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Last active August 12, 2020 18:11
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  • Save barbaracassani/b47b4827365646b27d220b2d96abd08e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Simple gallery in React & Typescript, where images are loaded dynamically from an external list
import React, { Dispatch, SyntheticEvent } from "react";
function Button({ text, onClick }: { text: string; onClick: any }) {
return <button onClick={onClick}>{text}</button>;
export default Button;
const images = [
url: "20_02.jpg",
caption: "Pier",
alt: "Pier",
url: "20_05.jpg",
caption: "Solitary tree",
alt: "Tree",
url: "20_07.jpg",
caption: "Sausage dog",
alt: "Sausage dog",
url: "20_17.jpg",
caption: "Daffodils",
alt: "Daffodils",
url: "20_21.jpg",
caption: "Branches and flowers",
alt: "Branches and flowers",
export default images;
export const count = images.length;
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