = input("> Which action [list|add|delete|mark|quit]?\n> ") # Print the menu to the user
if action == "list": # If the user says list
if gifts: # If the gifts dict is not empty
for index, (item, marked) in enumerate(gifts.items()): # Iterate over the iterable of the key/value pairs in the gifts dict
if marked: # If the value of marked is True for the item
print(f"{index + 1} - [X] {item}") # Display with an X
else: # Or
print(f"{index + 1} - [ ] {item}") # Display without an X
else: # gifts has nothing in it
print("No gifts in your list yet, add one!") # Output message to the console
elif action == "add": # If the user says add
item = input("> What item do you wanna add to your list?\n> ") # Ask user what item he/she wants to add and store it in item
gifts[item] = False # Create the key / value pair (item is not marked))
elif action == "delete": # If the user says delete
if gifts: # Check that there is something to delete
item_pos = int(input("> What item do you want to delete from your list? (Give the number)\n> ")) - 1 # Retrieve the number of the item the user wants to delete and offset 1 because we offset 1 during display
if len(gifts) - 1 >= abs(item_pos): # Check that the position is a valid one
list_of_keys = list(gifts.keys()) # Make all the keys within the dict into a list
item = list_of_keys[item_pos] # Retrieve the key (the item) the user wants to delete based on its position
print(f"{item} has been deleted from your list!") # Display message confirming item has been deleted
del gifts[item] # Actually deletes the item
else: # The number given by the user is not a valid one
print("Sorry, this is not in your list! Try again!") # Display message
else: # There is nothing to delete in the gifts dict
print("There is nothing to delete in your list!") # Display message
elif action == "mark": # if the user says mark
if gifts: # Check that there is something to mark
item_pos = int(input("> What item do you want to delete from your list? (Give the number)\n> ")) - 1 # Retrieve the number of the item the user wants to delete and offset 1 because we offset 1 during display
if len(gifts) - 1 >= abs(item_pos): # Check that the position is a valid one
list_of_keys = list(gifts.keys()) # Make all the keys within the dict into a list
item = list_of_keys[item_pos] # Retrieve the key (the item) the user wants to delete based on its position
print(f"{item} has been marked in your list!") # Display message confirming item has been marked
gifts[item] = True # Actually mark the item by overriding the value of that item to True
else: # The number given by the user is not a valid one
print("Sorry, this is not in your list! Try again!") # Display message in console
else: # There is nothing to mark in the dict
print("There is nothing to mark in your list!") # Display message in the console
elif action == "quit": # if the user says quit
running = False # Break the loop by overriding the value of running to something False
else: # When the user says an invalid command
print("> Wrong command! Try again!") # Display message in the console
print("> Goodbye") # We can only reach here when the loop is over, display message in the console
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