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Last active August 3, 2016 04:33
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Ecore_Con Eo-ify proposal, version 2
This is a draft Eo model to replace ecore_con_{server,client}.
It will address the same usage, but with a new API that is closer
to what other projects do, this will allow easier transition to
EFL, without loosing any feature.
At the of this file you can see a detailed analysis of Ecore_Con.h and
competitors such as node.js, golang, qt and soletta.
NOTE: SSL and Proxy are left out from the initial discussion, Qt is
the only one to provide API for proxy and they are unused in our
repository. SSL is usually handled via a subclass, not an upgrade from
the existing connection.
NOTE: this Eo is not valid or fully complete, it's used as a starting
import eina_types;
struct Efl.Net.Address {
family: Efl.Net.Family;
address: union { in, in6, bt... };
struct Efl.Net.SocketAddress {
address: Efl.Net.Address;
port: uint16;
// TODO: string->Efl.Net.Address resolver.
/* see
* The idea is to allow an immutable memory to be reference counted and have
* parent.
* Children reference their parent and releases the referece when they
* die, this allows "windowing" or "slicing" of memory to be handled
* easily, such as a subsurface keeping the parent framebuffer alive,
* or a "line" keeping the backing mmap'ed file.
* Free function allows custom release, such as unloading an image or
* munmap of a text file.
* This plays well with bindings, keep the object alive (inc ref) and
* once the blob dies release them (dec ref).
struct Eina.Blob {
mem: void_ptr;
parent: Eina.Blob;
size: size;
refcount: int;
free: Eina_Blob_Free_Cb;
* Using 'Net' instead of 'Network' since all others use a shorter
* prefix. Also allows to have a side-by-side implementation without
* the need to immediately convert the all users and allows changing
* paradigm of the new class -- of course legacy wrappers will be kept
* for old users.
abstract Efl.Net.BaseSocket (Efl.Loop_User) {
[[Abstract class representing a network connection socket]]
events {
received @hot: Eina.Binbuf; [[data is available to read,
if consumed use eina_binbuf_remove().]]
sent: Eina.Blob, error; [[data specified by blob was sent,
if error != 0, contains errno]]
drain: void; [[all pending data was sent.]]
error: int; [[errno]]
methods {
send @virtual_pure {
[[Queue data to be sent to remote]]
params {
@in data: Eina.Blob; [[data to queue for sending]]
return: int; [[0 on success, ENOSPC if no space left]]
/* can provide a helper that sends memory, creating the
blob internally, such as static-const (no free) or
allocated memory (call free)
// TODO: promise<size, Eina_Error>?
flush @virtual_pure {
[[Try to send as much as data without blocking]]
/* NOTE: changes behavior from current flush() that
* really blocks!
return: bool; [[true if all data was sent]]
@property address_local {
[[the local IP or unix-local address. Analogous to getsockname()]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
address: Efl.Net.SocketAddress; // TODO: string?
@property address_remote {
[[the remote IP or unix-local address. Analogous to getpeername()]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
address: Efl.Net.SocketAddress; // TODO: string?
* it seems the usage is to steal the fd to do something
* else or set some flags. If so we could expose some
* primitives such as fcntl_add(type, flags) and
* fcntl_del(type, flags) as well as a destructor that
* will return the stolen fd (destroys the object and
* keeps fd alive).
/* @property internal_fd { ... }*/
@property connected {
[[if the socket is still connected.]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
connected: bool;
@property send_buffer_usage { /* maybe pending_send_bytes? */
[[how many bytes are queued to be sent.
See property send_buffer_size.]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
bytes: size;
@property receive_buffer_size {
[[Amount of bytes to use when receiving data.
0 is unlimited, > 0 is fixed size.]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
bytes: size;
@property send_buffer_size {
[[Amount of bytes to use when sending data.
0 is unlimited,
> 0 is an upper limit of queued bytes before
send() returns ENOSPC]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
bytes: size;
@property timeout { /* this usually doesn't change,
should be constructor-only */
[[timeout to close the connection.]]
values {
timeout: double;
class Efl.Net.Socket (Efl.Net.BaseSocket) {
[[This is a client socket that is created and connected to a
specific server given to the constructor]]
/* TODO: if address changes to string, add: resolved */
/* events { */
/* resolved: Efl.Net.Address; [[the connecting address was resolved]] */
/* } */
methods {
connect {
[[The constructor that connects the socket to a given server]]
params {
@in type: Efl.Net.Socket.Type;
@in address: Efl.Net.SocketAddress; // TODO: string?
@in timeout: double;
@property address_connected {
[[The address used to create and connect this socket. It
is the unresolved address, see the property address_remote
for the actual resolved address]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
address: Efl.Net.SocketAddress; // TODO: string?
constructors {
class Efl.Net.Server (Efl.Loop_User) {
events {
connection @hot: Efl.Net.BaseSocket; [[new connection was accepted]]
error: int; [[errno]]
/* no disconnect, listen on each individual connection */
methods {
constructor {
params {
/* these could be converted into a struct to scale
* gracefully and allow just some members to be set,
* like only timeout without setting client_limit or
* reject_excess_clients.
@in type: Efl.Net.Socket.Type;
@in address: Efl.Net.SocketAddress; // TODO: string?
@in client_limit: int;
@in reject_excess_clients: bool;
@in timeout: double;
@in bind_flags: Efl.Net.Socket.Bind.Flags; /* reuse addr..*/
@in accept_flags: Efl.Net.Socket.Accept.Flags; /* just SOCK_CLOEXEC */
@property address {
[[the local IP or unix-local address used to create and listen.]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
address: Efl.Net.SocketAddress; // TODO: string?
@property client_limit {
[[number of concurrent clients accepted by this server]]
get @virtual_pure {
values {
client_limit: int;
reject_excess_clients: bool;
@property timeout { /* this usually doesn't change,
should be constructor-only */
[[timeout to close the connection.]]
values {
timeout: double;
constructors {
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