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Created July 27, 2018 22:17
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[WIP] Generate ReasonReact bindings
// @noflow
const { compile, format } = require("reasonably-typed");
const fs = require("fs");
const COMPONENTS = [
COMPONENTS.forEach(module => {
const inputPath = `./src/components/${module}.js`;
const source = fs.readFileSync(inputPath).toString();
const CLASS_REGEX = /(class \w+ extends Component<\w+(, \w+)?>)/gm;
const TYPE_REGEX = /(type \w+ = (.|\s)+?;)/gm;
const FUNCTION_REGEX = /(function|const) [A-Z]\w+ = \(props: Props\)/gm;
function getTypes(source) {
return (source.match(TYPE_REGEX) || [])
.map(type => type.replace(/<\*>/g, "<any>"))
.map(type => `declare ${type}`)
function getClasses(source) {
return (source.match(CLASS_REGEX) || [])
.map(c => c.replace(/Component/, "React$Component"))
.map(c => `declare export ${c} { }`)
function getFunctions(source) {
return (source.match(FUNCTION_REGEX) || []).join("\n\n");
const input = `
const React = require('react');
declare module 'components' {
const { bsCode } = compile(input, inputPath, true, true);
const clean = bsCode
.replace(/elementRef\('any\)/g, "ref(ReasonReact.reactElement)")
.replace(/react_Node/g, "ReasonReact.reactElement")
.replace(/syntheticEvent\('any\)/g, "ReactEventRe.Synthetic.t")
.replace(/unit_or_promise_any/g, "Js.Promise.t(unit)")
.replace(/Js\.boolean/g, "bool")
.replace(/"style": Js\.Nullable\.t\('any\)/g, `"style": Js.Nullable.t(`)
.replace(/"type": _type/g, `"_type": _type`)
.replace(/Js\.Boolean\.to_js_boolean/g, "")
.replace(/Js\.Nullable\.from_opt/g, "Js.Nullable.fromOption");
const reason = format(clean);
const output = `./src/${module}.re`;
if (fs.existsSync(output)) {
console.error(`Output file: ${output} already exists.`);
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(output, reason, "utf-8");
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