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Created July 17, 2011 18:09
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tag tv show episodes from <SHOW NAME>_S<SEASON NUM>_E<EPISODE NUM>_<EPISODE ID>
set seasonNumPattern to "\\d\\d"
set episodeNumPattern to "\\d\\d"
tell application "iTunes"
repeat with I from 1 to count tracks of user playlist "show"
set track_ to track I of user playlist "show"
set name_ to name of track_
set seasonNum to (find text "(?<=S)(" & seasonNumPattern & ")" in name_ with regexp and string result) as integer
set episodeNum to (find text "(?<=E)(" & episodeNumPattern & ")" in name_ with regexp and string result) as integer
set showName to change "[[:space:]]+" into " " in (change "[[:punct:]]" into " " in (find text "^(.*)(?=S" & seasonNumPattern & ")" in name_ with regexp and string result) with regexp) with regexp
set episodeId to change "^[[:space:]]" into "" in (change "[[:space:]]+" into " " in (change "[[:punct:]]" into " " in (find text "(?<=E" & episodeNumPattern & ")(.*)" in name_ with regexp and string result) with regexp) with regexp) with regexp
set video kind of aTrack to TV show
set show of aTrack to showName
set season number of aTrack to seasonNum
set episode number of aTrack to episodeNum
set episode ID of aTrack to episodeId
end repeat
end tell
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