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Last active April 7, 2019 14:26
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Save baratgabor/0b9ba6525d5107e951cfce17193630e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Specialized space partitioning container to solve a specific problem. Just for my own future reference. Sorry, probably not very useful for others due to the dependencies.
/// <summary>
/// Simple specialized container for handling large amounts of linearly moving objects in large spaces.
/// Can be used when an Octree or a BVH is too expensive to maintain, if there is a known area of space where AABB queries are concentrated.
/// Partitions space by creating an accelerated zone around a target object where AABB queries are faster to execute.
/// Objects outside the accelerated zone are throttled by feeding them aggregate delta times to drastically reduce the workload of updating them.
/// - Returns accurate results for queries outside the zone as well, but at a cost of brute force query + overhead.
/// - Throttling is not load-balanced over multiple ticks, i.e. every X tick is more expensive to execute.
/// </summary>
public class AcceleratedSpacePartition
// Default settings
protected static readonly Config _defaultConfig = new Config()
DistantObjectThrottling = 6,
GrowZoneToLargestQuery = true,
ZoneExtentX = 50,
ZoneExtentY = 50,
ZoneExtentZ = 50,
// Instance settings
protected bool _canGrowZone;
protected int _distantObjectThrottling;
protected Vector3 _acceleratedZoneExtentMin;
protected Vector3 _acceleratedZoneExtentMax;
// Containers & queues
protected readonly HashList<WorldObject> _distantObjects = new HashList<WorldObject>(1000);
protected readonly HashList<WorldObject> _acceleratedObjects = new HashList<WorldObject>(200);
protected readonly Queue<WorldObject> _removalQueue = new Queue<WorldObject>(10);
protected readonly Queue<WorldObject> _additionQueue = new Queue<WorldObject>(10);
// State
protected Type _trackedType;
protected WorldObject _trackedObject = null;
protected BoundingBox _acceleratedZoneBox;
protected int _tickCount = 0;
protected TimeSpan _aggregateDeltaTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
protected bool _updateRunning;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the class with T as the type to build the accelerated zone around.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the object that creates an accelerated zone around it. This should be where bounding box queries will take place, e.g. Camera, Player.</typeparam>
public void Initialize<T>(Config config = null)
_trackedType = typeof(T);
config = config ?? _defaultConfig;
_acceleratedZoneExtentMin = _acceleratedZoneExtentMax = new Vector3(config.ZoneExtentX, config.ZoneExtentY, config.ZoneExtentZ);
_distantObjectThrottling = config.DistantObjectThrottling;
_canGrowZone = config.GrowZoneToLargestQuery;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an object.
/// </summary>
public void Add(WorldObject obj)
if (obj == null) return;
// Postpone action if incurred during update
if (_updateRunning)
// Special case if added object is the tracked object
if (_trackedType.IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType()))
// If new object intersects accelerated zone, add to it; otherwise add it to distant objects
if (_trackedObject != null && _acceleratedZoneBox.Intersects(obj.BoundingBox))
/// <summary>
/// Removes an object.
/// </summary>
public void Remove(WorldObject obj)
if (obj == null) return;
// Postpone action if incurred during update
if (_updateRunning)
// Special case when removed object is the tracked object
if (obj == _trackedObject)
// Actual remove
if (_acceleratedObjects.Contains(obj))
/// <summary>
/// Checks if moved objects are still located in the zone they belong to, and if not, transfers them.
/// </summary>
public void OnObjectMoved(WorldObject obj, Vector3 displacement)
// If tracked object/zone isn't set up, we can't do anything.
if (_trackedObject == null)
// Technically here we should check if object is tracked object, and if so, return.
// But there is no real harm, and excluding that single object from processing would incur type checking on lots of other objects.
bool belongsToAcceleratedZone = _acceleratedZoneBox.Intersects(obj.BoundingBox);
bool storedInAcceleratedZone = _acceleratedObjects.Contains(obj);
// Action required case 1: Object needs to be moved from accelerated zone to distant
if (!belongsToAcceleratedZone && storedInAcceleratedZone)
from: _acceleratedObjects,
to: _distantObjects);
// Action required case 2: Object needs to be moved from distant to accelerated zone
if (belongsToAcceleratedZone && !storedInAcceleratedZone)
from: _distantObjects,
to: _acceleratedObjects);
/// <summary>
/// Execute bounding box query.
/// </summary>
public void Query(BoundingBox box, List<WorldObject> hits)
var containment = _acceleratedZoneBox.Contains(box);
switch (containment)
// Fast path for boxes inside accelerated zone = Tests only accelerated objects
case ContainmentType.Contains:
QueryList(_acceleratedObjects, box, hits);
// Slow path for boxes outside accelerated zone = Tests all objects, except accelerated objects
// Interpreted as query that naturally lies outside of zone
case ContainmentType.Disjoint:
EnsureDistantUpdated(); // Push accumulated deltaTime to throttled objects to bring them out of stale state
QueryList(_distantObjects, box, hits);
// Slowest path for boxes partially outside accelerated zone = Tests ALL objects
// Interpreted as query that failed to be contained
case ContainmentType.Intersects:
TryGrowZoneExtent(box); // Try prevent this from happening again
QueryList(_acceleratedObjects, box, hits);
QueryList(_distantObjects, box, hits);
throw new Exception($"Unexpected enum value '{containment}'.");
// Execute query on a specific list
void QueryList(HashList<WorldObject> list, BoundingBox mybox, List<WorldObject> myhits)
var count = list.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var obj = list[i];
if (obj.BoundingBox.Intersects(mybox))
// This will hurt :)
// TODO: Make sure it works as expected
void EnsureDistantUpdated()
// Nothing to push (lucky)
if (_aggregateDeltaTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
_updateRunning = true;
DoUpdateOn(_distantObjects, _aggregateDeltaTime);
_updateRunning = false;
ExecuteQueues(); // Clean up potential additions and removals postponed during update
_aggregateDeltaTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
/// <summary>
/// Execute update on objects.
