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Created May 18, 2020 15:00
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Typescript Definitions for Sanity schemas
import { ReactElement } from 'react'
import { ReactComponentLike } from 'prop-types'
type Meta = {
parent: { [key: string]: any }
path: string[]
document: { [key: string]: any }
type CustomRuleCallback = (field: any, meta: Meta) => true | string | Promise<true | string>
export type RuleType = {
required: () => RuleType
custom: (cb: CustomRuleCallback) => RuleType
min: (min: number) => RuleType
max: (max: number) => RuleType
length: (exactLength: number) => RuleType
greaterThan: (gt: number) => RuleType
uri: (options: { scheme: string[] }) => RuleType
type Validation = (rule: RuleType) => RuleType
type CommonFieldProps = {
name: string
type: string
title?: string
fieldset?: string
validation?: Validation
description?: string
hidden?: boolean
readOnly?: boolean
options?: {
isHighlighted?: boolean // is only available on fields within an image
icon?: ReactComponentLike // is only available for elements of which include a block
export type StringField = CommonFieldProps & {
options?: {
list: { title: string; value: string }[]
layout?: string
type TextField = CommonFieldProps & {
rows: number
export type Span = {
_type: 'span'
text: string
export type BlockField = {
_type: 'block'
styles: {
title: string
value: string
blockEditor?: {
render: ReactComponentLike
icon?: ReactComponentLike
children: (Field | Span)[]
type ArrayOf = ObjectType | ReferenceField | ImageField | { type: string } | BlockField
export type ArrayField = CommonFieldProps & {
name: string
of: ArrayOf[]
type FilterFunctionResult = { filter: string; filterParams?: string }
type FilterFunction = (args: {
document: { [key: string]: any }
parentPath: string[]
parent: {}[]
}) => FilterFunctionResult
type ReferenceField = CommonFieldProps & {
to: { type: string }[]
options: {
filter: string | FilterFunction
filterParams?: { [key: string]: string }
type ImageField = CommonFieldProps & {
options?: {
hotspot?: boolean
export type Field =
| CommonFieldProps
| StringField
| TextField
| ArrayField
| ReferenceField
| ImageField
| ObjectType
| BlockField
type Preview = {
select?: { [key: string]: string }
prepare?: (selection: { [key: string]: any }) => { title?: string; subtitle?: string } // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
component?: (props: PreviewProps) => ReactElement
type Fieldset = {
name: string
title: string
options?: { collapsible: boolean; collapsed?: boolean }
export type ObjectType = {
type: 'object'
title?: string
name: string
fields: Field[]
validation?: Validation
preview?: Preview
fieldsets?: Fieldset[]
description?: string
options?: { collapsible?: boolean; collapsed?: boolean }
export type Document = {
type: 'document'
name: string
fields: Field[]
title?: string
validation?: Validation
preview?: Preview
fieldsets?: Fieldset[]
initialValue?: { [key: string]: any } // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
orderings?: {
name: string
title: string
by: { field: string; direction: string }[]
export type PreviewProps = {
value: {
[key: string]: any
export type Body2TextProps = { children: React.FunctionComponent<any> }
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