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Last active November 10, 2019 18:25
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MongoDB vs PostgreSQL JSON Aggregation


    date: ISODate("2019-04-20"),
    trx: [
        name: "food",
        value: 500
        name: "transport",
        value: 200
    date: ISODate("2019-04-21"),
    trx: [
        name: "food",
        value: 300
        name: "transport",
        value: 100

    { $unwind: "$trx" },
    { $group: { _id: "$date", total: { $sum: "$trx.value" } } }

PostgreSQL 12

CREATE TABLE spendings
    id          BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    date        DATE NOT NULL,
    doc         JSONB NOT NULL

INSERT INTO spendings (date, doc) VALUES ('2019-04-20',
    "trx": [
        "name": "food",
        "value": 500
        "name": "transport",
        "value": 200

INSERT INTO spendings (date, doc) VALUES ('2019-04-21',
    "trx": [
        "name": "food",
        "value": 300
        "name": "transport",
        "value": 100

SELECT date,
SUM (value::integer) AS sum
FROM spendings, LATERAL jsonb_path_query(doc::jsonb, '$.trx[*].value') AS value
GROUP by date;
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