/// </summary>
public void Update(TimeSpan deltaTime)
{ // Bookkeeping
_updateRunning = true;
_aggregateDeltaTime += deltaTime;
// Update accelerated objects - these are not throttled
DoUpdateOn(_acceleratedObjects, deltaTime);
// Update throttled distant objects
if (_tickCount % _distantObjectThrottling == 0)
DoUpdateOn(_distantObjects, _aggregateDeltaTime);
_aggregateDeltaTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // Consumed
{ // Bookkeeping
_updateRunning = false;
// Execute additions and removals incurred during update
/// <summary>
/// Important to call each tick.
/// Updates the bounding box of the accelerated zone based on the current position of the tracked object.
/// </summary>
protected void CreateAcceleratedZoneBox()
if (_trackedObject == null)
_acceleratedZoneBox = new BoundingBox(_trackedObject.Position - _acceleratedZoneExtentMin, _trackedObject.Position + _acceleratedZoneExtentMax);
/// <summary>
/// Executes updates on the given list.
/// </summary>
protected void DoUpdateOn(HashList<WorldObject> list, TimeSpan delta)
// Backwards iteration supports object removal from collection (i.e. transfer from distant to close)
var count = list.Count;
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
count = list.Count; // New count needed due to potential transitions
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
/// <summary>
/// Execute object addition and removal queues.
/// </summary>
protected void ExecuteQueues()
while (_removalQueue.Count > 0)
while (_additionQueue.Count > 0)
/// <summary>
/// Removes all objects from the collection and resets run stats.
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
if (_updateRunning)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Clearing is not supported while Update is running.");
_aggregateDeltaTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
_tickCount = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to transfer an object from one list to another.
/// </summary>
protected void TransferObject(WorldObject obj, HashList<WorldObject> from, HashList<WorldObject> to)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes accelerated zone settings with the given object.
/// </summary>
protected void InitAcceleratedZone(WorldObject trackedObject)
if (_trackedObject != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Support for adding multiple tracked objects is not implemented.");
if (!_trackedType.IsAssignableFrom(trackedObject.GetType()))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Specified object is not a valid tracked object");
_trackedObject = trackedObject;
// No need to recalculate, because objects will be transferred automatically after they moved.
/// <summary>
/// Flushes accelerated zone and nulls tracked object.
/// </summary>
protected void ResetAcceleratedZone()
_trackedObject = null;
_acceleratedZoneBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero);
/// <summary>
/// If allowed, grows the extent of the accelerated zone to encompass the given BoundingBox.
/// </summary>
protected void TryGrowZoneExtent(BoundingBox box)
if (!_canGrowZone)
// If currently queried box is absurdly larger, skip growing
if (box.Size.Sum / _acceleratedZoneBox.Size.Sum > 100) // TODO: Factor out hard-coded value
var oldCenter = _acceleratedZoneBox.Center;
_acceleratedZoneBox.Include(ref box);
// Derive new extents from inflated box, because box is transient; it's updated every tick based on current position + extents
_acceleratedZoneExtentMin = oldCenter - _acceleratedZoneBox.Min; // TODO: Symmetrical growth can lead to overaly large extents
_acceleratedZoneExtentMin *= 1.05f; // TODO: Factor out hard-coded imprecision margin value
_acceleratedZoneExtentMax = _acceleratedZoneBox.Max - oldCenter;
_acceleratedZoneExtentMax *= 1.05f;
/// <summary>
/// Flushes and rebuilds the accelerated zone. No idea why would you want to call it.
/// </summary>
public void RecalculateAcceleratedZone()
if (_trackedObject == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Recalculation requires a valid tracked object to be set.");
// Flush
// Search for tracked object and init if found
foreach (var obj in _distantObjects)
if (_trackedType.IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType()))
// Re-check all objects and transfer when needed
var count = _distantObjects.Count;
for (int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--)
var obj = _distantObjects[i];
if (_acceleratedZoneBox.Intersects(obj.BoundingBox))
from: _distantObjects,
to: _acceleratedObjects);
public class Config
/// <summary>
/// The X extent of accelerated zone. Smaller zone is faster, but queries outside the extent drastically reduce performance.
/// </summary>
public float ZoneExtentX;
/// <summary>
/// The Y extent of accelerated zone. Smaller zone is faster, but queries outside the extent drastically reduce performance.
/// </summary>
public float ZoneExtentY;
/// <summary>
/// The Z extent of accelerated zone. Smaller zone is faster, but queries outside the extent drastically reduce performance.
/// </summary>
public float ZoneExtentZ;
/// <summary>
/// Throttle distant object updates to every X tick.
/// </summary>
public int DistantObjectThrottling;
/// <summary>
/// Expand accelerated zone extents if zone-exceeding queries are detected.
/// </summary>
public bool GrowZoneToLargestQuery;
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